Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/beamoflight33
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How’s everyone’s hump day?
I'm winding down my trip to Korea. It's already Thursday morning here. *Frown* I'll be sad to go, but am happy to be here! *Bigsmile* How about you, lightbeam333?
My day has been rather crazy! I work in the mobile industry and man I had such a shit customer experience today that made me wanna blow my head off 😂
Eek! *Yikes* Well, that sounds terrible! I'm glad you didn't! No customer is worth that! *Pthb*

I do hope you have a plan for resting and recharging tonight. For me, binge watching sitcoms often helps, but each person has their own thing--writing helps. lol Some folks like to go to the gym or just to call a friend. Do what you need to do to take care of yourself.

Tomorrow is a new (and hopefully better) day. *Care*
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/beamoflight33