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1,668 Public Reviews Given
1,688 Total Reviews Given
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I look at the fun factor.
I'm good at...
Knowing what sells and Knowing what is good are my skills.
Favorite Genres
Murder mysteries.
Least Favorite Genres
Long sad stories.
Favorite Item Types
Murder She Wrote, Columbo and NCIS.
Least Favorite Item Types
Sad, tragic endings.
I will not review...
My obituary.
Public Reviews
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Review of The Ghost Of Me  
Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
The ghost of me.
Could this be your alter ego?
Or is it death?
The poem works.
What is, but why?

Most of us don't want to die.
We don't want to go to Hell.
We don't want to be a regretful ghost.
But, that doesn't mean we won't be all those things.
It is what it is...

I liked this tome.

Bob County

Review by bob county
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
The problem with E.T.s is they always want something.
The E.T.s of ancient Sumeria wanted gold.
Your Hearrols want control over your people.
But, they can be killed.
So, the Hearrols try to appear God-like.
Ancient Sumerian E.T.s wanted gold and to be worshiped.
They got both...

Bob County
Review of To the Rescue  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)
You are a perfect storyteller.
I was transfixed.
Faeries are really cute and precious.
I am so glad that you told this story.
I hope you can find many more...
I like to write about faeries too.
But, your elegance is hard to match.
Faeries are very much like Angels.
But, who would question the existence of Angels?

Bob County
Review of The Algorithm  
Review by bob county
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Very cool...
The problem is the meaning.
There is none.
I try to find meaning...
It gives me purpose, but it's contrived.
I like the Algorithm in commercials.
What is the point?
This Algorithm has a split personality.
That's because it has no purpose.
Humanity is extinct.

Oh, well.

Bob County
Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Renslow is gone.
As we approach the Christmas season I ponder Scrooge.
Scrooge was a loan agent.
He made loans.
And back in the day loans were never forgiven.
Renslow should be remembered?
What is the sum of a man or woman?
When a person dies their usually forgotten by most.

Keep writing!

Bob County
Review of A Wiccan Decision  
Review by bob county
Rated: ASR | (2.5)
What if you are not Christian?
Hindu, Buddhists, etc are all going to Hell?
I like Zen, but I was raised Roman Catholic.
I can't imagine God persecuting those who are different.
Is that heresy?
Imagine all the good people and most aren't Christian.
Is that heresy?

Bob County
Review of The Addison Daily  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)
I was raised a Roman Catholic Democrat.
The Roman Catholic tradition was firm and Irish.
The Democratic politics came from my father and his grandfather.
My mother was a liberal humanist of Jewish descent...
She went along with my dad on politics and religion.
I thought that the Roman Catholic Mass was boring.
When I was old enough to vote I voted what dad voted.
Mom didn't care much about voting and begrudgingly went to Mass.
She would sleep at Mass...
What was the choice?

Trump or Biden?
What a midrash!

You are enthusiastic!

Bob County
Review of "A Gut Feeling"  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)
If you have physical pain you should go to the hospital.
Guessing what it is isn't going to help you.
I had a stroke and my legs gave out.
I had to learn how to walk at the hospital.
It could be a neurological attack.
I to get scans of my brain.
The easy answer is we live in an imperfect world.
Just keep tudging along.

Bob County
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)
First, invest in Grammarly to check your grammar.
Second, length is not important.
Do not feel the need to repeat events.
I am scared when people jump at me.
I am also scared when I read Sleepy Holly.
I am very scared of spiders.
I am not so scared of ghosts.
They have a lot of baggage to untie.
Most ghosts are imaginary, but some are not.
Vampires and clowns are fun!

Just my two cents for the ferryman.

Bob County
Review of Anger  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)
Why? Why not?
Do you believe there is nothing?
Nothing cannot exist, therefore, we exist.
Evil and good are moral constructs.
We are alive!
You can choose to believe in good or evil or nothing.
You may choose there is no choice.
That is what it is.
Don't be so angry...
I choose to be happy!

Have fun!

Bob County
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)
Most citizens celebrate Thanksgiving with a turkey meal.
But. the first Thanksgiving was absent the turkey.
There is nothing like a fish meal.
It might have been cod!
I like cod and potatoes!
Maybe, some corn too!
I think they had green beans...

Anywho, it sounds yummy!

Bob County
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)
This poem is about a witch, who is evil.
I know witches, who are good...
Strange how the mind can paper together what he wants to see.
Look up at the night sky and see the infinite possibilities.
Beneath the stary sky is buried the truth.
So many possibilities and so little time.

Do not be afraid!

Bob County
Review of The Snow Fence  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)
I peeled an orange and paid some bills.
Now, I thinking about exterritorial souls.
What is a soul?
Does an animal have a soul?
This is a good question!
A soul is a simple will to live.
Animals, plants, and people have souls.
I think this orange is delicious!
It had a soul and now it's my food.
Exterritorial souls should be just as delicious and important.
But, I cannot be certain until I meet one!

Just my two cents for the ferryman.
I had a stroke on August 22, 2021...
I think I have a soul.

Bob County

Review of Weekly Goals  
Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This is a list of objectives in a poem.
I wonder if there is a poem?
Poetry is many things not always rhyming.
The purpose of poetry can be simple or complex.
I think rhyme is fun, but not necessary...
I find myself writing poetically not intentionally.

I hope this is helpful.

Bob County
Review of THE GLORY OF GOD  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (3.0)
Are you serious?
Does God create evil?
Why bother to create?
It sounds like that Genesis story.
The awful news about Genesis is it's a myth.
None of what you asserted is factually proven.
Wouldn't it be stunning if there was no god or gods?
Just stellar matter continuing forever would be enough.
Why doesn't God a beginning?
The concept of God is fictional...

Isn't it?

Just my two cents for the ferryman.

Bob County
Review of Changes  
Review by bob county
Rated: 18+ | (3.5)
The alternative was President Donald Trump?
President Joe Biden is just as incompetent.
The immigrant problem from South America has always been there.
What does Article 24 state?
If they show up they have to be given a court date.
Who is going to stop them from leaving?

President Donald Trump kept them in Mexico for a few years.
President Teddy Rosevelt shot them.
He had calvary fortification along the border.
The Mexicans tried to take back Texas and failed.
It is going to start again?

Bob County
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)
Schools usually do teach about prayer.
But, most public schools can not teach about the power of prayer.
A private school may delight in prayer, but a public school must consider all faiths.
It's sad we have to suppress the celebration of prayer in public schools.

Bob County
Review of Woke Christmas  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

I don't what to make of this.
Zionists are Jews who live surrounded by antisemites.
President Donald Trump was pro-zionist as is President Joe Biden.
Jesus was black or he had a really good tan.
The Satan Clause came from Coca~Cola and is white.
Saint Nickolas was born in Turkey and is brown.
President Donald Trump wanted to keep illegal immigrants in Mexico.
President Joe Biden wants to keep illegal immigrants here with a court date.
I voted for Bernie Sanders.

Does that make any sense?

Bob Country

Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
? I do not comprehend?
I have had a stroke that might have killed me.
I'm in the Portsmouth hospital now.
I remember everything turning to the left and I shut my eyes.
I opened them to find myself sitting on the floor.
I'm not certain if Jesus cared or if any God or prophets noticed.
All I remember is my opening manager calling an ambulance.
How does one find Jesus or God?
You need faith.

Confusing poem.

Bob County
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (3.5)
President Joe Biden has said he would veto any universal health care.
President Joe Biden is now deporting all illegal aliens.
He was going to keep some Haitians.
President Joe Biden was going to get all Americans out of Afghanistan.
He isn't sure he has Americans in all of his flights out of Afghanistan.

President Donald Trump had a leave-in Mexico immigration policy.
It is being resurrected.
He was planning on removing the American citizens first, then the military from Afghanistan.
But, that is all water under the bridge now.
I voted for Bernie Sanders.

Bob County

Review of Poems  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)
Is this why I had a stroke?
There aren't any positive words here.
You're are sick, sad and lost.
I'm here alone this morning in the Portsmouth hospital.
I had a visitor last even, who helped me with my insurance.
Strange you can't find someone..
This is silly but just go out with a fun person.
The sex will be silly and fun.
That's my advice.

Review of Odin's Eye  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)
My dad was half Viking and half Irish.
I think it wasn't by choice on the Viking side.
But, he did have red hair.
A fun poem, full of life's spice.
I like it.

Bob County and Viking yore.
I think they were explorers.
But, they were Vikings!
Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Thank you for your kind note.
I don't know what to make of this poem.
When I think of Jesus, I am reminded of dad.
He built a small nativity scene with an angel on top.
You seemed to be searching in a bar for Christ.
That's okay.

Could Jesus include other creatures from other worlds?
Why not?

Bob County
Review of Dear Me  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)
Jeez! I've never made a checklist.
In high school, I got beat up by two black girls.
I push past them because I was late for an algebra class.
One girl grabbed my grey hoody and pulled me down.
Then, they started kicking me.
But, I defended myself with my hard-backed algebra book.
This is the only useful moment I had for algebra.

I'd like to see a photo of you!
Can you put that on your checklist?
Do not worry about word counts or contests!
Writing is fun, like streaking through the girls' showers.
You should try streaking or skinny dipping.
And write a poem about it on the subway wall(Simon&Garfunkle}.

Keep dreaming and writing!

Review by bob county
Rated: E | (3.5)
Did not Jesus Christ die for all our sins?
Adolf Hitler could be in Heaven if he repented his sins to Jesus Christ.
Deuteronomy 24:16 states, "The children shall not be punished for their father's sin."
But God punished all of Adam's children for Adam's sin.
And then God sent his only son, Jesus Christ, to die for Adam's sin.
That's a human sacrifice for genocidal sin.
How many innocent babies died in Noah's flood?


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