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Review of Unconditional  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Poetry review 1 of 2 from your friend Ben Langhinrichs !

The title, description, rating, and chosen genres all fit this poem perfectly. The rhyming couplets worked very well with your words to keep the flow smooth from beginning to end without any rhymes feeling too forced.

You really make your husband to come alive for the reader! The imagery is spot-on and the emotion is clear. I could feel the admiration and love behind each sentence and my heart swelled. *Delight*

I did not notice any grammatical errors or typos. The only suggestion that popped into my head is to add punctuation. I know that it's optional in poetry, but I think that it would make the clarity and flow of this poem even better by guiding the reader's voice as he/she reads.

This is a beautiful dedication to a man that sounds so incredibly real and charming that I just may have fallen in love with him through your words! *Laugh* Honestly, you did a remarkable job with this poem! Your husband is incredibly lucky to have found such a beautiful soul for a wife! The only reason that I'm going with a 4.5 instead of a 5.0 is because I think the flow could be just a touch better (add punctuation, lol). I'd LOVE to come back and give this its proper 5.0 if you decide to touch it up! *Wink**Kiss*

Stephanie Grace

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Review of Dear God  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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The title, description, rating, and chosen genres all fit this poem perfectly. The rhymes did not feel forced; everything flowed smoothly and was simple to follow and understand while reading. *Thumbsup*

This really tugged on my heartstrings! Not only is it simple to understand your feelings throughout this poem, but the emotions presented are ones that we have all felt, I think, which kept this poem incredibly easy to relate to! The imagery is,, of course, reader-driven, making memories a scenes from the reader's own life flash before his/her eyes [which just makes it even easier to relate to and feel!]. *Delight*

I did not notice any grammatical errors or typos, nor did any suggestions pop into my head.

Oh, Wyn! I really loved reading this... What an incredibly display of raw emotion! What more can I really say??

Stephanie Grace

Ozzy also says, "Check out these Wonderful Groups!"
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Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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The title, description, rating, and chosen genres all fit this poem perfectly. This is very creative! I love the way that you have written this --the whole premise is just wonderful! I wonder what the prompt was...[?] Everything was simple to follow and understand as well as being easy to relate to! I found this to be quite a thought-provoking piece!

This definitely got both my heart and mind moving. While understanding the feelings of your mind, my own feelings were stirred while thinking about how my mind must feel! *Blush* This isn't a visual piece, but it stirred up plenty of my memories to go before my mind's eye.

The only grammatical error or typo I noticed was in the second paragraph: who's should be whose to show possession. *Wink* The only suggestion I have is to fix that. *Laugh*

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this! It left me feeling reflective and inspired --amazing!

Stephanie Grace

Ozzy also says, "Check out these Wonderful Groups!"
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Review of Pigeon Parade  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
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The title, description, rating, and chosen genres all fit this poem perfectly. I did, however, feel that this had a bit more a "prose" feeling than "poem". As a poem, though, the free verse form worked wonderfully with your words to keep the flow smooth from beginning to end. Everything was simple to follow and understand. *Thumbsup*

You did a tremendous job of bringing the reader into the scene. This just came to life before my eyes (not good with my fear of birds! LOL). As I read, I could easily feel the changing moods toward these flying rats. *Laugh* The buildup was really terrific. I was never quite sure where this was going and my attention was held throughout. *Thumbsup*

There were a few little places where the punctuation seemed to obstruct the flow, but that could just be me --especially since I went on a BIG rant about grammar yesterday (I can NOT text message. How can you fit proper grammar and language into 160 characters? LOL). For example, in the first line of the final stanza, I wanted a comma after Today just because it's started a sentence and an added detail to the main thought being expressed.

This poem is incredibly creative and I absolutely love the message at the end. It left me sitting and reflecting, just thinking deeper about what had been said. *Delight* I also love that you threw in information about the pigeons. All in all, this is really great read that made me smile. It was actually quite fun! *Bigsmile* It definitely had me thinking of the NYC pigeons... I haven't visited them in a while (Somehow, they're the only birds I'm not completely terrified of. LOL... Maybe because they walk along with you on the sidewalks instead of dive-bombing your head like the Jersey shore seagulls? LOL)

Thank you for sharing this poem!! It was a delight to read!

Stephanie Grace

Ozzy also says, "Check out these Wonderful Groups!"
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Review of Mother's Garden  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)

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The title, description, rating, and chosen genres all fit this poem perfectly, although, maybe Other could be replaced by Experience? The AABB rhyme scheme worked wonderfully with your words to keep the flow smooth from beginning to end without any rhymes feeling forced. Everything was simple to follow and understand. You really brought me right into this poem with the vivid imagery and clear emotion! This had me smiling all the way through it! This is really a beautiful, reflective poem!

I did not notice any grammatical errors, nor did any suggestions pop into my head.

I love how I just fell right into this poem! I really felt like I was right there in the garden... Thank you for the mini-vacation! *Kiss*

There aren't enough stars in the sky to give to such a reflective, beautiful memory and sentiment.

Stephanie Grace

Review of Poor Old Soul  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

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TITLE, ETC: The title, description, rating, and chosen genres all fit this poem perfectly.
BEGINNING: The opening lines do a great job of setting the scene and dragging the reader into the poem, making him/her want to know more about what's going on.
BUILD-UP/PLOT: The buildup is well-written, filling the reader with a sense of despair and sympathy.
EMOTION: While reading, it was simple to understand the feelings of the narrator as my own emotions were stirred. This poem tugged on my heartstrings.
IMAGERY: The imagery is very vivid. I could see everything as I read.
ENDING: The ending left me reflecting with a big pang of sadness lingering in my heart.


FORMAT: The ABCB rhyme scheme worked wonderfully with your words without any rhymes feeling too forced. (There was a bit of tension in hall/bowl in Stanza 3, but I actually didn't even pick it up until my third read, so I don't even know why I'm bothering to mention it. LOL).
CLARITY & FLOW: Everything was simple to follow and understand. The flow was smooth from beginning to end. *Thumbsup*
GRAMMAR & TYPOS: I did not notice any grammatical errors or typos.


INITIAL REACTION: To take a deep breath and reflect.
INTERPRETATION: This poem relays a scene that is very sad and happens too often.
SUGGESTIONS: I have no suggestions. This poem is perfect the way it is...
OVERALL OPINION: This poem is very well-written and expresses a side of life that no one should ever have to face in any way. It is a glimpse into a harsh reality that is handled beautifully without the reader feeling the disgust that would usually come with such a scene (Okay, it's there... until the end. LOL).
RATING EXPLANATION: I'm giving this poem a 5.0 because I love it and think that you did an amazing job with it!

Stephanie Grace
Review of Haiku Poetry  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)

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This is a folder of beauty and nature that is brimming with talent! I absolutely fell in love with each haiku as I read and thoroughly enjoyed my stay in this folder! *Delight* The short introduction gives the reader a great idea of what to expect and everything is clear.

I do, however, have a suggestion: ADD MORE!

Stephanie Grace

Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)

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The title, description, rating, and chosen genres all fit this poem perfectly. You stuck very well to the given rhyme scheme (I'd mention form too, but I'm too lazy for research right now. *Blush* LOL.). The flow was smooth from beginning to end without any rhymes feeling forced. I enjoyed that this had a somewhat bouncy rhythm --it gave the poem a wonderful, upbeat feel and a somewhat faster pace which kept me smiling! *Delight* Your words do a great job of making the reader understand what you are saying without you feeling "preachy". The imagery is clear, yet this poem also stirs up some memories from the reader's own life, which is wonderful since it really makes your words hit home! *Thumbsup*

I did not notice any grammatical errors or typos nor did any suggestions pop into my head.

This poem definitely left me thinking --and smiling. The message behind the words comes through clearly, yet this poem also felt as though it could be open for a bit of interpretation from people of different walks of life. I LOVE it!

Really? I mean, come on, do you really want an explanation for the 5.0 after reading all of that raving above?? *Wink*

Stephanie Grace

Review of Passionesque!  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

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The title, description, rating, and chosen genres all fit this poem perfectly. The free verse form worked beautifully with your words to keep the flow smooth from beginning to end. The imagery was vivid and the emotion all clear. This is a creative looks at look and beautiful testament of feeling!

I did not notice any grammatical errors or typos. The only suggestion that popped into my head was for the addition of punctuation to better guide the reader's voice as he/she reads, but I know it's all about personal preference. *Wink*

I truly enjoyed this poem and found it to be a beautiful display of talent. We should all be so lucky to experience such bliss...

I cannot in good faith give this poem any less than a 5.0. A poem that makes me feel such as this one did can be no less than perfect. This poem is perfection --it is experienced, not just read.

Stephanie Grace

Review of NOAH'S ARC  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)


TITLE, ETC: The title, description, rating, and chosen genres all fit this poem perfectly.
BEGINNING: The opening lines did a wonderful job of setting the tone and the scene of the poem. *Thumbsup*
BUILD-UP/PLOT: The buildup moved along nicely and kept my attention, while also keeping me wondering how you would tie up the given scene to the title.
EMOTION: There are feelings of fear and anticipation that came through clearly while reading, though I also found myself smiling at some of the scenes...
IMAGERY: The imagery is just spot-on, Ms. Meg! You really brought me right into the scenes and SHOWED me what was happening instead of just telling... Wonderful!
ENDING: The ending tied everything up very well and left me reflecting and smiling --what could be better?


FORMAT: The ABAB rhyme scheme worked wonderfully with your words without any rhymes feeling forced.
CLARITY & FLOW: Everything was simple to follow and understand. The flow was very smooth, however, there were a few little hiccups due to capitalization... It really could just be me, but the capitalizing of each line gave a feeling of a new thought being started in each one which is not the case in all instances. I think that looking for such places and changing the letters to lowercase would improve the flow there. *Wink*
GRAMMAR & TYPOS: I did not notice any grammatical errors or typos.


INITIAL REACTION: ...Just to smile and reflect. (And be very happy that it's not raining right now --otherwise, I might be a little paranoid right now. LOL).
INTERPRETATION: Rain season is explored.
SUGGESTIONS: Other than the whole capitalization-thing, I got nothin'. *Wink*
OVERALL OPINION: I thoroughly enjoyed reading this poem and found it incredibly entertaining! Having never been to Australia or experiencing anything more than a normal Jersey storm, this poem was like having a whole new adventure in life! I LOVE it!
RATING EXPLANATION: Must I truly explain??

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*Reading*Review submitted by a Proud Sunshine Reviewer for "Invalid Item!!*Reading*
Review of APRIL  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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The AABB rhyme scheme worked beautifully with your words to keep the flow smooth from beginning to end. You brought me right into the scene and showed me the beauty that the month of April contains! *Delight* (Should I mention now that "April" usually makes me scrunch my nose as I know the warm weather is coming? LOL). I love that you managed to include so much in this poem. All very real and true, you managed to relay so many sights and sounds that I really felt like I was there again... *Shock*

I did not notice any grammatical errors or typos, nor could I think of any suggestions... I tried! *Laugh*

This is a well-written and beautiful display of talent that, for me, really captured the essence of April and made it come to life before my eyes! What more can I really say? You made a usually daunting month seem beautiful --I only scrunched my nose once! *Laugh* (Line 12. LOL)

Stephanie Grace

*Reading*Review submitted by a Proud Sunshine Reviewer for "Invalid Item!!*Reading*
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)


TITLE, ETC: The title, description, rating, and chosen genres all fit this poem perfectly.
BEGINNING: The opening line does a great job of bringing the reader into to them poem as well as setting the tone for what follows.
BUILD-UP/PLOT: The buildup provides great insight into the situation at hand and how the narrator is feeling. *Thumbsup*
EMOTION: It is simple not only to understand the narrator's feelings while reading, but my own emotions were also stirred as your words tugged on my heartstrings and brought some memories to the forefront of my mind.
IMAGERY: I think that the imagery is primarily reader-driven as this poem brings back memories and/or faces from the reader's own life which is great because it keeps the poem simple to relate to.
ENDING: The ending summed everything up well, however, it felt, to me, like it could be stronger...


FORMAT: The ABCB rhyme scheme worked wonderfully with your words, but one rhyme set did feel forced when I read... (hard/dark in Stanza 5).
CLARITY & FLOW: The flow was smooth and everything was simple to follow and understand throughout the poem.
GRAMMAR & TYPOS: The only thing that I noticed in the grammar department is that there should be a comma at the end of Stanza 3, Line 1 since sweetheart is being spoken so should therefore have a comma before and after the name.


INITIAL REACTION: My first reaction was to just sit here for a moment and take it all in. There is an emptiness behind your words that really struck me!
INTERPRETATION: Romance fades away...
SUGGESTIONS: The only suggestions I have are the comma in Stanza 3 and to try and play with the ending a little bit, maybe somehow make it stronger? I really believe that you can easily add more impact to the final line with just a little bit more attention to it... *Wink*
OVERALL OPINION: I really enjoyed reading this poem and think that you did a wonderful job with writing it! The feelings are spot-on and it really hit my heart! *Delight*
RATING EXPLANATION: I'm saying 4.5 only because of all that mumbo-jumbo in the "suggestions" section of this review. *Laugh* I love this poem, though, and think that it will blossom in a 5.0 before your eyes if you just coax it a little bit. *Wink*

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*Reading*Review submitted by a Proud Sunshine Reviewer for "Invalid Item!!*Reading*
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)


TITLE, ETC: The title, description, rating, and chosen genres all fit this poem perfectly.
BEGINNING: The opening line does a great job of introducing the narrator as well as setting the tone. *Thumbsup*
BUILD-UP/PLOT: The buildup is well-written and allows the reader to better understand the narrator as well as relating to the words.
EMOTION: The emotion throughout this poem, to me, felt very reader-driven, coming primarily from the way in which the reader relates to your words and the statements being said.
IMAGERY: Again, it felt very reader-driven as your words bring memories to the front of the reader's mind's eye as they read.
ENDING: The ending summed everything up well and left me reflecting. *Thumbsup*


FORMAT: The ABA rhyme scheme worked well with your words without any rhymes feeling forced. The apparent seven-syllable lines gave this a nice uniformed feeling, however, I only counted six syllables in Lines 5 and 11...
CLARITY & FLOW: Everything was simple to follow and understand. The flow was smooth throughout the poem, however, there were a few little places where I felt a little "hiccup" as I read this poem the first time.
GRAMMAR & TYPOS: I love that you have used punctuation throughout this poem. It does a wonderful job of guiding the reader's voice as he/she reads. However, some punctuation marks seemed to break up the flow in a few places. As in Stanza 1 where the dash at the end of line 1 breaks up the thought that is continued in Line 2. The dash in the opening line of each stanza made me pause a little which, in a way, prepared my mind for a new thought to begin or a related description of the first thought...


INITIAL REACTION: My first reaction was to sit and reflect and really allow the words to relate to my own life and past.
SUGGESTIONS: My only real suggestion would be to "fix" the syllable count in Lines 5 and 11... When I read this, my brain wanted community in Line 5 instead of communion, but that would change the meaning as well... *Blush* In Line 11, I think that adding on or in at the beginning of this line would improve the clarity as well as the flow here...? *Blush*
OVERALL OPINION: I enjoyed reading this poem and found it simple to relate to. It felt like it could be a little stronger, but I am unsure exactly how. You did a great job of explaining the person behind the words and allowing the reader to fall right into the poem. *Thumbsup*
RATING EXPLANATION: I'm going with a 4.0 only because I feel like it could be stronger with just a few more minutes of attention. The idea and feelings are there, but something just seemed to be missing for me. Maybe because of the flow and my own nit-picky brain this morning? I think that a quick edit would really make this perfect!

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*Reading*Review submitted by a Proud Sunshine Reviewer for "Invalid Item!!*Reading*
Review of As You Pass By  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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BASIC ELEMENTS: You stuck very well to the chosen form and handled it beautifully! You did not let the restrictions of the form, nor the short length of it, effect your words or limit the emotion you put behind them! I think we have all felt like this which makes this poem simple to relate to. The imagery and tone are well-suited to the content and everything works great together to keep the flow smooth and everything easy to follow and understand.

The only thing that I could think is that, somehow, the ending could pack more of a punch... I'm not exactly sure how (or what I mean, lol), but maybe just try playing with the punctuation or italicize the final line? The reflective tone that this ending gave me makes me really think that an ellipses (...) to end this would really leave the reader thinking about the words and what they truly mean to that individual... Am I over-thinking this? LOL

I think you did a terrific job with a form that really tends to make good poems seem a bit bland and unemotional. I could definitely feel this and really feel like this says volumes more than just the words on my screen!

Stephanie Grace

*Reading*Review submitted by a Proud Sunshine Reviewer for "Invalid Item!!*Reading*
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)


TITLE, ETC: The title, description, rating, and chosen genres all fit this poem perfectly.
BEGINNING: The opening lines did a wonderful job of setting up the scene and tone for the whole poem.
BUILD-UP/PLOT: The buildup is beautiful, allowing the reader to feel, hear, and see everything and even though I knew where this was going, the buildup still created a tension within me as though, maybe, this wasn't going where I knew it was...
EMOTION: The emotion was clear to understand and really yanked on my heartstrings, putting tears in my eyes as I read.
IMAGERY: The imagery was very vivid. I could see it all. You truly did an amazing job of bringing your reader into the scene.
ENDING: The ending left me feeling reflective and sad...


FORMAT: The free verse form worked very well your words. The added note at the end was a very nice touch as it helps the reader to understand why this form --and lack of punctuation, are as they are. *Wink*
CLARITY & FLOW: Everything was simple to follow and understand. The flow was smooth which really amazed me since I'm usually a big ol' advocate of punctuation. *Blush*
GRAMMAR & TYPOS: I did not notice any grammatical errors or typos.


INITIAL REACTION: My first reaction was to sit back, take a deep breath, and wipe the tears from my eyes.
SUGGESTIONS: The only suggestion that I could come up with would be to add a comma at the end of line 22 (as if this were...).
OVERALL OPINION: This brought me into an amazingly calm and mournful scene. This is a beautiful poem and I hope that you found it therapeutic to write. I thank you for sharing this with us.
RATING EXPLANATION: Witch such emotional pieces, it's always hard to give a rating... There are just never enough stars.

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*Reading*Review submitted by a Proud Sunshine Reviewer for "Invalid Item!!*Reading*
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)

Poetry Review 3 of 3 from your friend, Gothic Angel gone


TITLE, ETC: The title, description, rating, and chosen genres all fit this poem perfectly.
BEGINNING: The opening lines drew me in right away and offer a wonderful introduction to the poem by setting the tone and allowing the reader to understand what kind of poem this is right off the bat.
BUILD-UP/PLOT: The different scenes explored through the stanzas did a beautiful job of showing the reader the importance and symbolism of the words.
EMOTION: It was clear to understand the feelings of the narrator as well as having the strings in my heart tugged on as I read.
IMAGERY: The imagery is vivid and the words inspire plenty of memories to emerge before the reader's mind's eye.
CREATIVITY: You took something that so many have said before and really made it your own. *Delight*
ENDING: The ending sums everything up very well and left me feeling loved and hopeful.


FORMAT: The free verse form worked very well with your words. The rhymes, where present, did not feel forced.
CLARITY & FLOW: The flow was smooth from beginning to end and everything was simple to follow, understand, and feel.
GRAMMAR & TYPOS: I did not notice any grammatical errors or typos.


INITIAL REACTION: This is a beautiful testament of love that left me reflecting on my own marriage and past.
INTERPRETATION: A beautiful testament of love and how that love saved you and set you free.
SUGGESTIONS: I couldn't come up with suggestions for improvement if I tried -and I did! *Blush*
OVERALL OPINION: What more can I really say? This is beautiful and I see why it has that beautiful ribbon beside it!
RATING EXPLANATION: Hmmm... Let me think on that one...

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*Reading*Review submitted by a Proud Sunshine Reviewer for "Invalid Item!!*Reading*
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)

Review 2 of 3 from your friend Gothic Angel gone


TITLE, ETC: The title, rating, and chosen genres all fit this poem perfectly. The description gives great background information, however, it may benefit from a word or two of insight into the poem...
BEGINNING: The beginning caught my attention and helped to clarify the title since I was unsure if this would be a physical "healthy heart" or an emotional one.
BUILD-UP/PLOT: The buildup did a great job of keeping my attention as well as helping the reader to further understand what you are getting at. *Thumbsup*
EMOTION: I think the emotion of this poem comes primarily from the reader's own experiences and life. For me, I was smiling and nodding, but also felt a little pang of pain and guilt. *Blush*
IMAGERY: The imagery is another reader-driven aspect which is wonderful because it really allows him/her to easily relate to the poem.
CREATIVITY: *Thumbsup* I love the way in which you have chosen to share your thoughts about this topic --and how true it is!
ENDING: The ending wrapped up everything very well and the extra line was witty and made me smile! *Wink*


FORMAT: You stuck wonderfully to the Acrostic form.
CLARITY & FLOW: This flowed smoothly from beginning to end and everything was simple to follow and understand.
GRAMMAR & TYPOS: I did not notice any grammatical errors or typos.


INITIAL REACTION: My first reaction was a smile and a big thumbs up!
INTERPRETATION: Words of clarity and wisdom to keep our hearts happy and healthy.
SUGGESTIONS: The only real suggestion I have would be to change the color of the first "H" --the yellow is a bit too light on the white background which makes it a little bit of a strain on the eyes.
OVERALL OPINION: I love the simplicity of this poem! It really did a beautiful job of keeping everything clear without anything getting in the way of your message --and what an important message it is!
RATING EXPLANATION: I really want to give this a 5.0, but I just feel like somehow it could be made just a touch stronger. I don't know how, but I really feel like this could pack just a bit more of a punch. *Blush* Due to that feeling, I'm going with a 4.5... *Blush*

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*Reading*Review submitted by a Proud Sunshine Reviewer for "Invalid Item!!*Reading*
Review of The Beach  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Poetry review 1 of 3 from your friend {user:gothic_angel

The ABAB rhyme scheme worked wonderfully with your words to keep the flow smooth from beginning to end without any rhymes feeling forced. The emotion and imagery were both vivid and came through clearly. I was really whisked away by your words, remembering my own beach experiences and wishing that this was last month again when Hubby and I took a mini-vacation to Atlantic City. *Laugh*

Oh, I'm getting off the point...

In only eight short lines you managed to capture my attention and bring me right into the scene. The storyline surrounding this poem is easy to interpret which makes this poem say much more than just the words on the screen!

GRAMMAR/SUGGESTIONS: I did not notice any grammatical errors or typos, nor did any suggestions pop into my head.

This is well-written and beautiful! I'd actually REALLY love to read a story based around this poem! *Delight*

Stephanie Grace

*Reading*Review submitted by a Proud Sunshine Reviewer for "Invalid Item!!*Reading*
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

Poetry review 3 of 3 from your friend Gothic Angel gone ...


TITLE, ETC: The title, description, rating, and chosen genres all fit this poem perfectly.
BEGINNING: The opening line set the tone and drew me in. *Thumbsup*
BUILD-UP/PLOT: The buildup allowed me to not only fall deeper into the storyline surrounding the poem, but also kept my emotions flowing as I read.
EMOTION: I detected both anger and sadness and experienced both as I read this, tears filling my eyes as your words yanked on my heartstrings.
IMAGERY: The imagery is vivid, creative, and sad. The contents represent something that all of us have been through or will go through, which brought back A LOT of memories for me. *Cry*
CREATIVITY: The imagery, wording, and way in which you presented the scene and story of this poem are all true displays of your creativity and talent.
ENDING: The ending left me reflecting and wiping tears from my eyes.


FORMAT: The rhyming couplets worked wonderfully with your words without any rhymes feeling forced.
CLARITY & FLOW: The flow was smooth from beginning to end and everything was just simple to follow, understand, and feel.
GRAMMAR & TYPOS: I did not notice any grammatical errors or typos.


INITIAL REACTION: To reflect and wipe my tears...
INTERPRETATION: The burial of a loved one is experienced by the reader as the poem unfolds.
SUGGESTIONS: I got nothin'...
OVERALL OPINION: This is beautifully written and so very true. It was perhaps a bit too real for me... This definitely hurt to read.
RATING EXPLANATION: After typing all of that and experiencing this poem on the level that I just did, I have no choice but to give this a 1.0...

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*Reading*Review submitted by a Proud Sunshine Reviewer for "Invalid Item!!*Reading*
Review of Early Morning  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)

Review 2 of 3 from your friend Gothic Angel gone


TITLE, ETC: The title, description, rating, and chosen genres all fit this item perfectly.
BEGINNING: This beginning not only gives the reader a great introduction to this piece, but it also sets a relaxed tone that drew me right in!
BUILD-UP/PLOT: The buildup is all nice and relaxed, drawing the reader deeper and deeper into the scene.
EMOTION: The main emotion was the feeling of relaxation and happiness that came over me, but that glorious feeling of starting fresh was also present as I read.
IMAGERY: The imagery is just beautiful! You not only captured the sights and feelings of early mornings, but you really made your reader SEE it!
CREATIVITY: You took a simple, everyday occurrence and truly made it your own! *Thumbsup*
ENDING: The ending wraps everything up and holds a beautiful message and reflective feeling that makes me wish I would've read this earlier in the day so that I could carry it with me for the rest of the day --I will anyway, but I would've liked to have had more time with it. *Laugh*


FORMAT: The traditional paragraph format was definitely the right choice.
CLARITY & FLOW: The flow was smooth, though I did feel a few little hiccups. Everything was simple to follow and understand.
GRAMMAR & TYPOS: Just two little things that I noticed here...
*Bullet*It[']s hard: Apostrophe to show that this is meant to mean it is and not the possessive its.
*Bullet*for you[,] and the: This comma really threw me off and caused me to have to stop and reread this sentence to get the real meaning here. I think that removing this comma would help the reader to understand that you and the morning are being linked as opposed to this meaning that the smile is for you.


INITIAL REACTION: Ahhh... This was so relaxing that I could only reflect and remember the many, many mornings that I've watched the sun rise. (Far too many of them watched without sleep. LOL).
INTERPRETATION: The beauty and enchantment of sun rise is explored and perfectly relayed.
SUGGESTIONS: Other than just going a quick edit to smooth out those evil little hiccups, I got nothin'. *Delight*
OVERALL OPINION: I thoroughly enjoyed reading this and am still in awe of how moved I was... It's not often that I can actually become this relaxed from a piece of writing... I needed this! Thank you!
RATING EXPLANATION: I'm goin' with a 4.5 just because I think that another minute or two and this could easily be made perfect. You've got a golden piece here that is beautiful and oh-so-true, it just wants a little more attention from its Momma!

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*Reading*Review submitted by a Proud Sunshine Reviewer for "Invalid Item!!*Reading*
Review of The Chanters  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

Poetry review 3 of 3 from the Pixie Dust Raffle.

TITLE, ETC: The title, description, rating, and chosen genres all fit this poem perfectly.
BEGINNING: The opening line does a great job of setting the tone of the poem and dragging the reader into the scene.
BUILD-UP/PLOT: I was never quite sure where this was going to go, which I just love!
EMOTION: It was simple, as I read, to feel for the narrator as well as having my own emotions stirred by the situation that she has found herself in.
IMAGERY: Everything was simple to envision while reading.
CREATIVITY: This is definitely a great display of creativity. You took a topic that can be very sensitive and displayed it in such a way that the reader can easily understand it and may look at the topic in a different light after reading.
ENDING: The ending summed up everything well and, I'm not sure if it's supposed to, but it made me smile and give a little chuckle...


FORMAT: The AABB rhyme scheme worked well with your words without any rhymes feeling forced.
CLARITY & FLOW: The flow was pretty smooth from beginning to end, however, I did notice a few little hiccups. Everything was simple to follow and understand.
DIALOGUE: The dialogue is well-written and appropriate for the situation. *Thumbsup*
GRAMMAR & TYPOS: A few little things stuck out to me as disrupting the flow:
*Bullet*Stanza 2, Line 1: go should be capitalized since it is beginning a new sentence.
*Bullet*Stanza 2, Line 2: hiss[.]: This should be a comma since the dialogue following it is a continuation of the dialogue before the dialogue tag.
*Bullet*Stanza 2, line 4: Chanters['] should be possessive since the lies belong to them.
*Bullet*Stanza 3, Line 1: Since a new statement begins in Line 2, there should be some kind of punctuation at the end of this line...
*Bullet*Stanza 3, Line 4: ask[,] "Are..." Here, a comma should be present to attach the dialogue to the narration. Also, since the dialogue following ask continues from before the dialogue tag, there is no need to capitalize Are.


INITIAL REACTION: After I smiled --Okay, it was probably more of a smirk, I just sat back and thought about this poem, reflecting on how I could relate it to a few people in my life and how true this is for too many people... I think you did a wonderful job of making your reader understand and feel while reading!
INTERPRETATION: A person is forced to face their own mental illness.
SUGGESTIONS: I have just a few little things I'd like to offer here:
*Bullet*There is an error message at the top of this poem that could be removed. ("Not an Image" message).
*Bullet*The gray color of the words made this feel like a little bit of a strain on the eyes. I think choosing a darker or bolder color would make it much easier for readers' eyes. *Wink*
*Bullet*The capitalization at the beginning of Line 2 gave me a pause and made me go back and start over since it made it feel like a new statement or observation was beginning versus it being a continuation of Line 1. *Blush*
OVERALL OPINION: I enjoyed reading this poem and truly believe that you did a great job with it! It is well-written and very creative.
RATING EXPLANATION: I'm giving this a 4.0 only because I think that a little editing and toying with this could make it even better. It just wants a little bit more attention from it's Momma. *Wink*

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*Reading*Review submitted by a Proud Sunshine Reviewer for "Invalid Item!!*Reading*
Review of Embrace  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)

Poetry Review 1 of 3 from your friend Gothic Angel gone


TITLE, ETC: The title, description, rating, and chosen genres all fit this poem perfectly.
BEGINNING: This beginning is great because it drags the reader right in, making him/her want to read on to find out what's happening and what "she" is waiting for.
BUILD-UP/PLOT: The build-up is relaxed and sensual. It holds the reader's attention very well.
EMOTION: This poem has a lovely relaxed feeling with a taste of sensuous that stirs the reader's own emotions by bringing memories to his/her mind.
IMAGERY: Not only could I see the scene unfolding before my eyes, but my mind's eye was flooded with images of my own past! *Thumbsup*
CREATIVITY: This is a wonderful display of how something so simple, so everyday can be turned into something beautiful and made one's own!
ENDING: The ending wraps everything up well and left me reflecting on what I had just read.


FORMAT: The free verse form broken into tercets really worked wonderfully with your words to keep the flow smooth, though a few little "hiccups" were detected as I read...
CLARITY & FLOW: Everything was simple to follow and understand.
GRAMMAR & TYPOS: The aforementioned hiccups were mainly caused, for me, by the grammar of the poem. I love that you punctuated throughout the poem, however, I think that additional punctuation would greatly improve the flow and perception for the reader. For example, in Stanza One, two actions are taking place: waited and standing -a comma between the two separate actions would help the reader in understanding the different actions without them being two separated... I noticed this a few times in other stanzas as well.

Also, in some stanzas the final line seems to only being a summary of the actions or main idea of the stanza (Example Stanza 3). I think that using a semi-colon, colon, or simple comma would help the clarity and flow in these places...

Finally, in Stanza Three, the second line kind of threw me off. In the first line, you have shivered then in the second, you have glide. The change from past to present felt a but abrupt here. I think that changing this to gliding would help smooth that out...?


INITIAL REACTION: My first reaction was just to reflect and let out the breath that I seemed to be holding. *Laugh*
INTERPRETATION: A sensual and beautiful scene!
SUGGESTIONS: Other than the ones above, I have no suggestions.
OVERALL OPINION: I really enjoyed reading this poem! It is well-written and simple, yet says and shows so much! You captured a moment in words that, during and after experiencing, we all wish that we could hold onto forever!
RATING EXPLANATION: I'm giving this a 4.0 only because I feel like there is room for improvement in this poem. Mainly just with the flow, so don't go changin' things! *Laugh* I honestly think that you can very easily make this a 5.0 poem just by smoothin' out the flow.

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*Reading*Review submitted by a Proud Sunshine Reviewer for "Invalid Item!!*Reading*
Review of Life is Hard  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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You stuck wonderfully to the acrostic form without anything seeming forced. The flow was smooth from beginning to end. Everything was simple to follow and understand. This poem is one that is simple to relate to which I love because it just hit home. You summed it all up very well. I love how you portrayed both the ups and downs of life rather than just focusing on one point of view. It's quite rare that a poem will show both sides! *Thumbsup*

I think there's a typo in the "R" line... friend should be friends

I thoroughly enjoyed this poem and think that you just did a fantastic job with it!!!

Stephanie Grace

*Reading*Review submitted by a Proud Sunshine Reviewer for "Invalid Item!!*Reading*
Review of I'm Special Too  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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The ABCB rhyme scheme worked wonderfully with your words to keep the flow smooth and everything moving along from beginning to end. This had such a powerful and upbeat feeling that I just couldn't help myself --I was smiling all the way through! The ending was terrific and contains a wonderful message that I hope all readers will carry with them after reading this!!! The emotion is obviously there and the imagery is reader-driven, making memories go through his/her head which I just love as it makes this poem even easier to relate to! Wonderful!

I did no notice any grammatical errors or typos, nor did any suggestions pop into my head.

I thoroughly enjoyed this short poem! *Delight* It's uplifting feeling and message just filled me with the strength and smile to take on the day! Thank you!

Stephanie Grace

*Reading*Review submitted by a Proud Sunshine Reviewer for "Invalid Item!!*Reading*
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
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The free verse form worked wonderfully with your words to keep the flow smooth from beginning to end. Everything was simple to follow, understand, and most of all, feel. You captured the feelings of a broken heart beautifully. I think that we can all relate to this --or could have at some point or another. You have written this in such a way that it just yanked on the strings in my heart, making far too many memories come to life.

I did not notice any grammatical errors, however, I do wonder if there's a typo in Stanza 5, Line 7: Is not supposed to be no? It makes sense either way, but it caught my attention... *Blush*

(((HUGS))) This poem is well-written and incredibly emotional.

Stephanie Grace

*Reading*Review submitted by a Proud Sunshine Reviewer for "Invalid Item!!*Reading*
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