Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1022717-Tears-In-Silence
Rated: E · Poetry · Women's · #1022717
This was right after the birth of my son and I was feeling a little unappreciated!
Another day wasted
Another sleepless night
Just moving thru the motions
Nowhere is there light.

Lost in the countless hours
I’m just here.
I’ve lost myself
But nothing to fear.

Searching for answers
Not knowing the questions
The only hope,
Another of lifes lessons.

Its just a phase
I can only hope
As once again I hear
"Did you use soap?"

More diapers to change
More bottles to make
This feeling of unappreciated
How can I shake?

Tears in silence
Every night and day
I know somehow
There has to be a way

Underneath the dirty clothes
Dirty dishes and floor
I must find a way
To give ME more

I feel so unloved
And taken for granted
But I must constantly nourish
This love that has been planted

So I smile and go on
Go on playing the game
Pretending nothing has changed
Its all the same

Would it be so hard
For a simple “thank you
I know I don’t say it
But I see all you do”

Would the tears stop then
The loneliness too
Would the smile then be real
Or would I still be blue?

Is everyone blind
Or just not wanting to see
That im lost
And not really me?

As time drags on
The living room needs cleaned
Maybe this time
It will be seen.

No one ever asks
How was your day?
And even if they did
What would I say?

"Thank you"
I would smile and say
Knowing that person
Just made my day!

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