Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/meadowraine7
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Happy birthday 🎉🎂🎉🎂🎉🎂🎉
Happy anniversary
*Balloonr* Happy Writing.Com account anniversary. *Balloong*

*BalloonB* *Party* *ConfettiG* *BalloonO* *BalloonB* *ConfettiB* *BalloonP* *ConfettiO* *BalloonB* *BalloonR* *ConfettiR* *BalloonV*
I made it through winter and I'm back to feeling like myself. Looking forward to writing again.
Hello everyone :D
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I'm glad you survived winter and are able to write. *Smile*
Happy birthday 🎂
Going to be doing some reviews today.
Send me a message if you need/want something reviewed!
It's been a long month or so, but I'm finally over COVID and... I FOUND A FREELANCE WRITING JOB!
I'm very excited to be back on here and back to writing for myself without feeling guilty about not looking for a writing job. Cheers!
Almost 7,000 words down this month. I doubt I'll meet the mark, but this is an incredible improvement for me.

How's everyone doing?
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Made my minimum goal already but going for potential goal. Need 2k more words to go today to meet it. *Smile*
Good morning and Happy Monday!

I got started on the first chapter around 5 this morning. I had a few hours of sleep and I'm ready to get back on it.

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Good morning! And if you're doing Nanowrimo, you can always catch up. Just 5k words per day and you'll make it. I slept too much this morning. Should already be at 50k and only at 49k just now.
Good morning!!
It's a cold one here in Ohio, but that means it's a perfect day for some character development.

Have a good one!
So over the past couple of days or so I've gotten a nice plot written a little bit of the character development done. That's nice :)
Ideas on how someone who doesn't belong in an Asylum can escape one? (think 1960s asylums)

The person MUST escape.
Run around corridors until they find a secret passageway leading to the outside world.
So it's 1960 with low-tech security, and doors with old-fashioned keys. A warehouse for people with a poor understanding of therapy and strong drugs to make the patients compliant. The patient slowly collects pills, during daily medication in the common room, making the nurse thinks they take them each time. An orderly who serves meals and likes pudding and milk has keys. When the time is right, the patient offers their dessert, chocolate pudding, and chocolate milk the server's favorite. Laced with a strong dose of sedative, the pills the patient has been storing away. The patient asks for a trade after everyone has their meals. The patient asks the server to come back and bring a newspaper, which they are not allowed to read. The patient will read while the orderly eats the pudding and drinks the chocolate milk. The patient is not dangerous, so what is the harm? The patient slowly reads as the server enjoys the treat in the corner of the room. The server falls into a deep sleep, the patient takes the keys and moves the server into their bed under the covers. Waiting for things to quiet down as lights go out in the hallway, using the keys to get through the main corridor lockdown and then into the stairwell.
Why does that sound like you have tried it?
Good morning!!!

Yesterday was a fantastic writing day for me.
I got a rough plot down.
And a few characters started.
I'm hoping for the same today.

What are your plans for the day?
Working on some character development for a psychotic thriller.

What are your go-to steps for great character development?
Thanks for that advice on the profiles Angelica- Happy Mothers Day! . I just Googled a template and YAYYYY they go so in depth!!!!
Write a backstory for the character that you know. But you do not have to include everything you have developed into yourr story. So long as you, the writer know it, you can have hints and things like that.

Also, make them realistic. Everybody has flaws, makes mistakes and thinks things that don't fit with what they see around them.

Use realistic dialogue. Have them talk like people.

Do not treat the characters as black or white - everyone is shades of grey. There is no pure evil; there is no pure good. It helps make the characters that little more rrelateable.

That is all my opinion, so feel free to ignore.
Good morning!
Coffee, baby kisses, and writing are in my future today.

What's in yours?
Family Tree research, writing, and organizing/going through bins. *Smile*
A bagel, naproxen, and jealous about your baby kisses. *Smile* Wishing you a beautiful day! *HeartV*
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/meadowraine7