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Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
Never having seen snow at all, this piece puts me right amidst the snowy landscape. I can piture the sunlight creeping across the lines of trees as if waking them up one by one.
Shovelling the snow to be able to drive on the road seems like something out of a fantasy tale to me. It is obviously a regular task in snowy climes.
Doggedly digging (it even sounds like hard work). What a shame to have to clear away this paradise.
Well written and thoroughly enjoyed!
Animated WDC Angel Signature for Premium Members
Review of Euphoria  
Review by Meg
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
I would never have thought of describing rain water flowing down a gutter, let alone depicting it as grieving and sighing. But that is just what it appears to be, now that you mention it.
The power of words is only as strong as the writer's imagination and talent.
Great writing!
Animated WDC Angel Signature for Premium Members
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (4.5)
I had never heard of a haiku (or many other forms of poetry) until I joined this site. I have found the haiku is a brief piece that can describe so much so beautifully in very few words.
These examples are full of wonderful images that would take me a whole page to describe.
Don't think I can select a favourite, but the last one really appeals to me visually.
Cheers MEG.
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Review of Crossing Over  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Gabriella,
I have often relived the night, 15 years ago, I sat by my Dad's hospital bed and watched him leave us. I have never been able to put into words the feelings of those long hours.
You have done this for me.
I will never forget that final look he gave me, with a tear rolling down his cheek. The look said to me,
"Remember what we spoke of yesterday". We had had a long chat the day before, and he had given me clear instructions of what I had to do when this moment came.
I am still carrying out his wishes. For they were spoken from the heart of that strong man, not the withered shell of a once strong man that lay there, so helpless.
I know he has given me the strength to do his bidding.
Yhank you for sharing this precious moment.
Animated WDC Angel Signature for Premium Members
Review by Meg
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Beautiful words echoing what everyone has probably wondered at some time or another.
What will they think of me when I am gone?
Your poetry will be a diary of sorts for all to remember you by.
Indeed your words will live on through eternity.
Well written.
Cheers MEG.
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Review of My Poetry  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
Thank you, John, for a wonderful collection of poetry that runs the full gamut from utter pleasure to hopelessness and back again.
When a reader can relate to just a little of the poet's words, the writer has succeeded in getting his message across through the beauty of words.
God Bless,
Cheers MEG.
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
The fears and experiences of childhood stay with us forever.
As much as we try to overcome them, they rear their little heads from time to time, and send us scurrying into those shadows under the stairs.
A sad but honest expose of a troubled childhood.
A touching story, John.
Animated WDC Angel Signature for Premium Members
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
It is a little difficult to find a little piece of sanity in this mixed up world today.
After disasters like 9/11, the simple things, described in your words, mean so much.
They go unnoticed until we need to stop and ponder as to where we are heading in this crazy time.
I think everyone had a moment or two like this after that terrible day.
A feeling of "Stop the world, I want to get off!"
Well done.
Animated WDC Angel Signature for Premium Members
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
Why oh why haven't I seen this one before?
This is absolutely beautiful, Nancy.
Your wonderful rhyming and rhythmic style just makes the story of the butterflies and the snowflakes even more enjoyable.
I doubt if I will ever see snow here in the tropics, but I will think of your butterflies everytime I see a rainbow.
Cheers MEG.
Animated WDC Angel Signature for Premium Members
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
The joy of waiting for a new babe to be born is indescribable. It is your reward for your love for each other.
With a large family of my own I have experienced this many times, and it gets no less exciting with each new life that comes into our world.
Animated WDC Angel Signature for Premium Members

Anticipation of our new addition to our family.
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Review of new life  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
A wonderful poem, worthy of first place in the contest, Skold.
Sometimes it is difficult to reach inside the mind of a poet to interpret exactly what he is trying to convey through his words.
As the plant strives to grow and bring forth new life, so too do you.
Your sister must have had great insight and faith in you.
A story well written.
Cheers Meg.
Animated WDC Angel Signature for Premium Members
Review of Babies DO Think!  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
I am in total agreeance with you Judy. Babies do understand what is being said to them. Talking in "Goo Goo" language makes them laugh for sure. What are they laughing at? The silly adult who can only say "Goo Goo"!
Your memories of life at 6 months? That is remarkable. I think my earliest is at about 18 months to 2 years old, when we lived with my Nana. I do remember living there and curling up in Nana's big feather bed.It was so snuggly.
Entertaining reading.
Cheers MEG.
Animated WDC Angel Signature for Premium Members
Review of Animal Things  
Review by Meg
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
It's all in the mind of the reader, Molly , isn't it?
You are talking about their ears aren't you?
Oh? You're not talking about ears?

The AbceDarius is a novel form of poetry that can be quite difficult to write in places, especially when you get to the "Q's" and "X's".
Ok, so I changed the subject. What else was I going to talk about?
Certainly not Animal Things!!!
Good one1
Cheers MEG.
Animated WDC Angel Signature for Premium Members
Review of Poetry Collection  
Review by Meg
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hi Molly,
Sounds like dinner at Mother-in-law's is like playing Russian Roulette.
I certainly hope that my children-in-law don't regard my invites to dinner with the same doubts.
A poem that is good for a giggle anyway.
We Mother's-in-law are usually free game for jokes aren't we?
Cheers MEG.
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (4.5)
Sorry. Motorbikes are not exactly my favourite form of transport, but we are here to discuss poetry not how I get from A to B.
Your use of descriptive words does give the piece the excitement and exuberance you are feeling, and the sensation of the freedom of the open road.
If you can pass on this impression to a non lover of bikes, you have done pretty well!!
Good work.
Keep writing. Looking forward to reading more of your work.
Cheers MEG.
Animated WDC Angel Signature for Premium Members
Review by Meg
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
I'm not really familiar with Meat Loafs song.
This though I think was an advatage, because I could judge the poem without thinking of the rest of the words of the song(if I knew it).
This poem really brings to light the questions of all the pros and cons of a relationship and where it could lead --- one way or the other.
A very well thought out plot woven into a well balanced poem.
I really liked it, for it's form, content, rhyme and rhythm.
Great job.
Animated WDC Angel Signature for Premium Members
Review of Peephole  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (4.5)
A well written piece of strength in unity.
I'm so pleased you didn't say something like "United we stand, divided we fall". Far too many people ruin a great poem by using well worn cliches.
I'm afraid the use of the word "ain't" doesn't really appeal to me. "Is not" would fit in just as well and not sound so slang-like.
Well done.
Animated WDC Angel Signature for Premium Members
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Review of Magnolia  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Maria,
Acrostics are a great medium in which to define all the qualities of a subject, and at times they can tend to be a little like separate one liners.
You have kept the lines flowing on from one to the next very nicely.
Your choices of colours are soft and pleasing to the eye to complement the gentle words used to describe this beautiful bloom.
Well written,
Animated WDC Angel Signature for Premium Members
Review of Drinking Memories  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
A wonderful example of an Etheree.
The presentation in the layout of your poem, enhances this style of poetry very well.
The definition of the style is too, a great idea for readers who are not familiar with the form. A lovely touch to acknowledge Kansaspoet for the help and guidance he provides to all of us on WDC.
Well done,
Animated WDC Angel Signature for Premium Members
Review of Were I a poet  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (4.5)
Well if that is not being a poet, I don't know what is!
Your short but sweet piece tells just what a poem is so definitively.
I just love the expression you use:-
"words fluttering like butterflies".

Catch the beautiful butterflies
and touch them with your heart.
Poetry will then emerge
As they spread their wings apart.

Cheers, and keep writing. Keep your butterflies fluttering.
Animated WDC Angel Signature for Premium Members
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Mars, This is a great idea to discover how far across the world our words are read.
I am from Australia, and enjoy the friendship of "pen pals" from almost every continent.
It's a terrific site for getting such a variety of reading material, and the bonus is making new friends.
I, too, love to discover where people are from as I mention in my poem "ARE YOU ON THE MAP ?.
Thanks for adding your information into your bio.
You are now on my map!
Cheers Meg.
Animated WDC Angel Signature for Premium Members
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Review of Toilet Capers  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
A quite acceptable form of toilet humour here.
I totally agree, kittens are a never ending source of amusement. And your story proves that they do have fun with other things besides a ball of string, which would probably be too boring and mundane for your kitties.
Thanks for the entertaining tale.
Cheers, Meg
Animated WDC Angel Signature for Premium Members
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (5.0)
It is so difficult to explain why a child is called to God before he/she has performed the task here on Earth. But then, has that child actually finished the task God set for them? We will never know God's reasoning for some things, but it's something we don't need to know, but just to have faith and trust His better judgement.
A wonderful piece of writing, Thank you
Animated WDC Angel Signature for Premium Members
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Review of Dewdrops  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (4.5)
"Dewdrops". What a delightful title for your poetry folder.
It gives the feeling of freshness and sweetness that is contained within the poems we find inside.
And I wasn't disappointed.
You say you like to write poetry sometimes.
I suggest you write a little more often, to give us more of the joy of your work.
Keep writing,
Cheers MEG.
Animated WDC Angel Signature for Premium Members
Review of Worlds apart  
Review by Meg
Rated: E | (4.5)
Deep and sincere words that show the bond of siblings can never be broken.
Rest assured, he is with you as you are with him, though not in body, always in spirit.
Lovely words put together in a delightful poem.
Thank you for sharing this with all of us.I'm sure your faith in this bond will comfort others in this same situation.
Cheers MEG.
Animated WDC Angel Signature for Premium Members
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