Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/malister
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
Hi. Directed here by your please review request. I am doing that now. You will hear back soon via email. Hope you have a great remainder of your day!

10 years! Yay!



The Christian Writing Contest  [E]
Featured in Schnujo's CONTEST CHALLENGE for June 2021!


April 2014 Round NOW OPEN

April 2014 PROMPT: Write about Passover.



Thank you! *Smile*

Writing.Com Happy Birthday!
Quote of the week:

"I am still in the land of the dying; I shall be in the land of the living soon." [John Newton's last words]

We're (infinitely) more than merely blood and bones...
I love being a dork. It makes life so much simpler and easier to deal with.
Obviously tonight is my night for deep thoughts...
All this talking to myself is leaving me feeling a bit sheepish.
Self identifying definitely takes the fun away from the bullies. *Wink*
Is anybody out there? Or is this thing just a thing made up of things?
All of the things!
Thank goodness for that. I thought it was just me battling the things alone tonight.
We are totally fighting the things here too.
And by things I mean words.

I miss you...

I'm back! How are you??
Well, right now I am delighted! *Delight*

I am so, so glad to "see" you!

Send me an email and let me know how things are with YOU! *Smile*

with ruwth all things are possible, I think? just noticed you Mayheming it up again (I am glad of this.)
Congrats on your 2d place finish in the Limerick contest. It is a great piece indeed.
Concerning "ablation" I'll be praying for you.
Copenator out!
word is quickly spreding, your name is known over three worlds already (creative worlds).

*Balloonb**Balloonp* *Music1**Music2* Happy Birthday Writing.Com *Music2**Music1* *Balloonp**Balloonb*

. . . Balloons compliments of: "Invalid Item

thanks...I'm asking everyone this: What's better, Smerff's (Smerff's are these littler blue charicters, with white hats, although they seem alittle gay, because in their whole Smerff world ther is only one Smerff'et), or Lemmings (Lemmings are these little white things with blue triangle cloths, and green clownish hair, who try to cimit surerside by jumping off anything, and everything, and you then need to save them)?
Lemmings of course!
one thing, how do you make the link 'Costumicom', I can't?
I wonder... how do you get those pictures on your bref case?.. dose anyone know.

N.B. Free accounts do not get access to costumicons. You need a paid membership, OR you can take advantage of the Free Premium Trial that all members are offered. You will then be able to test drive all the features that WDC offers. I hope this helps!
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/malister