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1,392 Public Reviews Given
2,269 Total Reviews Given
Review Style
In depth, detailed, and honest. I always point out the things I enjoyed most about an item, highlighting the strengths along with any weaknesses or glitches I might find. To me, it's important to let a writer know how something made you feel and what reactions you had when reading, not just the technical aspects.
I'm good at...
Characterization, punctuation, plot, and grammar.
Favorite Genres
Anything dark and angsty. Horror, erotica, dark dramas are usually my favorites.
Least Favorite Genres
Westerns, Sci-Fi, and comedy.
I will not review...
Poetry and non-fiction. I read these for pleasure alone. I don't know enough about the technicalities to give a decent or useful review. Any comments I send are always just based on my personal reactions as a reader.
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Review of My Dear Melinda  
Review by Adriana Noir
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)

Let me start off by saying hello and welcome to WDC! *Bigsmile* I hope that you are enjoying your experience here and are finding your way around okay!

As for your story, the title and description drew me right in. Excellent choices! They held the promise of a thrilling story and you delivered that in full force. There was an overwhelming air of darkness and horror ozzing from each line. I could almost hear this being read in a flat, monotone voice. You convey a powerful tone with your words!

The protagonist seems a bit off his rocker. *laughs* Maybe it's a preexsisting condition, maybe it is due to the ceaseless prattle of his young wife. I guess we will never know. The contents in the trunk were startling to say the least and made me think the latter might be true.

Your excellent style reminds me of some of the old masters of horror like HP Lovecraft! *Thumbsup* This was one read I could not take my eyes from. No pun intended! *Laugh*

I did notice a few things you may want to take a look at. Dashes kept creeping into the middle of your words. I'm not sure if it was intentional or not. Please keep in mind that my suggestions are the sole opinion of one reader. You yourself are the best judge of what works for you and your story. That in mind, feel free to use or discard them as you wish! *Smile*

marrying her, for let-ting myself be drawn in by those eyes letting

Something else was in the pit of my stomach, twisting my innards around, and mak-ing me nauseous. making

That night after my wife was asleep I took the knife from hiding and held it in my hands That night, after my wife was asleep, I took the knife from hiding and held it in my hands Comma after night and sleep

The next morning I woke up early to the sound morning,

As I was thinking of how to clean up the blood I was reminded blood,

Leaning forward I anxiously reached into the chest and pulled forward

Re-lease forms signed by my wife, my dear wife. Release

Her eyes star-ing into mine, not through me, I staring

I col-lapsed to the floor, releasing it. collapsed

I frantically rummaged through it, looking for something, any-thing. anything

Overall, this was a gripping story and very well-written! I will definately be back to read more of your work. *Bigsmile* Thanks for sharing and welcome to WDC!

Review of Let them  
Review by Adriana Noir
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
I might be sick, but I liked this poem! It had a nice flow and rhyme scheme, making it very easy to read. It has a very dark undertone, and things like crying and screaming from the shadows are sure to elicit a chill in the reader. It reminds me of a serial killer or perhaps a darker force, collecting his victims.

I did find two things you may want to take a look at.
brough in this brought

its now much too late! it's a contraction for it is
I also wonder if this would not flow better as now it's much too late?

Great poem and best wishes!

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Review of The Dream  
Review by Adriana Noir
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Oh! My arms erupted into goose flesh at the end of this story! It made my eyes water involuntarily too! What wpoerful writing! *Thumbsup*

You caught every mother's worst fear to a perfect tee here, along with the overwhelming compulsion to protect our shildren to the point of near hysteria. This story reminded me so much of a dream I had 5 years ago. I dreampt my son went boating with his paternal grandparents and drowned. I still remember the blue hue his skin had and the purple tint of his lips...the overwhelming heartbreak and the feeling that I would never EVER forgive them for letting that happen! To this day, I can still see that image and it rattles me to tears.

Strange the power dreams have over people and the way we interpret them. Some see foreshadowing as a blessing, others as a curse. But in this instance, it seemed to be a lifesaver and indeed a blessing.

Your concise style kept the suspense and feeling of dread mounting with each sentence and kept me on the edge of my seat! Thank you for the amazing ride and the endearing look into the heart of a mother. *Heart*

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Review by Adriana Noir
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Ohh I want creamy raspberry carpeting! *Shock* That sounds divine!

Short, sweet, and to the point, this story was an absolute joy to read. I love the rivalry between the dark pixies and the vampiers that you laid out for the reader in the beginning. Excellent use of foreshadowing! *Thumbsup*

There is a mischievious quality to the protagonist, that plays in well with her ...breed? LOL anyway, I could practically see her wry smirk as she thought she lured in a scum-sucking member of society! *Smirk*

A classic twist at the end made for a reader's delight! Thanks for the smiles and the laugh! Great job.

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Review of The Refuge  
Review by Adriana Noir
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Thank you so much for entering the "Invalid Item contest! *Kiss* This story chilled me to the bone and brought tears to my eyes. Wow!

*Note5*First Impressions: Such a unique blend of horror and love. *Thumbsup* You enveloped this story in a dream-like shroud, one that pulls the reader along by the hand, compelling them further into the story. I was seized in your grip from start to finish and experienced a myriad of emotions along the way.

I'll admit, this story wasn't what I expected after the first few lines. *Smile* Don't worry! It was a pleasant surprise. You led us through a haunting web of abuse, loss, love...and a bittersweet reunion.

*Note5*Did it follow the guidelines of the contest? Yes! (You worried for nothing...and I like waffles*Laugh*)Her haunting past combined with the sheer essence of Ricky made this dark..but comforting. He is the balance to the nightmare she lives at home. That she lost that yin was heartbreaking.

*Note5*Characters, plot, and setting: Wow. I don't know where to start. This plot was awesome. Ricky is gifted, and such a blessing to our protagonist. He is the friend everyone would want to have, intuitive to our situations and tenderhearted. Her mother and father are atrocious people and deserved what happened to them. Even if it was a fluke accident (or was it?) it was still just desserts!

I loved the descriptions of the ater and the swirling fog, as well as the feel of the lighthouse. It felt like a comfortable haven, the place we would all want to escape to for a while. Your wording is enviable and you infused just the right amount of description into the story that you did not bog down the pace.

*Idea*Suggestions for Improvement:*Idea*

*Blush* Really I have none. For selfish reasons alone, I wish this had been longer...but it was perfect.

*Note*Any suggestions made are the sole opinion of myself as a reader. Please feel free to take what you feel helps and ignore the rest. You and you alone are the best judge of what works best for your style and the work of art you have created! *Smile**Note*

*Note5*Parting Thoughts: Awesome story! Let me say welcome to WDC and that you for contributing to our contest! *Bigsmile* I look forward to seeing you around and delving into more of your offerings! Best of luck in the contest!

Rating summary:

Technical: *Star**Star**Star**Star**Star*

Content: *Star**Star**Star**Star**Star*

Overall Rating:

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Review by Adriana Noir
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
J. Allen Trick,

*Laugh* My stomach and sides now hurt thanks to you! Reading through this, I could only nod my head grimly, cringe, wince, and of course snicker...when I wasn't roaring with laughter. I feel for you and your mishaps, because that would so be me! I have the grace of a two-legged dog.

Your dry, cutting wit was what really made this thing priceless. I LOVED the snide comments and things like the dog laughing at you, other people reading this, Jeremy beaming a lot...Oh gosh. I could gush for hours! Way to rough it...that is about as woodsy after I get too when I am cold and wet!

Talk about bad luck! Or is that Irish luck? *Worry* Anyway....This was a really well written story and hysterical to boot. Despite it all, what matters most is that you tried. You had the experience of a lifetime and lived to share it with all of us...so that we could laugh at....errr....revel in it with you! *Wink*

The descriptions of the moutnatin and storm were beautiful. I've never been on one (I saw those movies about moutnatin men and what they do to girls like me) but reading through your story gave me a perfect visual and the scenery was breathtaking.

I have no suggestions for improvement. Just the humble request that you try again soon so you can relate that tale. *Bigsmile* I'm so glad katherine76 Recommended this one. It was every bit as funny as she said it would be. Kudos on your fortitude and talent with the pen!

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Review by Adriana Noir
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Oh Kiya... *Cry* You broke my heart with this one. What a powerful story! And to think all of this came from a mere picture. I'm shivering and bordering on tears here, so bear with me.

This felt so real...so intense. I thought at first, maybe it was pre WWII, in a ghetto, then my mind whirled at the mention of the Depression and population control. With economies spinning out of control and times being as hard as they are lately, I can SEE that happening. The regulations, the heartbreak, and so many mothers acting with that selfless love. I remember nights like that too when my son was very young, offering what food I had to him instead, though our situation not nearly as dire.

You painted vivid images. I could see this darkened room with worn wooden planks and almost smell the musty, hazy aroma of rooms like that. I felt the parents guilt and agony and Savannah's joy as she caught her first glimpse of the world outside.

Another thing that struck me in your story was her keen sense of sight and heightened awareness. I've been studying a condition called low-latent inhabition that sounds just like that and is sometimes brought on by circumstances like Savannah's...especially her "environmental intuition."

Sadly, she is a child and has no way of knowing she is not to blame. Curiousity is a child's first instinct...one that cannot be surpressed. Your ending words were haunting and will stick with me for a long, long time to come.

You know I am a huge fan of your work and all the reasons why, but this one struck me dumb. I think this is your best work yet. Please e-mail me and let me know if a ribbon would disqualify you from the contest because in all honesty...its killing me not to award this story one.

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Review by Adriana Noir
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Smirk* You are a sick pup! *Laugh* I jest.

You know, I often sit around, cringing, wondering if and when the wrong person will read my writing and send the people in the white coats for me. I too write dark things with a graphic vein. I'm not a dark person on the verge of a psychotic break who wishes doom and gloom on the world (at least not most days *Smirk*) It is just the characters and stories that I am gifted?...cursed? with. People put too much into fiction. That is the JOY of writing and reading, is it not? The escape or the thrill of ...whatever it is.

Don't expect anyone who has never written to understand a writer's heart. Especially not a shrink. We are a mad lot to begin with if you think about it. Little voices that whisper in our heads and inspire us...most call that schitzophrenic. We, creatively of course, call them muses. Now that's some food for thought, eh?

The moral of the story is, never ever{/i} trust those men in white coats. *Laugh*

Thank you for sharing your humbling experience. Truly, I can relate.

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Review of Black Eyes  
Review by Adriana Noir
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
*Laugh* Talk about bad luck! Is he by any chance Irish? I swear that is usually how the chips fall for us.

I loved the details in the beginning that paint a strong visual picture for the reader. It was a beautiful setting and until he got busted slapping those fish in his cooler, had a wonderful serene feel to it.

I could see the widlife enforcer's smile. Times are tough all over aren't they? Both men are just trying to make mends meet and keep food on the table. There in lies the catch. *Wink*

I loved the end. I could see the dejected frown and slump after Roger's day goes from bad to worse. *Laugh*

The only suggestion I have is in the beginning. It had a little bit of a repetive feel to it that you could easily fix by saying With a final glance up and down the bank ... That way you aren't repeating river so close together in such a short paragraph. Totally your call.

This was great writing and its easy to see how you won with this story! Kudos and keep up the great work!

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Review by Adriana Noir
Rated: 18+ | N/A (Review only item.)
Mara...oh Mara. You are trying to kill me! I know it!

*Laugh* *wipes the tears from my eyes and cracks up again* I know I am not right, but this chapter had me in stitches! The verbal exchange between Ean and his mother was absolutely priceless! Perfection! I especially loved the bits about pit vipers making a good pet and the Merril Lynch infomercial...Oh that Ean has a CUTTING sense of humor!

Elizabeth Vaughn is the type of woman who puts you on edge and strikes an immediate chord of dislike in a reader. She's snooty, she's cold, she's calculating. As Erin noted, she seems the type to eat her young!

This gave an amazing insight to where Ean gets his stiff reservation from and what type of childhood upbringing he probably had. His father seems very much the dominating sort, but his mother...someone needs to get that whippet on a leash! *Shock*

My heart went out to Erin as she sat in the middle of a full blown family fued, even if the things that came out of Ean's mouth were hilarious and sometimes....well...shocking, even if well placed. Through it all, he kept a very cool, clam demeanor, one that I myself find much more chilling than a bellow.

Ean proves to be his own man in this segment, one who will stand firm in his beliefs and inclinations of the heart. He also shows a bit of tenderness at the end, sure to make reader's smile with delight. *Heart*

What worries me is Annabelle's scheming. That woman scares me far more than Elizabeth. I said before she reminded me of the grandmother from "Flowers in the Attic." She isn't going to feed Erin and Nick "special" cookies is she? *Worry*

Again, your gift with words proves to be a tremendous delight. I engulfed myself in this chapter and mourned it coming to an end. You have and enviable talent and I am so blessed to count you among my dearest circle of companions. I can't wait to settle down with an autographed copy of one of your bestsellers one day! Don;t think I won;t keep on you about finishing something either...I have the coffee and doughnuts waiting. *Bigsmile* Keep your gift points...just send me a free copy someday.

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Review of The King's Quest  
Review by Adriana Noir
Rated: E | (4.0)
I think I'm off in a corner with a few people who still admits to enjoying medieval stories. *Blush* Hey, just because society is bent on being politically correct, does that mean all fiction has to be too?

Your story carries the feel of a fairy tale. It reminds me of the stories of Rapunzel and Sleeping Beauty I loved to listen to as a kid. The twist about the King needing to fall in love or all the crops would be doomed was a nice twist. This added to the panic of his people.

I also liked how you added the crone with her bones. It blended in a nice touch of realisim for the period and the rhymes were cool too. *Smile*

I did notice a few things you may or may not want to take a look at:

*Bullet* In the title above the word count TThe King's Quest The

*Bullet* "Where am I?" He asked. he asked Dialouge tags such as he said or she said are not capped. *Smile*

It also might help set his thoughts apart if you italicized his thoughts. Just to set them apart from the rest of the text. Clicking on Site Tools from the drop down menu and then clicking on HTML Helpwill show you how to use different codes to use with text you want highlighted.

I hope that you found this review to be helpful. Overall, I think you did a great job of telling a story in so few words. That in itself must be a challenge! Best wishes and Keep up the great work!

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Review of For I love  
Review by Adriana Noir
Rated: E | (5.0)
Oh..I am not good at poetry, but this did make me feel, and deeply so. Your words were a poignant reminder of the tragedy hate breeds. I remember so well the numbing ache, the weeks of stupor I tredged through after those horrible events...yet I know my pain and horror was nothing compared to those who lost friends or loved ones.

You express your disgust toward the events of 9/11, echoing the sentiments of many. But, through this poem, you alos deliver a greater message...one of hope, peace, and love. You remind us tht it is the small deeds that we do that make the world go around. One gifted smile passes itself around in many ways, meaning one kind act often yields another.

We all need to do our part, no matter how big or how small. Apathy leads us no where.

Thank you for sharing this beautiful expression from the soul and the gentle reminder that bridges are built not in an hour, but one stone at a time. *Heart*

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Review of My Love For You  
Review by Adriana Noir
Rated: E | (4.0)
This poem explores the emotional roller coaster that is love to a tee. *Smile* You describe so well the highs and lows and the small but special things in between that make us keep coming back for more.

You don;t shy away from the fact that love is give and take, and all of us make mistakes. Love is also forgiveness, compassion, and understanding.

Thank you for sharing this personal, but beautiful tribute to the man who makes your heart skip beat. It reminded me of what it felt like to be in love and feel that firey passion burn within. *Heart*

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Review of Dream Catcher.  
Review by Adriana Noir
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Oh wow. I really don't even know what to say to this, except that I hope things are looking up for you now. *hugs*

I think we have all been there at one time or another. You described that vaccum, the emptiness, ache and despair with an almost poetic flair. The deep, poignant emotion you stroke against the canvass pulls the reader in, letting them feel your sorrow first hand. It is something that can easily be related to and empathized with.

Your fervant request to your dream catcher struck a deep chord within me. It is a memorable note to end things on and one that will stick with me for a while. *Heart* Beautiful.

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Review by Adriana Noir
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
The way you described this nightmare, the vivid detail you used, made me feel as if I sat in this out of control car. I could feel my own heart pound, my palms grow slick, and my heart rate spike. You've painted a clear picture of your nightmare here, and effectively included the reader as a part of it.

I especially like how you described the tunnel in the beginning and used sction packed phrases like firing down the road like a rocket. *Thumbsup*

The end of this piece is what makes it truly horriffic. I can imagine waking up fromn that dream, sitting bolt upright in bed with saucered eyes. It almost reminds me of that Creepshow segment with the hitchhicker in the bright yellow rain slicker! *shivers*

There are only two small suggestions I had, but please feel free to use them as you wish. You alone can determine what works best for your style and the story you created!

*Bullet*I fly through the tunnel further. I fly further through the tunnel.

*Bullet*They wink out and reflect again from the close side of the ditch as I press on, closer and closer. They wink out and reflect again from the near side of the ditch as I press on, closer and closer.

Gripping nightmare! Thank you for the chills and the thrills!

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Review of Parasite  
Review by Adriana Noir
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

Hi and welcome to WDC! *Bigsmile* I hope that you are finding your way around okay and are enjoying the site. Now, on to the story!

*Shock* Wow! This was a gripping and well written piece. It pulled me deep into this girl's dark world and held me in it's thrall until the very end. *Thumbsup*

On some levels, I could relate. I had my son when I was seventeen, one month before my eighteenth birthday. Though it was not what I had planned for my life, I loved him more than life itself. Working, taking care of him and finishing school was rough, but I made it. Then came the struggles of trying to get by day to day, the feeling of being spread too thin, but I am so lucky that I never suffered post partum depression after having him. Just exhaustion. Kayla is lucky she had someone to help. When I got married and my daughters were born, like everything else pertaining to life or the house, I did it all by myself.

This stroy was well written. Many women do suffer those feelings and from the news alone, we know many of them act on it. You took us through a blood-chilling world and gave us intimate glimpses at the mentality and driving force behind these cold actions.

I am glad that Blake survived and though it is sad he will never know his mother, it is the best outcome considering the characters involved. *Worry* It is a good thing Jayden is such a loving and devoted father.

The only suggestion I have, is most people advise you spell numbers under one-hundred out. I didn't notice any spelling errors and though you switch POV a lot, you make it clear to the reader and easy to follow. Great job! *Thumbsup*

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Review by Adriana Noir
Rated: E | (5.0)
I have to give the three of you credit! *Heart* This is an excellent idea and one that will benefit so many members of the community. The goals are highly achieveable and honestly, it helps the participant out a lot. It gives us a chance to read things we might not normally head for and gives everyone a chance to interact with new members.

The guidelines are well defined, the images are beautiful, and the group leaders are always such a joy to interact with. Thank you for allowing me to join in and share in the fun. *Bigsmile*

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Review by Adriana Noir
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
I loved this cute and cherfully upbeat poem. It tells a story and one that puts a smile on my face. I could easily envision your quaint neighborhood and the rural setting. It made me want to pull up a rocker, find a porch and watch those sunsets too.

My beloved sister lives in the country and though I love the anemities of the city, I always look forward to visiting her-to seeing all the stars and breathing that fresh country air. (That is unless they just fertilized the fields *Laugh*) Makes you wonder where they come up with the term country fresh for a scent doesn't it?

Thank you for sharing this glimpse into your heart and home. You've gifted me with a smile this afternoon by painting such beautiful images. *Heart*

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Review of Fire to Ashes  
Review by Adriana Noir
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

I saw this listed in Darkin's horror newsletter and couldn't resist a peek! I'm so glad that I did. This story possesses a unique feel that weaves around a reader, entwining them with the character and his experiences.

Despite the languid, dreamlike feel of this story, I never saw the end coming! It's always so nice to be surprised as a reader. *Bigsmile*

Osman fell for the same stories that fuel most suicide bombers. I don;t agree with the practice, but it seems it is something they interpret from their religion. It seems baffling how so many want peace and tranquillity while others are bent on destroying as many lives as they can. Still, to a man, you show how such promises hold the allure they do.

Until the end, I thought this was a literal fire, like one you would see in a fire pit. *Blush* I had the image of a phoenix rising from the ashes, but you quickly propelled that sensation into one of horror. The scenery you painted as he rose was terrifying all in itself.

The end was calming and reminded me a bit of an Aseop's Fable, where you walk away feeling you learn some sort of moral or lesson. This was very well done and a read I think anyone would enjoy regardless of religion or favorite genres! *Thumbsup*

Best wishes!
Review of 11 - 19  
Review by Adriana Noir
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Greetings Pennywise!

That name alone makes me shudder! *Laugh* I saw your story listed in Darkin's horror newsletter and wandered in for a read.

This was both chilling and extremely well written. I love how you wove several different elements into this story. Use of the internet is one bound to make many of your readers here sit up and take notice! *Laugh* The time travel was also an exciting addition. I loved the description of the adrenaline rush and the blinding light. The ritual before using it "just in case" had me laughing out loud. One never knows!

The story of Lizzie Borden is well known, and this was a unique spin on an old tale. You wove research together with personal opinions from the character, making this both terrifying and humorous in a demented way. *Smirk*

The only thing I didn't get was the end. Is this person the murderer, or do they simply get a thrill out of going back and re-enacting the crimes? *Blush* I'm probably having a slow day and am missing some key element here.

At any rate, this was a great read! Thank you for the chills and thrills. *Thumbsup* I look forward to reading more of your work in the future!
Review of Insanity  
Review by Adriana Noir
Rated: E | (3.5)
What a gutwrenching story. The fact that people suffer from things like this makes it that much more poignant to read. Mental illness is a lot like a prison and you did a wonderful job depicting that misery and sense of isolation.

The only suggestion I have are the passive words like had and were. A lot of times stronger, active verbs can replace these giving work a tighter feel and a heavier impact. Example: Instead of were this prison formed...or had grown could be dwindled or faded. This would also free up an extra word for description or action, where every word counts.

Overall, this was a great story and I am impressed that you managed to tell it in only 55 words. *Smile* best wishes!

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Review by Adriana Noir
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Initial impressions: This feels like a great start to a thriller suspense. You weave in an air of uncertainty and panic into your readers through Beth's emotions and body language. Her tension serves to heighten the apprehensive air you build through this chapter. *Thumbsup*

The characters: Beth, she's nervous and on edge, and as a reader, we get the feeling it is rightfully so. She lives alone in the woods, twenty miles from her nearest neighbor and has no phone or car. That alone would creep me out! *Laugh* Things only get more interesting when a mysterious drifter named Tony shows up.

Tony...we don't know much about him at this point. He claims to be broken down and seems amicable and handsome. Then again, so did Ted Bundy. *Worry*

Setting/Plot: As a city girl, I find the setting in itself terrifying. She could scream for days and no one would hear her. Twenty miles is a long run, especially if you are wounded. The description eludes to the fact that all is not as it seems with Tony. It helps pull the reader along and heighten the suspense as we wonder what is going to happen and how.

*Idea*Suggestions for improvement:*Idea*

Beth whipped around to see who belonged to the strangely deep voice I wonder if this would not read smoother if you said who possessed the...
I don't normally think of people belonging to voices, but having them.

the only approach to the modest cottage she had been calling home for the past 3 months. the only approach to the modest cottage she called home for the past three months.

I've been told numbers under one-hundred should be spelled out. Also changing had been to called tightens the writing and gives it an active voice. There are a few places where "had" and other similar phrases could be eliminated through the story.

Cautiously pulling back the cheery yellow curtains she peeked out. curtains, she
Introductory clauses are set off with a comma.

He stuck his hand towards her... toward

"Beth," she replied shaking his hand... replied, shaking

This is a matter of personal preference, but a lot of people find it easier to seperate a character's thoughts from the story by setting them off with italics. This might help eliminate a momentary bout of confusion with your readers.

Note: *Note*Please remember that these are only my opinions as a reader. Feel free to use or ignore them as you feel best suits your story and personal style. You alone are the best judge of what works for you and the work of art you created!*Note* *Smile*

*Star*Overall Opinion & Final Notes:*Star* I think this is a great start. The suggestions are only small polishing touches. There are no major flaws and this is well written. It is definately something that I will continue to read and enjoy! Keep up the great work and best wishes! *Smile*

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Review by Adriana Noir
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

Welcome to WDC! *Smile* I hope that you are finding your way around okay and that you will find your experiences here to be both enjoyable and rewarding.

This piece was very well said. I smiled, reading through your exeriences, as I am sure many other will. It is easy to look back and relate to those words. Our writing, as loved and cherished as it may be, is also like children in the aspect that from time to time it does need a little correcting. *Laugh*

Most reviewers here are very helpful as well as encouraging. Many are able to remain objective and look at the actual writing versus the content. Like you said though, reviews are and always will be objective. One person might not like the content, while another person might not like the style.

I;'m glad to see you have a firm grasp on this concept and know that while one or two comments might just be an opinion, many might mean something more serious issue does *gasp* exsist. The best part to me is hearing what people liked and what they felt they could relate to...thoughts on plot, character, etc.

I look forward to reading your work and seeing you around. *Smile* Best wishes!

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Review of Break Me  
Review by Adriana Noir
Rated: 18+ | N/A (Review only item.)
Ah! It is about time you got a folder to house this story. I was dying to get it the ribbon it so justly deserves! I love the descirption you chose. It eludes to some of the horror Erin endures within the prison, yet testifies to her determined strength and fighting Irish spirit. *Thumbsup* In my humble opinion, this story gives Tom Fontana and my beloved HBO series, "OZ" a run for their money. There are too few prison dramas out there. Thank you for gifting your readers one that is not only exciting, but crafted with such skill.
Review of Sarah  
Review by Adriana Noir
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Lady Jane,

This is the second story of yours that I have had the pleasure of reading today. While the writing itself was superb, the content broke my heart. *Cry* The story of Sarah and her atrocious mother will stick with me for a long time. You painted horrific images of abuse, easily depicting her mother as the monster she is. My heart ached and raced along with the protagonist every step of the way.

This story adressed a very serious issue in our country and brought it to a very emotional light. Many people feel it is not their business, and turn a blind eye, fearing they will make the situation worse. Mrs. William's reasoning makes sense...but, children have no way out. They are innocent victims whose voices are silenced before they can cry for help. They do not have the same option as an adult to flee a bad situation by packing up and leaving.

I've often said I could never work in social services or in animal rescue because I would end up going to jail. This story cements those feelings. Wonderful job, I look forward to reading more of your work.
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