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Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
This puts me in mind of when our family traveled to North Carolina. The mountains were so beautiful. The trees were streaming with their fall beauty. The scene was so serene. You could sit out on the balcony of the hotel, and it seemed like the clouds decorated the trees just a little more. I love how you put the colorful charms, the yellows, reds, and golds, you can just imagine their branches swaying in the wind, and dancing to the sound of the birds chirping. I love being surrounded by trees it brings a peaceful feeling, and helps to ease ones heavy mind at times.
Review of Paper World.  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
When it is a matter of life and death, we soon realize that when doctors can not do anything else there is One who can. That is our Father in Heaven, God. Been at the point of the person in the story, you pray weeping and pouring your heart out to God, knowing you would give anything material or otherwise for your loved one to stay. Many times material things wrap us up in their grip and we lose sight of what is important. The simple things in life, and one of the most important God and family. God provides what we need and at times we go chasing the materials of the world. Sometimes God gets our attention by tapping us on the shoulder, showing by example what is truly important and objects and wealth will be left behind when we leave this world.
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Sometimes we have to make decisions that are drastic. After being abused by someone so uncaring, he almost killed her and the baby, you would just about come to the conclusion he deserves what he gets. It is like after the wedding that she became his property and he could use and abuse her anyway he wanted. The abuse would weigh on your mind and emotional state. The love would turn to hate, you would eventually end up killing them, you would really have no choice. They would make your life a living nightmare. Paul was a lawyer and knew the ropes well, he would have taken everything and made her pay more through his connections. Just how he raped her and violated her, he had no compassion for her. He burn her with ciggerates and used her as a punching bag. I am sure that she could have left Paul, but honestly I believe he would have killed her. If not he would have taken their daughter Cindy and made her pay. He would have used the very thing that she loved most against her. Yes the fear that he placed in Valerie was the biggest mistake he ever made. because you can make someone fear you for so long, then they come out of their corner fighting. I guess you would be waiting for him to come with the shot gun and not look back. Then declare insanity from all the beatings , and torment that Paul inflicted. That you just knew that the child would be the next one to suffer at his hands. Which is probably would have happen next.
Review of I Love America!  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (5.0)
I couldn't agree more Judith, our country has brought so many freedoms to us. Our fore fathers fought for what they believed in, and made a difference. I truly believe that God has shined on our country and removed obstacles that only He can. I support our troops no matter where they are sent or why. I pray for the leaders that send them, and ask God to guide them. To give them the wisdom to make sure their decision is right. Many times our troops are discouraged by people getting angry over people in office and they put down our men and women in the service. I honestly think no matter what our political views that we support and thank our troops no matter what. The Veterans of all the past wars, the ones who have died to fight for our freedom. They risk their lives daily to keep us free. As you stated we have to pray and support our leaders, but many times call them on what we know are mistakes that they are making. Like you stated I am proud to be an American and thank God for all the many freedoms we have. Some differences in opinion, but I truly believe our country is one of a kind. I love your determination on getting the job of your choice, and for not backing down from the home of your dream. Just because some man said you couldn't well he was wrong, and boy I am glad. Good job. I hate how the boss said women will distract the men, boy the Supreme Court and the ACLU would have a ball tearing that theory apart.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
Oh what a mystery. To see a picture of a child that would be your sibling and you never got to know them. You would be so curious and full of questions. Wondering why there is only one picture and why no one talks about them. You would want to know their name, when they were born and most important what happen to them. That would be normal questions anyone would have, and then to have the dad say enough and fear develops inside the child from fear. It would leave ones mind to create what happen to the child and our imaginations can sure run wild.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hard to read, but very inspiring. I too lost my mom which was both mom and dad combined into one. Like you stated we get busy our lives go in different directions. They miss the time we spent with them, and so do the children. We feel like we still need their guidance even if we are grown. When it comes toward the end, it is like you savor each and moment, good or bad. You want to catch up and tell them how much you love them. You want to hang on to them, even when you know they are ready for their eternal rest. Their race on this earth was complete but you miss them and want them to stay. I know I learn many life lessons from my mom. She encouraged me to stay home with our daughter at least until she entered kindergarten. The best advice I ever received because we would have missed out on so much. Just remember they live on in us daily. Like you said sometimes it is like they are right beside us.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (5.0)
Oh so sad, it would be so hard to know that your baby is moving around in your stomach healthy and happy. Then all the sudden your world is crushed. To be expecting to take your bundle of joy home, to the freshly painted nursery, and then all those dreams are doomed. To be faced with everything being prepared for when you leave the hospital, with death claiming the life of the joy that you are so excited about. I love the part of the ocean and how it says that it rocks Katie to sleep. The lace christening gown Katie's beautiful blue eyes and satin hair of golden crown, sounds like an angel watching over you. The loss would be so overwhelming, empty arms, oh the pain would be endless.
Review by skymac
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
I love it we need more teachers to notice the potional that a child has. To encourage them and challenge them to excell through school. Many have a difficult time learning and the teachers are awesome and help them in their problem areas. Many times a child that is advanced gets bored or worse made fun of and beaten down just like stated. The teacher came together and encouraged a little flower and helped Collier truly bloom. I love Ms. Jones jaw dropping about the mean average stastic grade. That the young child had figured out something that should have been way beyond her years. The teachers challenged and sheltered her until she could enter the program three years later. Then Mr. Prescott got to attend her college graduation and she was only 15 her major being in math and biology, and she was going to go for her P.H.D. Love the story keep up the great work.
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Very good story, oh parts of it just get my dander up. For one why the parent blame Grace she was raped, it was not her fault. I know in this day and time many people blame the victim, that is just so stupid. What happen to helping them deal with the trauma they have been through? What happen to moral support? Who cares about what others will think? A rapist is out there and will continue to do the same thing to other young girls unless he is turned in. I don't care if he is the mayor of the town, he has no right to inflict pain on others. He commited a serious crime. Grace made the best of her circumstances, she kept the baby Katie and moved on. Living with her aunt in England. During war time, difficult to make money when you have no skills is hard. She danced at the dance hall with soldiers. You got to admire her she didn't have anything to do with the back rooms, she still had self respect for herself. I love the description of the young man she was dancing with. Deep blue eyes, full of pride for his country. That he had a girl waiting for him at home. That he gave her hope for the future. Then the bad feeling, then the sirens and the blast. Though she was in pain she looked around and saw the young man that a minute before had so much to live for was dead. She didn't even know his last name. She couldn't write his family about what had happen. It would make you wonder what a world you had brought a child into. look at our country these days and times, our children and grandchildren will be paying our country out of debt for generations to come.
Review of The Dam Town  
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
I truly enjoyed this item. It is so funny and in this day and time I would just about bet this type of name could happen. After heading for the I- Gotcha bridge you got pulled over by the cops. Now that is a good one. I love how the dam started the whole thing, and no one could agree on a name for the township. I guess everyone that visited the town eventually referred to it as the Dam Town. Love how the letters explains that the defense attorney was the brother-in-law of the damn judge. That explains the whole letter, and why they were still in jail for cursing the judge in the Dam town. great job very funny.
Review of The Diaper Change  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is so creative, many times parents truly need a pit crew. A gas mask would come in handy with the smell and a water hose from the mess. Many times you open the the hood and the mess is still spewing, and get a face full. I love the line that it just means the plumbing is working fine.Through the pit stop you can't forget one step because then the pit stop is not all the way done until all things have been added the cream, powder, and the filter is as good as new. Then they are ready to roll again to see the wonders that they can truly explore. If we took this outlook on each adventure there would be a lot more humor, as we do our daily parenting tasks.
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
In this day and time being laid off not only means losing your job, but it could also mean losing your car, then your house may be gone. It could mean starving trying to pay your electric, trying to buy clothes for the kids. Unemployment has robbed many families of all that they have worked for all their lives. It places famies in bad positiions. I would say that so many are thankful to be called back to work after months of being unemployed. Some are not as lucky and have to try and find new jobs, which in our economic state is almost near to impossible.
Review by skymac
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
oh the things we do for love. Sometimes the price is far above the price that we intended to pay. When things seem to easy to come by, when something seems to good to be true we better open our eyes because there is a big price tag attached when we don't have to work hard to achieve our dreams. Sometimes things sound good, but in the end we can end up in a mess if we cut corners.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
words of wisdom spoken. No matter what we may go through in life God knows it all. He knows when we suffer, He knows when we cry. He knows when our heart is truly breaking, He knows when long for the answer to the question why.As I sit here tonight trying to review to keep my upgrade He knows that I worry about a loved one that is barely hanging on, and that it is breaking my heart because she longs to go home to heaven's shores. I wonder why so many loved ones have been in such a short time, and try to understand God's plan. But I have come to understand that His will is going to be done, and I will find comfort in His only Son.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
Very good, I love the part about the lift ride up a snowy mountain. I guess love never leaves if it is embedded in our heart. Many people lost their loved ones on 9/11, our country suffered great loss. But if you hold someone dear in your heart, the memory of them lives on. So many times in our life we take people for granted. When you have loss someone close that means the world to you, that is when you embrace those loved ones that are left. You tell them daily how much you love them, and pull them much closer realizing that you may not have another chance to tell them how much they mean to you.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
I love the word choices in this poem. It brings to light all the mystery behind Alzheimer's . How some days every memory is in it's place, and then other days the memories are all jumbled up and messed up. It is hard to understand how a person don't remember their family, friends, and even their own spouse and children. As we age life takes us down many different avenues, and this could be one of the many one way streets that we encounter. Our mind may be robbed of all memory of loved ones and precious thoughts in time that we thought would remain forever. This illness not only robs the patient but the rest of the family of their loved ones. To not have them know who you are, they think you are a perfect stranger. My favorite lines because many times we push them to remember and it is to no avail, time has robbed us of their love and patience.

If you force open cloistered space,
fragile pieces fall apart blowing wildly.
Confusion is scattering in the wind.
Review of R.S.V.P.  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
I like this it sounds if someone has been writing for quite a few years and then they go back and search through their writings. That the messages contained in the bundles that are neatly packed takes them back to their dreams in life. Now they reflect back on the things that they have written, and take the time to see the inspiring words that they wrote may be the best out of all they have written through out the years. I guess like a letter to themselves in the future to take the time to savor the words and let their true meaning spill out as they take the time to read each and every line. To truly connect with the ideas and feelings of what is on paper the words that once flowed straight from their heart.
Review of The Second Prayer  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
I love this takes us through all the many obstacles and pains that were suffered through generation after generation. African Americans were treated badly. They were brought from their home land and made slaves. Then once they worked and killed themselves for plantation owners they were beaten, raped, and then sold. They faced so many horrible acts through their life, but press onward. African Americans have come so far by the grace of God, they have been imprisoned during their life but still shine through it all. They show their faith by pushing forward, though persacuted by many. Even today they face people with notions that they do not belong in this country. Preduice is still raging, I know that one day the it to will be put to rest just like slavery, equal rights for all, and freedom will be completely found by all African Americans, I think that time should be now, it should have been hundreds of years ago in my opinion.
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
It would be so hard to lose your son and then have your husband diagnosed with cancer. You would really feel like your world was falling apart. So many obstacles and still Olivia kept the faith. Mark said after all their son Gary had gone through that he could face what was to come. All the treatments and sickness that the radiaction and chemo caused, he was a real trooper. Olivia was his support and best cheerleader. Many times in our life, we have to move forward with nothing more than faith and hope. This story shows just how much can be accomplished just by believing and pressing forward. No Mark's tumors were not all gone but by being postive he enjoyed every minute of everyday that he is given. They had the arrival of a grandson, and their daughter Elaine got married, and they just got to enjoy life to the fullest, living for today and not worrying about what tomorrow may bring. Autumn is a beautiful time of year, for me it represents bright colors and the majesty of God's beautiful creations, but on the bitter side I lost my mom in October so it is a difficult time of year in some aspects.
Review by skymac
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Oh such a sad story but very inspiring. Just when you think that you have nothing else to offer, and feel that no one needs you, God opens another door. Martha had lost her husband and felt so alone. Her friends no longer ask about the sadness just wanted to know what was wrong. she couldn't tell you what was wrong. She knew that she missed her husband, but knew there had to be someone who needed her compassion and love in this life. She went and filled out volunteer forms at the hospital and they hand her a baby whose mom had done drugs while pregnant. She seen the baby shake. I guess that is when she started volunteering to give out needles,condoms, and different information to addicts on the street. Joan had lost her daughter Sandy to drugs in a crack house that caught on fire, so both women were on the same mission to make a difference in this world. To truly let others know that they cared and hopefully to change even one persons life. Now that is inspiring.
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Oh my it brings to light the horrible and painful decisions that people have to make. Not wanting their child to suffer the cruelity of such an awful life. It would be so hard to know that their main purpose is Your lovely girl will be spit upon,
then torn painfully by a man at twelve.
She was born to breed.
To know that this is the life that they will face, with no education, and just a piece of property. Just a baby being used to bring boys into the world, and the girls are of no importance just for breeding. A mother would have to agonize over all that their baby girl would face. I would say each mother suffered the same tragedy, and want to spare their beloved baby the same pain. I would say through their pain, it is truly wondered when such cruel punishment will ever end. To some it is a way of life, but it still does not make it right. Every human being should be treated with respect and love, not treated as breeders. They should be able to shine and have a bright future not wore down and abused. These are my favorite lines because the mother is trying to keep her baby from going through the pain and torment that she has suffered in her short life.

could softly cover her mouth.
Then pray for forgiveness
until breath is no more
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Wow good story and believe me these type of mystery meetings do happen. It is not the children's fault the family should have told them when they were very young, no matter what the consquences. Noni wanted to know her dad and I sure that she does now. It would be hard to explain to parents that there is a baby on the way and have them completely ignore the happiness you feel. How in the world are you suppose to turn away the love of your life and kill your baby? Couldn't do it, they missed a lot of love, and Noni was cheated by their rejection. Sounds like her mom made up for all that was lost. Good story.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (5.0)
Oh this would be so hard as a nurse. Facing death everyday and becoming friends with the patients and when they lose their battle it would leave lonely empty hole. But it takes a special person to be able to handle those difficult moments when the patients need someone to listen and just be there. Someone who can let them speak their mind and be completely honest. I would honestly say that it helps them to help tell their family that they have no more fight left. A nurse and a angel all in one, helping their patient and friend prepare to cross into heaven. No greater friend at a time like that. It would be so hard to explain to your babies that mommy has got to go, and to convince your husband that you are being postive but know what the truth really is. Because only the patinet know the pain they are in, and how tired they truly are. He was holding her hand through it all, that would also be so hard. Like a song says a heart of gold stops pumping.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (5.0)
Great article and it gives us some great tips. First off this one NEVER click on hyperlinks in e-mail sent to
you by strangers. I got my email and IP address hijacked by one of these tricks.

This is a good one I have clicked on them before and guess what got a good old virus. Some of us it takes a few times to really learn, I clicked on one about two months ago trying to win farmville cash without earning it, yes it down loaded a virus.


At one point my poor husband had me to delete his email he kept getting nasty emails promoting women and personal services. The pictures they sent were blocked by our virus protection thank goodness. Now I receive junk email on male enhancement meds. Tip don't fill out information for coupons to print off that is when your inbox is really spammed.

Create a screen name just for chatting: This is especially important for teens. You don't want sex offenders to be able to look you up on the internet. Never post your school name on any site they can find you fast. The best advice in this area is if you don't know who you are talking to if you are a teen go to your friends messenger and chat with them not strangers.

Create an invalid address book name I will be using this it is a great idea I didn't think about. Thanks for the tip.

Don't Reply. I have done this and it does no good you get double the email from them.

Complain. I do and also I block them on my email and set my filter higher.

What other types of online activities other
than the following can make your e-mail address
"open to the public"?
When we send out a email to all of our contacts and they send it out to all of their contacts. It goes to how many people when the message you sent is forwarded.

Snopes.com I have used it and it is very reliable, good way to find out about virus info also.
Review of "Homeless Joe"  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (5.0)
Oh this item is so true. So many people have lost their jobs, homes, and business. They are just like the rest of us, struggling to make a living and the ecomony took them down. How can you keep your home when you lose your job, and your unemployment soon runs out and there are no jobs to be found. Our country is in a crisis whether Washington admits it or not. I love the subject brought to light, how can we take care of other countries and never put our own first? It doesn't make sense. We have americans that worked to support our country, we people who have fought for our freedom, and they get pushed to the side. We can not judge others, and shouldn't we should help each other. Like it is stated we could be the next, until we walk in a person's shoes, never pass judgement and even then don't judge. My favorite lines because this needs to be one of our main goals and now.
Why can't we take care of our own first in this country? There are families here disbursed, living in cars, vans, the back of trucks and yes alleys. All the while millions, or should I say billions are spent helping people who hate this country.
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