Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/riribobo
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When the kids, we felt how the world was beautiful. Mom and dad always give love. When the cry was not long because then immediately smiled when she heard the mother or father whisper the phrase i love you, kissing our foreheads. So deeply love mom and dad so as to make us forget the sadness will instantaneously in childhood. Mom and dad are our life force fort in childhood. They are the source of our inspiration about the meaning of love. They also inspire us on a responsibility of educating and raising us up until such time as we get older. They never feel tired accompanies us. They never complained even though we sometimes mischievous and annoying their hearts.

If only we own and maintain a legacy of love our parents surely we will always be able to make everyone smile and happy. Love is not the ego. Love is sharing. Love is like a magnet that can bring together a wide range of differences. Differences in skin color, eyes, hair, language and nation in the world.

I want to love like the wind that never stops giving coolness of the universe.

I want to love like the sun always gives light warmth.

I want to love you more than my love for myself.

And I want to love even among my arm knife wound. Because love is a gift of God given to every human being.
Take care of your heart, with good will undoubtedly make you happy and never felt lonely. Your heart is your kindness once mirror mirror the worst of you. Decorate your heart with love for everyone will see you like a rainbow.
The world needs to understand the balance of human activity as to what exactly the world was created by God. Many interests and ambitions of man without considering the impact of that nature no longer friendly with humans. Look at the wars, natural disasters, human trafficking do not feel comfortable making the world for future generations.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/riribobo