Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/biography/zwvankleeck
February 8 1986
Indiana, USA
About Me
I'm a 25 year old father of two daughters (1 mo, and 2yrs while writing this). I work at a juvenile facility with delinquent youth, specifically sexually maladaptive youth who need lesson in independent living skills, and behavior modification. It's a fun job, and it has taught me a lot about the human condition. Which is helpful in both developing my own world-view, and developing characters for stories.
Type of Writer
Strange question. I suppose I am a story teller, and not a writer of "literature". I don't much like writing non-fiction.
Writing Style
Draft>Trash Draft>Trash Draft>Trash Draft>Trash Draft>Draft>Read>Reread>Trash Draft>Trash Draft> Find Gold.
Family, helping out at soup kitchens and homeless shelters, earning my wage, inspiring others, learning everything I can learn, Being open minded, yet still objective.
Favorite Books
Dune series (up until after God Emporer) The King Killer Chronicles Calvin and Hobbs Moby Dick Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit Journey to the Center of the Earth Anything by Jules Verne. He was a visionary A good and Happy Child
Favorite Authors
I'm not selective, if it's good it doesn't matter to me. It's easier to have favorite books than authors...
Favorite Poets
... NO! STOP IT!
Favorite Quote
"He can't say good morning without lying twice."
    Rated: E · Sci-fi · #1841935
    A short sci-fi story.Critic the content, not grammar. It's unedited still.
Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/biography/zwvankleeck