Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/biography/tatertott98
About Me
I love to read and write. And Listening to music is one of my fave hobbies along with photography, rock climbing, soccer and volleyball. I love haning out with my friends and family and I love animals. I am very friendly and easy to get to know and I'm always open to making new friends!
Type of Writer
I am a mysterious writer. There are many meanings behind my stories. I put a lot of thought into my writing.
Writing Style
I like to write things that no one would think of. I like to be unique and put my own spin on my writing.
I like soccer, volleyball, acting, reading, writing(obviously), Scrapbooking, music, shopping and hanging out with my friends. :)
Favorite Genres
Mystery, horror, romance, and drama.
Favorite Books
What happened to Cass Mcbride?, Before I fall, Flash Burnout, Found, The Twilight Series, Just Listen, Dreamland, and Lock and Key.
Favorite Authors
Margaret Peterson Haddix, Sarah Dessen, Stephenie Meyer, Lauren Oliver, and Nicholas Sparks.
Favorite Poets
Shakespere, Robert Frost, Shel Silvertein, Jack Prelutsky.
Favorite Quote
Cry me a river, build me a bridge and get over it!!!!!!
Favorite Music
Hip Hop, Pop, Rock and a little bit of country.
Favorite Movies
The Last Song, The Notebook and many more I can't think of. :)
Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/biography/tatertott98