Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/vampiricwriter
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This website isn't working for me, but if you were interested in what you read so far, please go to http://vwriter.webs.com/ so you can see more of the story
It's going to be very difficult writing Eternal Death if I want to write more stories or other things, sing I have a free account and can have up to only ten items. It's still going to bed hard if I have more than ten chapters, which I probably will. And signing up for it isn't going to work because I don't have the money and am to young to work. So until I tell you otherwise, I'm writing the entire story in that one entry
Okay, Chapter Two is finally posted for Eternal Death and Chapter Three is almost finished. Please don't get mad at me though because I'm confused on the chapter spacing and the page for Eternal Death is very long. Once Sylladi is over my house again I'll ask her for help, but until then just deal please. (Thanks Sylladi ^^)
If I ever turn Eternal Death into a show, I would want the opening and ending credits to be "Different" and "Propane Nightmares" which are both by Pendulum. But I don't know which would be which yet. Also "Redeeming A Monster" by Broadway may work too.
I'm still working on Eternal Death (only the first chapter is done and I'm leaving for vacation tomorrow without even starting the second) but I still have a plan for another book. Actually I have a lot of ideas for other books, but there's one important one. A girl with a hopeless, dead end life ends up finding out that she has a guardian angel that no one else can see unless he wants them to (normally he follows her around as a cat though) and he protects her, but he's actually not who he says
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/vampiricwriter