Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/biography/laashley
May 23 1988
About Me
Hello there! I began writing at a very young age and I've always had quite the imagination. I've decided to take my passion to the next level by finally writing a novel. It's going to be a journey but I'm more than ready for it! Also, I wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for my amazing husband and lovely daughter.
Type of Writer
I write anything that comes into my head. My characters are pretty bossy, they tell me what to do. ;)
Writing Style
First Person.
Writing, reading, fitness, healthy living, outdoors, a variety of music, and I'm slightly obsessed with television shows.
Favorite Genres
Romance,Action/Adventure,Biographies,or anything that can grasp my attention.
Favorite Books
The Black Dagger Brotherhood, Game of Thrones, and Historical Romances. I've also read and enjoyed Lea Michele's Brunette Ambition.
Favorite Authors
J.R Ward, George R.R. Martin, Linda Lael Miller, Bobbi Smith, and other numerous authors!
Favorite Poets
Edgar Allan Poe and Emily Dickinson
Favorite Music
Variety :)
Favorite Movies
Oh, my! Way too many! Mostly older movies that I grew up with. Hollywood isn't too creative these days when it comes to a good movie.
Favorite Shows
I'm a total TV junkie, enough said. I actually enjoy television shows way more than movies these days.
Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/biography/laashley