Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/biography/nikkicorona
May 20 1991
East bay area CA born and raised
About Me
Well I'm shy but after a while I'm not. I'm 5'9. Mexican from my dad and white from my mom. Only child. Divorced parents. I love music and I love driving. I classify myself as a tomboy I guess. I like watching UCF and I love fast cool cars haha
Type of Writer
Emotional. Angry. Sad. Dark :P
Writing Style
Whatever I'm feeling I write it out
Music. Cars. Fun. Freedom :P
Favorite Genres
Like mine
Favorite Books
I tried to read dante's inferno but had no patience to try to understand what was going on haha but I thought the writing was beautiful
Favorite Poets
Poe. I listen to lyrics the most though
Favorite Music
All kinds but country. I like alternative rock like Nirvana or buzz babds like Trapt and stuff like Michael Jackson and Marilyn Manson and P!nk and TLC
Favorite Movies
The lion king hahaha I like some scary movies eventhough blood and gore freak me out haha I like stupid kinda stoner like movies eventhough I never gotten high hahaha and I like batman movies
    Rated: 18+ · Dark · #1752114
    I was angry when I write this It's not organized it's just something I scribbled down haha
Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/biography/nikkicorona