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Balloons 1

*Party* Happy Writing.Com account anniversary. *Party*
Forest Gump said "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get."
I say life is like a pack of cigarettes, you never know if thats the last one you'll ever get to smoke.

My friends have had burnt finger tips and singed nose hairs since we first found out how to strike a match.

smoking obliterates existence by the simple inhale of virulent toxins
the constant battle of keeping our heads above water
all in one breath, same lungs desperately gasp for air
at this point who cares if its fresh

Light me up another one because it turns out I can't swim

'A casket buried six feet deep for every bodies heros
heres to our lives being meaningless
and how beautiful it is that nothing really matters'

Cheers my dear friend, to the nights we never want to end
and cheers to the fact that sunrise brings daylight again
now I cheers to a lonely heart, only music can mend

for you my love i pour all of my drink
trying to hold back the tears while anticipating to sink
give bloodshed instead because so many of them died
now i have to pour a keg

if only it were possible to capture your favorite persons laugh in a jar,
paint it the color of memories becoming difficult to recall
seal the lid and pretend their sound hasn't deceased too far

life is like a pack of cigarettes, never know if thats the last one you'll ever get to smoke.
Recently I started taking medication because i am a squirrel that lost my nuts before I could eat them. Listening to waves crash on the shore brings tranquility before a hurricane. I have so much love, I promise that.
Lyle has always said I’m playing from left field when I deserve to be hitting home runs like the rest of them. Constantly running to catch a fly ball. Only winning because you’re on my team Shmol. Love is all that needs to be and as clechè as it sounds who can argue?
My brother Lyle is my real life super hero. Everyone has their s*** but his poop smells like freshly baked cookies. That’s my dood. He takes everything with a gran of salt then douses it with spices. I promise him to never leave. Lyle sees people’s halos but with still ask to dance with their demons. Talk about benefit of the doubt. He just threw a water bottle from the top bunk in our trailer.. see what I mean ;)
The color green is the feeling of my mothers endearing eyes as she looks at me, noticing the details with grace.. as if she’ll never forget a freckle.
Sparkle comes in the sound of the breeze flirting with the trees. Brushing a whisper through the air, tickling leaves veins.
Sparkle sounds like a disco party that never ends, dancing all night long with your best friends.
Green feels like you gots to go to the bathroom real real bad.

My Professor had us use figurative language and gave us these topic sentences. Didn’t share in class but hey... thats what the internet is for.
Dear Silence,
Appreciate it when everyone shuts the f*** up for a moment.

Walls painted white with small talk, sitting on dust of cluttered noise

Mona Lisa smiled when she saw the devil in your duffel bag

Her lips curve to a crack heard

Wind whistles through trees

Singing a romantic melody to the leaves
"make it" bitch you done made a whole s*** in the toilet this mornin. thats enough. get out yo damn bed, make dat bitch. Den go f*** the world up.
-letter to self errrydey
take me for one more breathe, swear it whispered through my chest. I have not made it yet, wait for me at my best.
pull me like I am the tug, as our minds are at war. baby I have not met you yet, but I swear you aren't far.
use everything often enough, my belongings never collect dust.
write me in your will if you must, just don't leave me anything but your guts.

The Stranger

The Man Most Would Call Strange.

As we introduce ourselves, our eye contact is like an old hoodie in the lost and found.

They say he has "lost his mind"
So thats why he's aimlessly looking at every detail.

The cracks in concrete, every chip in the pavement and all the writing on benches.
The stems to a leaf and the barbwire to a fence.
He checks the corners as they come and go,
even the alleyways of forgotten homes.

They claim he's "strange" but don't consider how familiar this world is to him.
Wondering with the devil in his duffle bag, writing the silver lining with gold ink.

Catching every universe wink ;)
  •   1 comment
This moment in time story hit too close to home. It is a very poignant piece. Well written. Dinner with my M-inLaw tonight. She's 91 with dementia. Not a good evening.
Searching for fools gold. Pyrite is a mineral that appears to look like gold but is worthless. If you don't know what it is you're actually looking for, you might spend your whole life searching for nothing.
Searching for fools gold. Climbed heavenly heights, and crossed various valleys.
Still searching for nothing
I hit a dead end, say bye to my friends and tip top to the edge, where the earth bends

Jump now before you are forever afraid of heights.
"The importance of taking interest in someone."

Free falling, and forgotten fears.
Fools gold is what lead me here.
"The importance of taking interest in someone."

I left my home town of Reno, and came to LA. I have a helping hand, but I intend of only taking a finger nail. It's just me, myself and I. There's no going to moms house for food or staying the night at a friends because I don't want to drive. I'm all alone in the biggest city I've ever visited. Only nineteen and puking up the butterflies in my stomach while flushing the fear of failure down the toilet.
not every cigarette is lit with the intentions to die...
we all burn out eventually

Finally a deep breathe that stains my flesh
and leaves holes in my chest

with rusty lungs and a ribcage made of flimsy branches

All I manage to do is my best

my heart is the one with the bad habit
of continuously beating
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/genevieve24