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Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #1211684
My blog--I pull a card--if it doesn't speak to me...perhaps it is for you?
I pull a card...if it doesn't speak to me...perhaps it was meant for you? *Heart*

floating flowers signature

How to Read the Tarot

Begin by brewing a cup of tea,
a nervine, lemon balm or chamomile,
this is after all, your future.
A reading at the dark of the moon is best,
before the night creatures crawl
and bad humours fill the air.
Pick a circular deck, with a fairy-tale motif,
and no reversals.
Hold a question in your heart,
shuffle the cards and place them on the table.
Choose only two.
Like the ancient Israelites,
these are your seer stones, Urim and Thumimm,
black and white, yes or no.
Isn't that all you were asking?

the golden mean

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July 23, 2024 at 7:51am
July 23, 2024 at 7:51am

began as an egg
carried in a dark warm womb
all our grandmothers singing stories
to all the eggs we carry within from birth
trembling prophets, whispered prayers
along life's zigzag road
moon mind dreams
all connected
by ancient

Author's note: Concrete poem----supposed to be egg shaped. Couldn't figure how to do that.

Sabian Oracle---Capricorn 14--Eiterr we make history or become a victim of it.
July 16, 2024 at 1:37pm
July 16, 2024 at 1:37pm

I fashioned a garland
of dandelions
placed it on my altar
to the Queen of Heaven.
She prefers weeds to pearls
but sees perfection in both.
In time the flowers will vanish
scattering my prayers with their seeds.
I have named
the turtles in our pond
and the tiny fish they feed on.
Perhaps, it is all prayer.

12 lines

Prompt: picture of a dandelion gone to seed

Dark Goddess Tarot--2 of Water--Lorelei, goddess of unending desire--The deeper you go the harder your heart beats.
July 8, 2024 at 7:08pm
July 8, 2024 at 7:08pm

Emma Goldman said
she wouldn't join a revolution
if she couldn't dance.
I am done with revolutions
and the heavy lifting.
I want to dance with mountains
gambol with rivers
frolic with trees.
Not an Elaine of Seinfeld dance
but one into the void.
A curling of spine
a vast gasp of breath.
Anyway, there is nothing to do now.
so, let's begin.

14 lines
Prompt: Dance

Dark Goddess Tarot--X--Fortuna--Wheel of Fortune--the high fall, the low ascend
July 3, 2024 at 11:26am
July 3, 2024 at 11:26am
July 4, 2024

I refuse to say
amerikka is beautiful, or magical.
The plains and purple mountains weep.
The cradle of democracy
rocks no more
splintered by amoral judges
and felonious politicians.
This once glorious and holy land
besmirched by greed.

Happy 4th of July
burns to ash
on my tongue.
there is no magic
to be found here.

14 lines
Prompt: magical

Sabian OrACLE--10 OF pISCES--GET your head out of the clouds
June 23, 2024 at 8:09am
June 23, 2024 at 8:09am
Gypsy Soul

I like to think I live at the edges
but mostly, I live in my head.
If I lived at the edge I'd be a gypsy
chanting in the ancient wild mother tongue.

4 lines
form: pantun

Dark Goddess Tarot--Witch of Water--Haya-Akitsu-Hime--Every stream ends in the sea--there to rise again.
June 19, 2024 at 12:18pm
June 19, 2024 at 12:18pm
Forever Young

I want to wear my heart
on my Self
not just on my sleeve.
I did when I was young
imbued with hope
and lit by a holy spark.
Found feathers were magic wands
to clear away the shadows.
Storm clouds were just
languid shapes in water.
I open to that now,
a cross I will gladly bear.

12 lines
Prompt: picture of a young girl carrying a bedraggled feather

Pholarchos Tarot--10 of Wings--Can the mind be wide enough to invite all things?

June 12, 2024 at 8:27am
June 12, 2024 at 8:27am

Mist is a puny word.
No weight or gravitas
like fog or deluge.
no sparkle or whimsy
like dew or spindrift.
No muscle and action
like spritz or soak.
The Mists of Avalon
Misty of Chincoteague
misty watercolor memories
I'd rather sob and shudder
with holy tears
than be misty-eyed.
Perhaps it should be relegated
to the mists of time.

15 lines
Prompt: mist--Gaian Tarot--4 of Water--I allow the sacred waters to pour peace and contentment into me.
June 5, 2024 at 8:46am
June 5, 2024 at 8:46am

I look at my reflection
in the mirror.
I see the long fade.
No longer a foodie,
nothing tastes the same.
No longer a lover,
sex doesn't delight.
No longer a hiker,
chronic back pain.
But still,
mother, wife, grandma, nurse,
poet, mystic, seeker.
Maybe, a long, slow fade.

13 lines
Prompt: reflection

Dark Goddess Tarot--Baba Yaga--Keep going, knowing the journey does not end.
May 29, 2024 at 8:10am
May 29, 2024 at 8:10am

I though I wanted ecstasy
but that was not to be.
I wanted joy
a toy
of mind.
Let me be kind
Small pleasures day and night,
and now I settle for delight.

8 lines
Form: Pendulum poem

Pholarchos Tarot---3 of Sparks--Trust sweet blessings and the urge to amplify.
May 22, 2024 at 2:25pm
May 22, 2024 at 2:25pm

Toss the robes and incense
forget the aves and amens,
give me a feral church
an ecclesia of black madonna mad womyn.
Our vestments are seaweed
our liturgy whale song
our commandments guided drift.
We will pilgrimage
to Saintes-Maries-de-LaMer
and place St. SaraKali on our dashboards.
We will honor all water divinities
in exultations of song and dance.
Water is life.
Water is life.

14 lines

Prompt: a woman lying face up by the seashore.

Gaian Tarot--Guardian of Water--trust your dreams and intuition

Author's Note--the Feast of SaraKali is May 24.

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