Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/trinityadams
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I have an idea for a story, and I want to tell it in first person from the perspective of two characters. Let’s call them (character A) and (character B). The problem is that character B is dead from the start of the story. Now, is it okay to show character B’s perspective within a flash back of character A? Or is that a cheat? Do I need to rewrite it, so that character B’s alive?
Sure. I see what you mean. B's chapters would just take place in the past. They would stand by themselves, not being dependent on A's flashbacks.

I don't think you could be in A's perspective (first person) having a flash back that is depicted as B's perspective. That was what I was taking about when I asked for an example. I don't know how that would work. But what you described in your last post makes perfect sense. I would recommend using frequent landmarks in the story to let the reader know when you are moving forward or backwards in time. Once the reader gets comfortable with the idea that one of the perspectives takes place in the past, you're probably good to go, I would just take care establishing that fact the first couple of times you switch perspective.
*Shock* That would totally work, thank you so much.*Smile*
No problem. It's actually a fun idea and will add a level of mystery to the story.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/trinityadams