Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/biography/thecatto
March 22 1989
About Me
About me? Well, there's really not much to tell to be honest. I enjoy writing (obviously), music, playing guitar... I'm an amateur at writing, and I figured I would create an account and see what the community thinks of my writings, musings and what not.
Type of Writer
Short Stories are more my forte than actual novels. (You could probably call it lazy, I wouldn't object)
Writing Style
As I said, I am an Amateur, and not really understanding of Styles. I write what I feel, and how it comes from pen to paper.
Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Mystery... I enjoy musing on Psychological issues, and delving into inner parts of the mind. I try, in any case. Not being a Psychologist, or Psychiatrist, my visions are most likely flawed. But I strive to learn.
Favorite Books
Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, A Song of Fire And Ice. Any Biographies on Music and certain bands across the years.
Favorite Poets
Edgar Allen Poe has always been an interest for me. I have read some of his work and strive to not match, but come close to that quality.
Favorite Quote
If I had to choose an exact quotem it would probably be something from Nietzsche. Something like: "For art to exist, for any sort of aesthetic activity or perception to exist, a certain physiological precondition is indispensible: intoxication."
Favorite Music
Bon Jovi, Metallica, The Living End, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Cradle of Filth, Black Sabbath.... Pretty much anything with guitar, Melody, and decent lyrics.
Favorite Movies
Star Wars, Anything done by Guy Richie and Tim Burton. The Strangers, Paranormal Activity (yes, I don't mind those movies, ha!)
Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/biography/thecatto