Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/sayswho
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Things that Make Me Tick:
Mother in law asks: When you were working before were you sick?
I was terribly sick for five years... were you not here? Did you not listen when we spoke to you? Thanks for showing your true colors, again. VICKI!

My Desired Response:
How rude! Where the hell have you been? You are so NOT worth any of my time. You do not listen or pay attention anyway... obviously! So back out and back off. Then maybe I will quit feeling guilty over no relationship with you.
Reading the book Boundaries and very much enjoying the freedom of letting go others responsibilities. However, I find myself highly annoyed when others are in my 'space'. KIDS!

Like a kid with a new toy... I don't want to share my space. I want to tend to it and fix it up without it getting trampled on. Once I have it together, then people are welcome.
Things that Make Me Tick:
She says 'I do not want to be in anything you may have published.'
*What made her think I would want to publish anything about her anyway?
*Control??? Does she seriously think she can control what I write???

My Desired Response:
The only control you have over me is how YOU chose to behave towards me.
Actual Response:
That's the great thing about Writing. It allows me to be free in my expression without anyone's control while also maintaining confidentiality. KATHY!
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/sayswho