Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/chazzo
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
(I'm still working my way around this website, so please bear with me)

You in a dark mysterious alley that you always took when you go home to work. It's a short-cut, dark and trashy, but still a short cut- work to home. You spot a note on the ground, since the only light source- the streetlight spotted it, besides you. You bend down to pick up the paper, but you have a feeling that you're not alone. The source of paranoid thoughts overfilled you, that you stand back up and flip the paper over. The paper was written in black deep ink saying, "Don't turn around." With a disturbing creepy smiling face, drawn on the bottom of the paper. You felt someone or something is breathing down your neck. Now you know, the wind doesn't howl nor move any living source like moving trees, so what's breathing on your neck and what you going to do? Are you going to stand there cold, run for your life, because you don't have no way to protect yourself, or thinks that it's just a silly old paranoia, but please bear me. Sometimes trusting your instincts wasn't a good thing.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/chazzo