Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/biography/slytherinsnivy
May 4 1992
Uniontown, PA
About Me
I'm in high school, I don't get out very often, and my best friend lives on the west coast of the United States, while I live on the east coast. My personality type is INFJ.
Type of Writer
I've been writing for the heck of it since I was very small- I have fun with it and write what I imagine myself reading.
Writing Style
I aim to write as though I am telling the story to the reader in person, using casual humor in the narrative.
Video games! Spyro, Portal 2, Heavy Rain, Okami, and Pokemon are among my favorites. I try to draw as a way of strengthening my coordination with my hands. I've gotten okay at drawing, too. I've been proud to say I was sorted into Slytherin.
Favorite Genres
Sci-Fi, humor, fantasy.
Favorite Authors
Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett, Neil Gaiman, J.K. Rowling, and Eoin Colfer.
Favorite Poets
Edgar Allan Poe (naturally)
Favorite Quote
"Sodium sodium sodium, Batman!"
Favorite Music
I take turns with many genres. Industrial, showtunes, goth-rock, J-pop, pop, pop-rock, soundtracks, electro, and anything else that catches my ears.
Favorite Movies
I'm going to say: Disney movies, Mel Brooks movies, Tim Burton movies, Studio Ghibli movies, and then specifically plug Repo! the Genetic Opera, because that movie is killer.
Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/biography/slytherinsnivy