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Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #1211684
My blog--I pull a card--if it doesn't speak to me...perhaps it is for you?
I pull a card...if it doesn't speak to me...perhaps it was meant for you? *Heart*

floating flowers signature

How to Read the Tarot

Begin by brewing a cup of tea,
a nervine, lemon balm or chamomile,
this is after all, your future.
A reading at the dark of the moon is best,
before the night creatures crawl
and bad humours fill the air.
Pick a circular deck, with a fairy-tale motif,
and no reversals.
Hold a question in your heart,
shuffle the cards and place them on the table.
Choose only two.
Like the ancient Israelites,
these are your seer stones, Urim and Thumimm,
black and white, yes or no.
Isn't that all you were asking?

the golden mean

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March 3, 2020 at 2:50pm
March 3, 2020 at 2:50pm
Super Tuesday

Mother Mary came to me:
patience, prayer,promises.
Ask no more questions today,
bake bread, plant a seed.

I savor this just baked bread,
butter and honey
far better storytellers
than wee,sly,smart folks.

I set the seeds in peat pots
placed in the windowsill's heat.
Now chains of fragile tendrils
emerge, courageous.

Pholarchos Tarot---Dreamer of Coral---Hear the world making requests in the cup of your being.

Japanese form: The Kouta
February 24, 2020 at 1:23pm
February 24, 2020 at 1:23pm

Two cups of Ethiopian coffee
Rosa Mystica plays
heartbeats synchronize,
Love's pinnacle.

The Cook's Tarot--Two of Cups--Two to tangle, two to tango, learn to dance

24 syllables
Prompt word: pinnacle
February 19, 2020 at 11:57am
February 19, 2020 at 11:57am

Waking up to the dark,
waking up to the cold
resile light, reject sun
open to deep wisdom.

24 syllables

The Cook's Tarot--19--The Sun--Author's Note: I pulled the 19th card of the Tarot for this 19th day of February. The Sun card is blessing and beneficence.. I decided to go with an alternate vision, embracing the dark.

prompt word:resile
February 18, 2020 at 9:52am
February 18, 2020 at 9:52am

This moment
of shudderation and loss,
I listen
for a god's insolent word:
Everything ends..

Pholarchos Tarot--16--Tower--Trial by fire, water, earth, air---all the above?

24 syllables
prompt: insolent
February 17, 2020 at 2:26pm
February 17, 2020 at 2:26pm
Birthday Cake

It's hard to believe how much blood can spew from a vein cut by a paring knife. My smart watch tells me it's only been 15 minutes, still there must be half a glass full pooling on the tablecloth. The room is unspeakably quiet and still. Eight chairs encircling the table, all empty. Eight candles, one for each decade, unlit in a birthday cake decorated with roses and sunflowers, my favorites. There are open engraved name cards at each place setting. But none of the children have come. My friends are all dead. I am old, and lonely. I have the birthday cake all to my self.

The Cook's Tarot: Eight of Wands--Empty chairs, and empty tables.

Prompt words: glass, open, watch
February 10, 2020 at 11:18am
February 10, 2020 at 11:18am

Fulll snow moon
a zephyr murmurs, tickles
inner lairs
where wild prayers
rekindle my faith
and fire.

24 syllables
Prompt: Zephyr

The HerbCrafter's Tarot---5 of Earth--Slippery Elm--Even in hard times we have access to resources if we do not lose faith.
February 4, 2020 at 9:41am
February 4, 2020 at 9:41am

Two women shimmer
in the ring
chisel form
across minds.
Tongue and pole
twerk and grind,
this enchantment.

Pholarchos Tarot--Queen of Sparks--Intent is as important as action.
January 27, 2020 at 11:39am
January 27, 2020 at 11:39am
Saint Muirgein

I am forgetful.
The storm in the waves far below,
I rise for sun, for air
a sainted mermaid.

Today is the feast day of Saint Murgan, an Irish mermaid. She is a saint of transformation.

Pholarchos Tarot--6 of Wings--A still point for revelation.

January 22, 2020 at 7:11pm
January 22, 2020 at 7:11pm
Water Birds

I pray the Rosary of the Seven Rays. There are seven decades of beads, seven joyful mysteries, seven colors for the seven chakras. At each

Ave today I offer prayer for a water bird. I pray for the night crowned herons, the osprey, anhinga, the odd Muscovy ducks, for swans,

flamingos, sandpipers and gulls.

Watching the egret
till it falls from my sight line
A psalm in motion.

Pholarchos Tarot--6 of Coral--a gift of water.

Author's Note: A haibun, combination of prose and a haiku.
January 13, 2020 at 11:02am
January 13, 2020 at 11:02am

I can surmount terror
and trial by earth
but not
a Soleimani
fingering prayer beads.

24 syllables


Pholarchos Tarot--Ten of Spirals--Where are the lavish gardens for children to play in?

Because this is such a hot-button political issue I expect some negative feedback. Carry on. I saw a picture of Soleimani with prayer beads--it inspired this thought.


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