Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/thelane
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You are but a truth to the unknown!
I will howl upon the wind and stars , I will cast all emotions a drift. The energies which dowel within my heart , all tickle and prickle for the fact of how much I miss her, that content smile , those eyes that dance with a hint of mystery. The echoes of a frustrated mind. How is this possible to be so drawn towards another? the fact that one finds a pulling to be closer , to be happier. To roar with laughter. Ahh . Strange what one feels. Never expected to go through this phase as a writer. I grasp the theory to feel ones words , to absorb , grasp and observe the true meanings behind each letter. And here I sit with a word , a mere word . And by all means a scary word for me " Love" . By far a very powerful word , I find this particular word , might have to be pinned upon my sleeve. For I dealt I will be able to let it slip off that easily.Come rain nor snow , I feel a bizarre urgency to stand my ground , to hold back the tides that would come between me and this person. A predator instinct to protect , yet a strong humbleness in ones own soul. I have grasped and overcome "hurt" before and am proud to replace it with such a treasure as I have today.
I walk upon the land with a smile, I walk upon the land with eyes of jewels. Oh how you fall prey to my imagination. To absorb the lifestyles of others , to watch as if a bird of prey. I walk among the grumpy , the irritated , oh and might I say... mmm the delicious anger. I bite deep within the negativity that is cast out upon the wind around you. I am but a shadow , a thief . For you are more than just a person to me , oh no you are but a guardian , a legend! a main character! Guarding that small door to my next new world.
The next chapter in this world , shell begin with you *Smile*
Frustrated , anxious , angry. The ingredients to the worst atomic bomb. I have been feeling the emotions spiral deep within me at late. Not making sense to what is the cause. I find I have shooting pains of hurt striking within my heart. I seek the truth , yet feel it subside to an ease to focus on fury. Right now I am not making any sense. However I have hope. I have hope for the new day.
We are guardians of an elite team , we are the puzzle pieces that laze about the surface of the floor , we are but lost and confused . However we are having a great time , a dance of life within this world so untamed. Raised up one by one , to be filled into the next empty slot. ! So grasp that power and beam up with that wide eyed smile.
Miss the days of the thunder ,The days that roared with heat and emotion. The days the wind would slice through the grass , the sting of rain that spat in your face as you grasped that throttle even harder. The lick of tar in your month and the feeling of anything could happen!
I stopped writing for a long time , A long time as in four months. During this so called break. I drank and partied as hard as I possibly could . My aim was to destroy the mind , destroy this so called curse I have created. A curse of constantly thinking , observing and dare I write it , absorbing. In this long tiring process , I landed up throwing my name away countless times , forming friendship with the wrong crowd , and becoming a whole different person entirely. I know right! all done in a mere four months. However the time stepped in, where I cast aside these emotions and struggles. Well basically I got off the floor I was sleeping on , took off my jacket , flicked my sticky long hair out of my eyes and walked out into a new world. I am back ,harder and hungrier as ever. And in doing so I have thirsted the pages I read , drinking and nourishing my once broken mind. I gaze upon the world with windows of opportunity. I recommend this to anyone. However I will admit , my mind , imagination , and thoughts felt as if a spider had webbed across them. It took awhile dusting and cleaning the brain. However here I stand gazing across the forest. And oh! this smug like smirk sweeping across my face, will last for quiet sometime.I am no rockstar , no , and I am no rockn Rolla. No that was a gimmick for me to attract the opposite sex. I am , and will always be a writer.
A book can possess a whole different meaning to what is actually stated. Secrets within the book can tell you quite a lot of what the author has gone through , or what he/she is feeling. Ah thus said , the key is within the wording chosen at a particular time. Making Words transform into jewels and letters into mere gold pieces. That said what you grasp within your hands is way more than just a bundle of papers with scribbles upon it. It is but a treasure chest!
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/thelane