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My middle grade novel, THE RIGHT ADDRESS was released this month!

Annie hears her foster parents arguing. She finds out they are sending her brother to a different foster home. This can’t happen! They need to stay together. So, in the middle of a snowy night, they sneak out and walk to the next town. What will they eat? Where will they sleep? Will they be recognized? Why is the tall man watching them? So many questions, but the most important one: Will they find the right address?

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Where was it released?
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The Right Address by Patricia Gable

Annie hears her foster parents arguing. She finds out they are sending her brother to a different foster home. This can’t happen! They need to stay together. So, in the middle of a snowy night, they sneak out and walk to the next town. What will they eat? Where will they sleep? Will they be recognized? Why is the tall man watching them? So many questions, but the most important one: Will they find the right address?
My new middle grade novel was released this month!

The Right Address
Annie hears her foster parents arguing. She finds out they are sending her brother to a different foster home. This can’t happen! They need to stay together. So, in the middle of a snowy night, they sneak out and walk to the next town. What will they eat? Where will they sleep? Will they be recognized? Why is the tall man watching them? So many questions, but the most important one: Will they find the right address?
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/surprisesis