Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/kittylizzy18
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Happy anniversary
Well, I have a boyfriend and he make me happy. Since March 13 when I first saw him, he had pain in his eyes, he was lost, unloved, hurt, and he felt like he was used and abused by his former lover. When he holds my hand, he holds my hand tight. To me, he is telling me that he doesn't want to let me go and he wants me to prove to him that this world is not only has pain, but it also has love. He wants love and I want to give him love. I don't want him to give-up on himself and end his life. I love him regardless of his past and what he did wrong. I really don't see him that way. he is sweet it's just that he was hurt like I said. He started texting me, and to me he sounds happy hoping he would have a second chance of love with someone. Someone who is going to be there for him. love him for him, hold him when he cries. tell him that everything going to be alright even when it's not meaning like give him the positive side and also make him smile. I would hate to hurt him, or he hurts me. I mean regardless the fact that I'm there for him I want him to be there for me too. So basically, when people tell me that there is no such thing as love, and I'm going to prove everyone and also prove to my boyfriend that He can have the second chance of love and I will be there for him forever and always. He doesn't like drama in his life, like I said he has been hurt and it's enough for him and it is also enough for me too. but the positive part is that we both love country music rap and we both have same dream we want to be accomplished. He loves to take me out to eat and he knows when I'm upset and hurt. Him and I have a similar past. we both use to harm ourselves and have trust issues. His coping skills kind of hurts me though because it can take his life away slowly by slowly. And I want to be there for him forever and he be there for me as long as I'm alive I don't care if he gets 90 or 100, I just want him to be with me till I die. basically, I want to die when he dies because I can't live on earth without my love that was on earth, and he is not with me no more I don't want to have memories. And the main reason I join this website so that I can write my love story life on this website. And so that I can also express my ideas and thoughts on here. and tell you about my life and my boyfriend life story and many more stories. And also, because I want to become a professional writer. And i want people to read my books and want them to relate
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/kittylizzy18