Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/biography/sadpanda
January 28 1994
The USA. More specifically, NY.
About Me
I am a high school student at boarding school and I've taken this year to study abroad in Japan. I'm using this chance to study literature from two societies, and hoping to improve my writing skills. I come from a small family, if you don't count my relatives(one parent has 8 siblings) and my mother is a reading teacher, so I grew up loving books.
Type of Writer
I enjoy writing anything that suits my fancy at an instant. I've begun to study poetry also, though I don't usually write it.
Writing Style
I've been told I have a meaty prose, and that it's a good thing. What that means, exactly, I don't know.
Playing piano, writing, reading, movies, and lounging on the couch on sunny days with the remote, tv, and snacks.
Favorite Genres
I try anything. It's what happens after I open the story that matters.
Favorite Books
Too many. But I think this one should at least get notice: Terry Goodkind-Sword of Truth Series.
Favorite Quote
I started out with nothing, and I still have a little bit of it left.
Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/biography/sadpanda