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This blog contains only items derived from specific prompts. I'm too stubborn to take the time to post the prompt that the entry is based on. So if you don't understand whats going on - well, I dunno - I guess that just means you don't understand.

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#2040797 by Geoff
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December 10, 2014 at 11:48am
December 10, 2014 at 11:48am
Winter nights are dark. Not in a dark dreadful way. Not in a dark dreary way. Not in a darkly, dreadful doom-filled way. And certainly not in a spookily darkly way! I love the dark. I can sleep or I can wakefully watch the night. Peer out the cabin window and watch, or think, or dream, or shiver. Nothing I have to do. Nothing I have to think. Just what comes. Most of what I ever wrote I wrote in the dark, without light, in my head. I miss the dark. I'm going back to Alaska next month. Return to the darkly, frigid, beautiful, thoughtful darkness, where the snow covers the ice that forms from the quickly cooling rivulets, seeping from the cloudy hot springs. Moose drinking, ptarmigan warming. Sometimes the aurora is bright enough to see the ermine and the voles scurry by. I now I wasn't dreaming them because I can see their little toe writing in the short lived dim twilight. Yeah - the light is over-rated. I always wondered why light is associated with goodness and godliness, and darkness with evilish, devilish gloom. Or sometimes even love and hate. I love the dark.

Poor second royal baby. He may be jealous of his brother. If I was the child of the heir, I certainly would not want to be the first born. I would hate to have to keep looking over my shoulder to make sure my baby sibling wasn't plotting to kill me! Maybe I'm just paranoid!
December 3, 2014 at 12:39pm
December 3, 2014 at 12:39pm
i can't help but be be literal and i know how annoying that can be, i'm sorry but i've gotten in trouble too often by answering questions that weren't really asked so i risk being annoying rather than risk being stoned and i've gotten in trouble before when people thought i was stoned too when i really wasn't - when i wake up at night and ask the question, is life....., i hear myself asking a question, i hear myself asking, is life meaningful, or anything else for that matter, no really that's what i used to ask, before i realized that, no it isn't meaningful, not purposeful, not anything but what it is, for 60 years i tried to answer the question, is life something other than what it really is, never happy because i spent all my time trying to figure out what life is, kept listening to other people when they tried to tell me what life is, kept getting different answers from different people and often different answers from the same person, hell yeah, the purpose of life, i finally decided that no body knew what they were talking about and that i'd have to decide what the purpose of life is, and i still wasn't happy, i went through all the purposes i could think of and there were all kinds of internal contradictions and i couldn't find any that made any sense till i stopped looking for a purpose and just answered the question, is life......., of course it is, it'd be pretty stupid to say it isn't, it is and always has been exactly what it is, just look around, there doesn't need to be any purpose or reason, cuz a purpose or a reason isn't gonna change the fact that life is always gonna be exactly what it is, and the only way you are going to know what it is is by looking at it, asking questions isn't going to get you anywhere - It was the worst of times when I tried to answer all the questions. It has been the best of times since I started just accepting the answers that have always been right in front of me.
December 2, 2014 at 1:34pm
December 2, 2014 at 1:34pm
How many iconic Christmas themed movies have I seen? I would have to say all of them, but I would have no idea how many. *Confused* But I'm not sure what iconic means. And I haven't seen any movies in the last few years, but then I probably wouldn't consider new movies iconic, so I guess, yeah I musta seen them all. I'll have to count them sometime. *Bigsmile* *Snow5*

I would be terrified to create a chronically unhappy character. I have a tendency to become whatever I read or write. Shhhh. I don't wanna talk about it.
December 1, 2014 at 3:40pm
December 1, 2014 at 3:40pm
I was thinking about today's prompts, but nothing about the prompts would come into my head. Just this:

When they came, in their chariots of fire, we thought it would be a rebirth. A renaissance of the soul. They were magnificent. They brought peace and control. It didn't work. We didn't want to be controlled, and I think our hearts were so filled with hatred that peace couldn't find a foothold. Can something that is stillborn have a renaissance? Life will go on as before. As it always has.

I can't see where this has anything to do with the prompts.

November 30, 2014 at 11:00am
November 30, 2014 at 11:00am

I'm sure you have all read book reviews, then read the book and disagreed with the reviewers. I read lotsa books and disagree with lotsa reviewers. When I was young I worried about what people thought of me, I actually took other people seriously, and that created a lot of anxiety. I'm warning the younger, more impressionable people on this site to not be discouraged or upset by unfavorable reviews. I've gotten some strange ones, which at one time would have upset me but these days just make me laugh. I like what one older person, who has been on this site for a few years told me. She said she was so happy she found this site, because she had been writing for years and never knew till she joined here that she'd been doing it wrong. I've had some reviewers who wouldn't have known that she was being facetious. I think it's fine for reviewers to say what they like or dislike. What I find humorous, and some times annoying, is when some reviewers try to tell me what I'm doing wrong. I recently had one who told me my paragraphs were too long - they should be shorter. Hunh? I've been told that sentences had to have a subject and a verb, that I can't use run on sentences, that I can't make up new words, on and on. One funny one was, a random review from a very new member, who started the review by saying they had a Masters Degree in Education, (their credentials I guess), The story they reviewed was kinda surrealistic and involved visions of a forest morphing out of a restaurant - The reviewer said something like - I couldn't tell if I was in a restaurant or a forest - and suggested that I should make things more clear. Hunh? I replied - I thanked them for the review and explained that when I wrote the story I didn't know if I was in a forest or a restaurant either, and said I hoped maybe the readers would be able to help me out. The reviewer wrote back and told me not to worry - when I had more experience I might be able to do a better job. Hunh? I finally wrote back and told them that my first reply was facetious - They never replied to that, but I'm assuming that a Master of Education knows what facetious means. I guess it just comes back to the fact that I hate rules. I don't think creative writing has rules, or shouldn't have rules - I resent it when someone tells me I SHOULD do something a certain way, or that I'm doing it WRONG. I appreciate it when they tell what they like or dislike - they can even say they would like it better if done in a different manner, but don't tell me I'm required to do something else because there is some authority somewhere who says it's SUPPOSED to be done in a specific way. I've been tempted to plagiarize something by, say, Samuel Beckett or James Joyce, and see how many reviewers tell me I'm not doing it right. (*Laugh* Not that I'm comparing myself to Beckett or Joyce, not even I'm that egotistical *Facepalm* ), Anyway, I'm just saying. Don't let anyone stifle your creativity by listening to people who are trying to tell how you're SUPPOSED to do things!
November 29, 2014 at 12:35pm
November 29, 2014 at 12:35pm
i like to read i read a lot all the time books on top of books, and inside of books i spend a lot of time inside of books and sometimes when i'm in a good one I plan to stay there for ever, I don't see how i can talk about favorite anythings when it comes to books especially lines, All the lines in books go to make up different parts of the amazing reality i live in in my books and just like i can't talk about my favorite children i can't pick my favorite lines in books, The three lines that make up all the letter Es are just as amazing as the 3 lines that make up the letters A, I did read something Buddha said recently, maybe Gautama if that's the way you spell it, he said - We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves - and i think he is right on I mean really correct and true but then I believe everything is true unless proven otherwise and nobody can prove anything to me, so I would say more like the more we think about what we want to become and then become that if we decide that's the best thing to become and I'm not sure what he means by a pure mind pure what? and I've known some shadows that weren't so joyful and some that were down right ugly and terrifying and super unjoyful, but I do like the way he thinks and everything he ever said is true if you look at in the right way.
November 28, 2014 at 3:51pm
November 28, 2014 at 3:51pm
He was the last to leave the party. My party. He walked out the door and there were two shots. Bang! Bang! Just random shots. Both into his chest. He was my friend. I walked into the OR and he was on the table. We opened his chest. His heart was broken. Blood. A lot of blood with a broken heart. I held his heart in my hands. Beat. Flutter. Stop. More blood. A heart broken beyond repair. I thought about the difference between sympathy and empathy. I saw his loved ones and felt their sorrow. My heart was breaking too. Some of those hearts were broken beyond repair. Some were crying. Some were angry. Can a heart be angry? Mine is. Mine can be repaired, but every time it breaks, it changes a little.
November 27, 2014 at 5:28pm
November 27, 2014 at 5:28pm
Hmmm. Hello? I don't hear anyone - I don't see anyone - there are no prompts! Now what do I do?! Emoticons - *Confused* *Angry* *Goggles* *Monster2* *Male* *Egg8* *Duck* *Smirk* *Kiss* I can't find a turkey.

November 26, 2014 at 10:20am
November 26, 2014 at 10:20am
My favorite cake is cheese-cake, but I don't really consider that cake, so I'll say carrot cake, but it has to have a lot of cream cheese frosting so maybe that's still cheese-cake, so what do you mean by cake?, I can't really say I don't like cake, or maybe I don't like what other people call cake, is Boston Cream Pie really pie, because I always thought it was really cake, so maybe that's my favorite cake but it's called a pie - I sure do like pie! - Oh, and PUDDING! *Bigsmile* *Confused*

Recently, while re-reading Bertrand Russell's, "A History of Western Philosophy", I found myself, initially at least, agreeing pretty much with everything those old thinkers had to say. After all, everyone is entitled to their opinion and everyone's opinion is as 'real' as mine. Then I started thinking more about their mental gymnastics and resulting conclusions, and realized that many, if not most, tended to contradict each other. The philosophers contradicted each other, and the conclusions of individual philosophers contradicted each other. I looked at these conclusions and realized that if I set them side by side, and then interrelated them, in various ways, with my current speculations on reality, I could make them internally consistent and agreeable to each other. I started putting a paper-clip on the page of each philosopher who needed my help, with the intention of going back later and putting my thoughts to paper and pencil. I gave up when the binding of the book broke, (I love alliteration).

Seriously though, if I lived 100 years ago I would probably still have the same job I had then. ?*Confused* ? ?*Facepalm* ?
November 25, 2014 at 12:31pm
November 25, 2014 at 12:31pm
What does authenticity mean to me? I guess it must mean real, but real doesn't mean much to me. I think everything is real or I wouldn't be able to think about it. But I am fascinated by words. The meaning, the usage, the definitions, the etiology, the evolution, the trouble that I can get into if I don't use them the the way other people do, or the trouble I can get into when I use them in a way that others can't understand. I looked up authentic - It means: of undisputed origin; genuine, (where I looked it up anyway). Then I got to thinking. I thought, "I wonder what similarities there are between all the words that begin with auth-. There is only authentic, author, authority and variations thereof. I can see them as variations of each other too. Today's prompt asks, ".....How can a person be authentic as a writer or in any other role." Very simple...To be authentic as a writer you label yourself an author...To be authentic in any other role you label yourself an authority. *Bigsmile*

I don't believe in censorship. Especially when it comes to me. HOW DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THE VOICES IN MY HEAD!?!? *Laugh*

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