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Months went by, then years and it never happened again. They never thought much of it anymore. Mada and Elamef took some time off so they could do some travelling. One night, after they had checked in to their suite Elamef went to look around and as she was shutting the door to their suite they both said “ be careful “ and they laughed. Niether wanted to relate about it being a little strange especially since Mada was staying in the suite till she returned. They laughed it off.
While Mada was unpacking the luggage transport he went to put something in a drawer and there it was! He dropped what was in his hands and stepped back, It was the object that he saw at work and had never seen again, till now. Very shocked still, he went to pick it up. He picked it up and looked at it, the object did nothing and he put it back in the drawer.
Elamef returned and Mada told her about the incidents and she spoke of hers too. He went to show the object to Elamef and she saw nothing. She said ”there’s nothing here” and he picked it up and Elamef said your hands look like their holding something but there’s nothing in them, what? Mada exclaimed. There’s nothing there but it’s strange that I can see the indentions on your hands as if you were holding something but I can’t see it. He put the object back in the drawer and then opened the drawer and it was gone, So he thought. Then Mada said in shock “I can see it! She then picked it up , looked at it and put it back in the drawer. Mada opened the drawer again and it was gone, to both of them. They looked at each other as if to say with their eyes, what is happening? They tried to enjoy themselves but were not quite able, the incident was still fresh in their minds.

" Last Page " A Sci-Fi Book By Carl Barry Fontana
This story begins in a realm where time does not exist. You see, time is not everywhere. It only exists where it is placed. Mada and Elamef are Travelers. It takes a long time to become the best. Of course, practice does really become perfect. They do it like there’s no tomorrow and in some places there really isn’t. You’ll soon see what I mean.
Mada and Elamef were engrossed in the cerebralopticvision, otherwise known as COV. A little future vision and they’ll be on their way. At night COV usually puts them to sleep but not on this night. There was something about that night. They couldn’t take their mind off the COV. It was as though they lived it. They looked at each other as if to acknowledge what they saw that night, but not a word was spoken of it.
Mada worked for the Government. He worked mostly on matters he’s not able to talk about. Not even Elamef knows. Elamef, however, worked for charitable causes such as helping the people who are not as fortunate. Elamef knows a large portion of the wealthy people. They have social gatherings for charitable organizations.
Mada and Elamef couldn’t get the COV off their minds all day. Mada was working on a new project that day and he was to going through the inventory when he saw an object that caught his eye. It must have just arrived that day as Mada had never seen it before. He went to look at the object and when he touched it he realized he had seen the object before. A momentary flash of that point in time came to him as a memory. He had touched the object before, but how and when? The object had just arrived that day and someone did not add it to the new inventory. It left Mada wondering and intrigued.
That day Elamef was working on obtaining more potential support from other countries. Elamef was on a data transference and was going over the new possible financial supporters. As she went to review the data she, like Mada, had a remembrance of a Point in time also. She was dumfounded but kept on working as if nothing had happened. She thought to herself, should she tell Mada about this or keep it a secret. She resolved to not tell him and that it was her imagination. Mada had done the same.
I am currently a songwriter, vocalist, guitarist, and performer. I have an infinite imagination and I believe that will transfer to book writing skills.
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 Last Page  (13+)
This story is about two travelers. They travel from what we call Heaven to other planets.
A sci-fi short story eventally becoming a novel.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/z5barracuda