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full of awe  [18+]
Entirely full of it.
by spoedniek

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Unhinged joy
full of awe  [18+]
Entirely full of it.
by spoedniek
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full of awe  [18+]
Entirely full of it.
by spoedniek

Landfill metaphors
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full of awe  (18+)
Entirely full of it.
#2315170 by spoedniek

In time I will figure out how to link to individual entries in here.
So, honestly, what's with all the poetry on here? I can't review something I don't know anything about. I'm only half-joking. I didn't realise so many people like poetry. Are the poets becoming the new celebrities?
I thought all poets had turned into songwriters until I found WDC. My two cents as a newbie-poet: If you want to review poetry, start reading it (and read it aloud to yourself). Get a feel for what you like and what you don't like. When you want to review a poem, tell the writer what you liked about the poem, how it made you feel, and anything else you'd like the writer to know. You can always tell the writer up front that you're not experienced with poetry but you want to share with them your impressions (or whatever) of their poem and what it meant to you. This is what I try to do, but you get the idea. See what comes to you from the poem and share it with the poet. After a while you'll learn more about what to look for in a poem just from the experience of reading more poems.
Dave Ryan - thanks. That is a frightening number of forms. I imagine that some forms are better for expressing certain ideas or emotions than others. I guess that's obviously true for some. Sorry, just thinking out loud. The agony of choice. *Laugh*
buddhangela's Wounded Not Dead - cheers. Reading is probably good advice for all writing. Including reading out loud. I will try to be more patient with the poetry. *Smile*
Right, I've done all that. Now what?
Take part in contests and activities. Join groups. Follow people and forums. Review other people's works. There are some forums where you can ask for your own work to be reviewed. Create a blog. Read and comment on other people's blogs.

In short, get out there and get active! *Smile* When I joined just under a year ago, I spend some time just clicking on links to all parts of the site, just to figure out what it was all about (while continually referring to the 101 documentation to learn how people were doing the things I saw them doing - creating books, embedding videos etc.) Then I started to participate.
Great response, Dave Ryan !

spoedniek You can also begin to "fan" members whose work you enjoy reading or who you see interacting on the Newsfeed that you can relate to or just want to keep up with. You have the option of "favoriting" members, which you do by clicking the "+" sign next to the case by their handle (visible name) so the + turns into a finger with a string tied around it, but this will only add them to your personal newsfeed. Click again so it turns into a megaphone and that person will receive a notice that you're now a fan. This is a good thing! Lots of members reward their fans with GPs (Gift Points) or MBs (Merit Badges) on special occasions or just because. They'll also likely click on your name to check out your portfolio, gaining exposure for your work, and they might fan you back.

Gaining fans of your own is another bonus. It's not a popularity contest though–we're a community who (I like to believe) is here to learn and support one another on our writing journeys. (Some of us also take advantage of the fun challenges and contests to improve our writing, stretch our comfort zones, all while making new friends!)

Welcome to WDC, and Good Luck!
buddhangela's Wounded Not Dead - thanks to both of you (I will figure out the ML, I know I will). I've been exploring and will continue to do so.
Hello everyone. I'm new here and bewildered. I don't know, that may be the point. Nevertheless, I will figure things out and settle in. The sofas are surprisingly comfortable...
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/spoedniek