Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/tobody
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
Death of Eagles by FJ Hardy is now available in Portuguese
Now I've published my book with a proper publisher, I'm finding it difficult to take down the KDP version. How do I go about doing this?
I don't know if you can entirely take it down since people might have bought the license to read your book. But you can take it off sale. You'll have to go into your KDP account and poke around in there. I haven't done it in a while, so I can't tell you exactly what to do except that it's within your power to stop selling it on Amazon.
Personally, I'm not impressed. I thought Newsfeed was for thoughts and support. Instead just dumb names for stupid pictures.
I've decided to pull out of Unlimited. Why? Because it's a con. 316 e-books but only a percentage of the cost like 1 pence for X number of books. While Amazon make a profit out of it. Surprise surprise.
Contact Amazon they make sure you can't contact them but talk to you as though you're a chum IE HI! Not professional.
I hope with my next book I'll make sure it won't be on unlimited.
So all of you back to your childish name guessing events and make sure you have some biscuits with your milk
You're just mad because you can't think of any cool names for the pictures. *Pthb*

Truthfully, if you actually read what other people post (links to blog entries, tags to items they need help with, ect.), there is a lot going on, but you have to actually interact with people to benefit from it. If no one is supporting you, it might be the way in which you are putting yourself out there. It might also help if you put something in your portfolio for others to read and support. Just saying.
Biscuits are delicious.

Pay attention to the newsfeed like Sorji said. There's a mix of fun, random posts (both writing-related and not), links to the items of talented writers, and those seeking help and feedback.

Choosing to have scheduled playful (and also discussion-based) things during the week is part of member engagement. Business 101, with entire departments dedicated to the task at some organization.

If it doesn't work for you, don't participate. No one is preventing you from hanging out in your own port and writing.

There's a mix of writing enthusiasts on the site, ranging from novice to published. There are those who excel at everything from background support to grammar to the innermost technical workings of the site.

If you won't look past the parts that you don't like, you're missing out. That's unfortunate, because this site is a fantastic, supportive community. As Sorji said, you have to be willing to engage - in the areas you want to.

As far as Amazon...not only have I never had an issue with their customer service, you should certainly familiarize yourself with how they're reworking their algorithms.

I hope you can find your place here. If it's not for you, I wish you the best in your writing career. That is sincere, not snark. This writing business is fraught with roadblocks and hoops. I hope your sales are great, and your fanbase grows rapidly.

All the best to you.
* Content and content ratings in this area are monitored solely by this member. Page owners have the ability to remove posts and/or block posters who do not follow the content rating or who post unwanted content. In addition, each member can block/ignore another member using the Block/Ignore Members" link on the Account Options screen.
Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/tobody