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Rated: 13+ · Other · Mystery · #1247153
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         There was much left to be done and much more now to do. The changing tide of life had taken its toll on Boss Michaels. He had spent years working for the lowest of the low. Biding his time to build up his family and rise in power to compete the five greater families. His planning had borne great fruit. For now he was on the path to the top. Everything was going accordingly. He held his mansion in high regard as mark of this rising.
         Boss Michaels owed it to one man. A man who brought him from this depths of nothing.
         Such a thing was to be rewarded greatly, but the man worried him. The first and only conversation he had with him chilled him to his bones and was surprisingly short. He didn't even manage to see the face of this man until they met till now, He didn't like it. Danger seemed to be imminent for this meeting ever since the goal was now in sight, the very thought of him reeked of bad news.
         The noise of his footsteps echoed as he walked down the library hallway to meet this man. The large doors before him seemed to grow as he approached. Stomach twisted he stopped suddenly in front of the door.
         The thought that Michaels could trust this man echoed inside his head. No, He couldn't trust him. The task ahead needed to be pulled of. The man was nothing but trouble; it is best to be rid of him now then later.
         Thoughts aside he walked in, the guards were on call if more help was needed.


         The library, a sacred place to Michaels was always the place of rebirth in new thought. The amount of space was small due to the mass amount of books that encircled it. It was small room with only few chairs to relax and read in. Heavily ordered by category by his design and favorites. A small pride and joy that only he knew, but his pride was disturbed by the figure that sat in the chair waiting for him patiently. He could see this man's face, the face of the man who brought him the start of the long line of growing power.
         Truly a man who was dangerous, hiding behind emotionless navy blue eyes. Michael's blood began to chill, but he was so young.
         The man rose from the library chair and moved to greet him as if this was a merely a business transaction with no significant meaning. " It's a pleasure to now meet you Boss Michaels. I apologize for properly greeting you in our last conversation." He said.
With an extended hand " James Godfrey "
         Michaels responded in kind with his own hand and shook it. " It is good to meet you Mr. Godfrey. I am truly in your debt for what you have done. " Michaels said. This man, James, couldn't even be older than 25 Michaels thought.
         " What I have done was merely a job, Boss Michaels. I learned of what you were planning and saw the true means in a rising balance in this infested city."
         " A job… yes it was, but killing those men needed to be done for this balance this new rise away from the big five and their constant ignorance."
         " When you ask a man whose trade is death it is that simple and nothing more."
         Boss Michaels paused and knew he needed to act the soon. The sense of death felt nearby and its hand would extend to take one life tonight.
         " Yes, and now another exchange must be made."  Michaels said
Reaching into his coat pocket he pulled his snub nosed pistol and fired it straight into the chest of this dangerous man. The punch of the bullet seemed to drive this man, James, back into the chair slumped down. There was no look of surprise of on his face as his eyes closed to be gripped with the hand of death.
         "Looks like ill need new furniture, what a pity" Michaels said
         It was too easy! This for the rise to power. To overthrow those who rule this city with an iron fist. He would have sole control soon and the bloody path that would lead him there was just beginning. He holstered the pistol and walked away.
         The real celebration could finally begin.
         As he was about to exit the library, an uneasy feeling began to rise in his heart. Fear began to grow. Was the man truly dead? He had to be; the shot had landed right in the heart. He'd have his brother dispose of the corpse later. It was time to leave.


A shot rang out from behind him. Stricken with surprise he turned around quickly and drew his pistol once more. The grip lost in another shot that struck his hand taking his thumb along with gun. Michaels was shocked by this. He had security screen this man and disarm him in case of any actions this man would make against him. He grasped his hand in pain and to stop the bleeding.
         "Your still alive? What's going on?" Michaels yelled.
         The man, James, rose up out of the chair, his own pistol in hand. His white undershirt of his black suit was drenched in blood. With a mocking smile he opened his undershirt and revealed his secret.
         "Don't treat me as a fool, Michaels." James said. " I had a contact this entire time I worked for you. I had him slip in this body armor and fake blood pouches. You've been a pawn from the very start."
         Michaels was stunned even further. How could he have fallen for this? His dream was in his grasp and it was slipping away from him. He had to grasp it once more. " My men will be storming this room now. Don't think I'm going to let a dog like you kill me." Michaels said.
         He had only one chance left. He had to move quickly. He could not die. He would not die.
         "No one will come for you." James said. Pulling the trigger.          
         Michaels dived towards the nearest aisle. He dodged it. Getting to his feet. He grabbed a book from the end of the shelf. He stored a number of pistols here in case of emergencies. It always paid off to be a little paranoid.  Another shot was fired in his direction. He opened the book and was again left with surprise. Michaels collapsed to his knees.
         The book was empty. The cut in outline of the weapon remained. "Like I said, you've been nothing but a pawn in this game." James said. He drew closer and shadowed over him. " Your were so convenient for the Big Five. Your aspirations for power didn't go unnoticed."
         "Please…tell me how you did this…" Michaels said. He was helpless.
         " If it will soothe you then I will tell you. The small time bosses you had me take out, were big money collectors heavily aligned with one of the Five. You thought of taking them out to gain control of his territory to help fund you in your planned rise to power. I was hired by another of the Five to be the one to get you along the way as the perfect cover for this take over without much inner struggle."
         "But the Five are all united as one alliance. Why would such an action have to be taken?"
         " Just because they are allies doesn't mean there isn't an internal power struggle for dominance. The alliance is used to maintain order and prevent this city from being thrown into utter chaos. The ties were held with the strongest of the Five and this was a blow to his accounts and a decent loss in income for him."
         Michaels looked down at the floor. It was over. He had nothing left now. He had become the pawn of an assassin and his client. "Kill me now you rabid dog. You too are just a pawn in this game. Don't think your untouchable and will not be used as an excuse."
         " I am just that very dog, that enjoys the kill, but its what I do and nothing else. You would have started a war that would have killed many people caught in the crossfire, I can't allow that. A fool to the very end is what you are."
         The pistol roared with a deafening bang. Michaels was shot in the head. A quick death. Silence crept into the room and left a heaviness in the air.


         The silence of the room was broken by the quiet the ringing of James' cell phone. James still stood there aiming is gun as if Michaels was still on his knees awaiting his death. The last words of the former boss stung into him. He knew the truth of it; he had been taught this a long time ago that came with a high cost, but why did the words of someone else saying it, effect him so? The phone continued to ring, bringing him back into reality. He grabbed the phone from his pant's pocket and answered it. He already knew who it was.
         " It's over," James said. " You can come in now." He ended the call right away, he needed no response.
         The loud steps of someone walking down the hallway ended at the door. With a moments hesitation they were opened.
         A man smaller than James stood before him. The man straightened his black tie of his gray suit, looking with displeasure at the body of the former Boss Michaels. "I finished my end of the contract. What will happen now will be left to higher ups. I don't know if I should thank you, or kill you James." The man said.
         "I say it's for the best that your brother is dead, Daniel." James replied, he fixed his long hair, brushing it back with his hands. " You knew it and I knew it. He would of gotten your whole family wiped out if he continued on that path. He underestimated the power of  The Five and paid for it in kind."
         "Its typical of you to say something like that. You don't have live with the fact you had betrayed one your own blood.  My father must be turning in his grave."
         " You're the new boss of the Michaels family and now in alliance with The Five. A road to power lies there, but never betray them. It is harsh lesson to learn. It's probably for the best that I leave now. I need to report back to Boss Davis.
         " It is best you get going, but first change your clothes. The fake blood will make people suspicious. I will have one of my servants bring you a fresh suit and your weapons will be returned to you as well."
"One more thing, stop by here again sometime. I owe to it you that my family my syndicate are still around and will with some luck stay around much longer."
         James walked out of the library. Heading down the long hallway. " It was nothing. I was nearly thinking for the Big Five and had acted accordingly."
         " Just remember that I owe you owe one."
         Daniel watched James turn and leave the hallway. He turned back to his brother's dead body. He lowered his head as an act of respect towards him. "Brother, forgive me" Daniel said. He turned and walked out of the library. He informed a maid to fetch one of his brother's suits and to return his possessions.


         The water that rushed through the bathroom sink washed away the blood on James hands. He looked into the mirror and stared at his reflection. He hadn't slept in days. The nights grew longer and his own mind was torn apart by regret of his past. He wondered how much more he could take. The contracts he was getting were harder and harder to complete. It was his job to kill. For the sake of money and the will of the man who owned him.
         " I should have taken the offer to the stay the night here" James thought.
         Turning himself away from the mirror, he grabbed the fresh black suit the maid had provided. His weapons were in a box beside it on the counter. The new suit felt nice and fit perfectly. He wondered if this was Daniel's brother's suit, but it didn't matter. James grabbed from the box, his custom fitted Beretta, with its shoulder holster. He strapped it on and placed the pistol and spare ammo clips. Last in the box was a silencer. He never needed it tonight. No one was going to come running to save Daniel's brother. He placed it in his pant's pocket. From his bloody clothes he grabbed a pack of cigarettes, car keys, his wallet and his lighter.  The gun he used to kill the former Boss Michaels was left on the bathroom counter. He had no need for it anymore and it should be returned to Daniel. James took one more look at his reflection in the mirror. He was disgusted with himself for what he had become.
         He couldn't change the past, but it sure as hell changed him.


         He finally was able to leave the mansion and the night behind him. It must have been at least midnight before he finished the contract. The rain outside seemed to pour directly on top of him. Casting a shadow of dreariness upon him. James couldn't help notice this as reflection of he felt in side. It made him laugh. He was probably going off the edge, bit by bit, but couldn't be helped. He made his way down a long series of stairs that led to his way out. He stopped as he reached the Mansion's driveway. Someone was waiting for him.
         James couldn't make out the figure in the darkness. The lights of the mansion were far and out of the way. Coldness went up his spine as the figure had its eyes upon him. " I'm surprised it's taken you this long… James" the figure said. It was the voice of  a woman. The light taunting voice he knew too well.  She was an assassin like him, but much more deadly in the methods she used. James despised her in every way.
         "Why are you out here  Susannah Miles?" James said. He stood still as she walked towards him. Her face was revealed as she drew closer to James. Standing close to him as if to kiss or hug him wearing a long red dress to go with her slender body. James didn't stand back. Her eyes were that of a predator, her true nature revealed in pale blue void of her eyes.
         "You took long, James, Far too long for someone as you. This should have been done weeks ago, the Boss had grown worried." She said with a smile.
         "He knew that I helped establish an alliance with this family and weeded out the only traitor. I followed everything accordingly."
         She laughed and placed a gentle hand on his face and looked at him sternly. She was succubus to him. She only takes pleasure in that of flesh and murder of others. James gave a look of disgust. He had wanted to be rid of her since he first met her years ago.
         She lifted her hand and laughed . " Your so childish, James. You look at me with such displeasure. Anyways… The Boss merely was thinking of you and worried about a double cross. I came to make sure everything had gone accordingly and deal with any problems that would come up, your new friend seems easily deceived."
         "You're just looking for some fun you sadistic bitch." James felt a long line on his left cheek open with pain.  He didn't catch the sudden movement of the cut by her fingers. Quick and full of deceptive grace. The blood slithered out from the wound. He placed his hand over it with a smile. " That gets you every time. I thought you liked being called that, but many men don't seem to catch on till it's too late."
         She pushed him aside with boiled hate and walked up the stairs. James gave a sigh of relief  as she came out of sight. A small cut was worth getting her out of his way. She loved toying with him in her ways of seduction and deception. He tolerated neither and knew if he fell for those tricks, he would end up the same as every man who became a target of her. Susannah was one sadistic bitch best left alone.
         James headed to his cheap Chevy, nothing special. His money went to other things needed for his job. Getting in he thought of Daniel. He knew that Daniel would be saved the trouble of fighting of such a woman with fire of rage into her eyes.
         Taking off into the night he lit a cigarette. Breathing it in slowly letting the smoke stay inside, calming him down and deterring himself from his own inner turmoil. It was time to meet his boss. One of the Five.
© Copyright 2007 Rogue Gunslinger (the.gunslinger at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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