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Rated: E · Poetry · Nature · #1151053
one song: one poem: one glorious world: and one mind at a loss to know it all.
Sea Gull’s Cry:
Beneath the Wide and Open Skies

and the tears a-glistening
the shadow glosses glimmering
the golden gifts a-glinting
in the rays of goddess light
the new dawn that God’s hand brings
the shipments of seagulls to every coast
to hark and harp and screech the day
away and then at sun’s death to bear
away across the sea-crests o’er
the darkness, shadow harping
haunting music, Christ’s cacophony
a chaos that was meant to be
an ordering and at once a defiance
of that order, music and song
in contrast with each other
and by contrast harp a melody
to sing the never ending cree
an intricate web, God’s holy plan
Nature’s wheel, harper’s reel
bard’s tale, chirp of nightingale
lull of the land when all do sleep
dreams flutter, hearts weave
shadows dancing in the trees
clouds that float, the isles that glide
strands that drift across the skies
fairies that flit with butterflies
golden wings, glinting wings
silver, pale blue shimmerings
cherry red, dark green as leaves
beneath the old and withered trees
that shelter still neath ancient bows
the sprigs of roses nestled there
strapping saplings young and proud
that lift their arms unto the skies
a chant of praises, no replies
expect ever to fall their way
as rain from heaven, never a day
that passes neath the bows so old
as doesn’t hear on gentle breeze
sprinkled with lilac, breath of streams
a voice so faint, a far-off call
we are here, I am here, on sacred ground
we sing of earth and air and sun
of winter races never won
tween bird of wing and squirrel of fur
to count the falling crystal stars
angel tears and fairy jewels
elven gems the trappings pure
that catch the light of wintry troth
to blaze beneath the moonlit nights
white carpet muffling mortal clatter
wholely different from each other
that to the crying of the gulls
a thread in webs of many things
and earthly music; that the one
the other naught but cold confusing
mortal, human mimicking
of Nature’s reachings far aloof
her teachings far beyond the skein
her wisdoms far beyond the spires
of mortal reckoning, desires
circles, circles, soporific
a freedom, a fey and deadly freedom
to jump, to cast into the nether void
to leave the hither realms of men
and fall into the thither fields
the forests, blessed forests of the Maker
ocean vastness, depths unmeasured
setting sun that shoots the fire
golden flame from heaven to earth
rivers, rivulets of burning
liquid gold to kiss the land
orange, red, magenta, fushia
gorgeous beyond worldly hands
to mold and thought to shape and
mind to color, orchestrate it
a vision that at once in glory
is the manifest of beauty
robe of life to herald it
and a shifting, hastening, changing
dying day that soon to dark
of death and wait shall flee anon
and who can say when day will come?
twilight, green light, deep, bright blues
yellow glow of even star
and far away the red of Mars
blue lights, white lights, up above
one thousand pinpricks held on high
east of the sun and west of the moon
north of sadness, south of hope
I spin and swirl and banners twirl
perhaps someone will see
perhaps someone will read
perhaps someone will hear the cry
of one lost seagull, forgotten how to fly
every shape has a meaning
every story has a tale
the boat needs its rigging
if ever you will learn to sail
and yonder then
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