Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/ashadowyguy
Please follow a 13+ rating.*
Sometimes when seeing works of art involving certain themes (specially when a fetish could be involved somewhere) and somewhat famous figures (whether fictional or not, from the past or the present), I may end up thinking:

         Could this scene really happen in its universe, or am I seeing a case of Author Appeal  , Fanservice   or something similar?

To me, fixations aside, a piece of work seems more appealing if it's possible to come up with some logic for whatever situation it presents to be considered believable at least. Is that odd?
Note to self: need to check other people's works to see if anything grabs my interest. Also might be worth looking at works from people who interact with me. Who knows? *Smile*
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/ashadowyguy