Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/biography/lslall0
September 2 1952
Bayonne, NJ, USA
About Me
I have been wife and mother from the age of twenty. Being the stay at home wife now with time to myself is freeing. I have time to read and write what I want for the first time. I've turned my interests in directions I never thought I'd try. I thought myself shy, now I talk to almost everyone about anything, it could be a story in the making. Writing has changed my life. I never leave home without my pad ready for the next gem. I'm not in print yet but the practice is so much fun I don't mind.
Type of Writer
Give me 2 sentences, a place and I'm off. It's a movie and my hands type the words. Sometimes it's a simple dream set free.
Writing Style
I seem to write three times. First the gist of the story. I see the story, get it out. Fill it in, follow with proof read.
History, people, people and people. I love to read, you give me a book I will read it. I want to learn something, I want to feel something. I don't like to read and feel I've just day dreamed for half the day. Murder works right now.
Favorite Genres
1500 maybe to early 1900 because you could disappear into the darkness, unlike now. No can be gone for long we have computers
Favorite Books
I hate this question, which of my boys do I love more? I love so many books I refuse to borrow I must own. I have two rooms with selves. To choose one: I will be changing this weekly. There is an idea. check to see if I do.
Favorite Movies
No I'd have to go with my husband and he hate to sit that long.
Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/biography/lslall0