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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1260321
look what happens when the main char jessy lets go of his emotions.
As he walked into the large ballroom the beat of the song was felt throughout Jessy's body.  It went straight from his feet up six feet to the top of his head that was layered with brown hair.  "DAMN! that song make me feel good what about you?"  Jessy said to his girlfriend standing next to him. the five six girl named Emily said in reply "oh shut up, i don't want to hear your voice right now" Jessy guess he had somehow pissed her off but he really didn't mind her, all he could think about was how much fun he was going to have tonight at prom.  A few hours passed by and jessy had not seen Emily in a while so he went looking for her.  soon after he found her crying in a corner of the room.  He bent down to ask her what was wrong she violently replied "fuck off, i never want to see your fucking face again!"  and with that she ran off.  Jessy had no clue what he had done and being a guy he knew he never would so even though he truly loved Emily he let her go and bottled up the pain. as he always did with everyone he loved that left him.  so he went back to his friends and began to have fun again but each step he took he thought of Emily.
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