Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/madalinawrites
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
Hi everyone!
Do you publish stories in online magazines? Do you read such online magazines? Could you recommend some? I like stories that trick me into thinking they've actually happened; not so big on sci-fi but keeping an open mind.
Thank you!
I saw an ad for blogit.com on this site. Has anyone tried it? I looked up some info about it and found this
Hi *QuestionP*

Writing 101.com

Hi everyone! I'm an absolute beginner in the arts of writing and I am well excited to join this community!
I want to write because I have things to say and share, because it helps me understand what I live, because I find it therapeutic and honestly a lot of fun! I would also like to start making money from it soon, any kind of writing that is, I'm just getting my toes in the water and trying to understand what the market is all about! - if you know of any gigs that can get me started, I'm at a stage where I'm happy to work for free!
I'm also nervously posting my first short story in the portofolio - I'd be happy to hear your thoughts and suggestions for improvement!
Happy Halloween and Happy writing!
Welcome to WDC. A warm, vibrant, kind community who will embrace you. It's the BEST place to be for writing, reading, learning and growing! *Smile*
Cheers! Feels good to be here, although it takes a bit to get used to the site's interface!
How do the reviews work? If I posted something in my portofolio, what are the chances someone will rock up and tell me what they think about it?
Welcome. Happy Halloween *Ghost*
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/madalinawrites