Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/yaboku
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Memories flowing like a soothing breeze like a nightmare as well as a delicate touch of a petal of rose
Tired of complaining about putting dandelions, instead of rose in my silver vase, but can't anymore because know that dandelions bloom more happily than a lone rose....
Can't hold the pain in...but now the deserted heart can endure all stabbing wounds that's inflicted upon me....without a single word....
Playback Moment

The body made of air, flying swiftly with the breeze, the small fingers though touch but really can't, she loves playing with the moonlight, shines brightly in it, the birds chirp but fade in the air, she talks but Noone can listen to her anymore....

Shining moonlight, calming river flowing through every obstacles in front of it, difficult to witness the mountains and hills in the fog and merry darkness.....and lying down to watch the cluster of stars shining back to me with smiling faces

Yeah that was me in unstoppable's way!!!!!
Some fun things get boring by doing everyday but then come the other chores which preserves the sparkle of happiness in doing all those....
Left out in the huge ground with grasses.....to rethink the moment....on seeing ground there goes the shadows of the birds flying overhead....only left with the caress of the passing breeze...

Wait all!!! I would be there soon....
Memory Game

Memories are very interesting things...they will stab us brutally in the chest....and yet we want to cling to them dearly with us.....especially when there is a souvenir to a particular moment of life which in reality the memory sticking to it can 't be reincarnated in our lives ever....we see them regularly until it turns black(magically)and bewitch us with its fangs delicately and bounds us to see the warmer side o6f the tragedy...then it will turn yellow in no time...and then suddenly trap us in a blue hall....what a twisted way of expressing roller-coaster of emotions....
  •   1 comment
Wow! You really have a talent for words! *Heart* I hope you'll be putting some things in your portfolio soon. *Smile*
Happy Rain
My warming and somehow unknowingly saddening moment is a rainy day with continuous drizzling.... a dark cloudy weather with it...watching it from window...just imagining how good it would have been if I just played with the rain and get drenched....without caring about the cloudness in my heart....if I could touch the leaves of water droplets on them.....I don't care what happens next....just cherishing the every joyful leaves dancing with the downpour....with moist tears in eyes...that's all I have to tell for now....
  •   1 comment
Thanks for sharing! What a lovely piece.

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/yaboku