Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/nzamans
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A lion portion of human individual in this earth's expaired their lives without knowing, what were their value? Why did they come to this earth & what were their assigned duties & responsibilities from the God or Allah towards their neighbourhood, relatives, friends & societies? But everybody knows it that "Human are social beings", but why? May be some of them know and some of them don't know or it may they are pretend to be unawrae. The answer is human beings are interdependant, can't live a

Como estad usted. Me llamo N. Sarder, a citizen canadianse.

Mone hoi kori kori hoi tobu hoi na.

Gulshan ki fakkat fulose nehi katosibi zinat hey.

Water, water, water... and everywhere water but not a single drop to drink.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/nzamans