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Rated: E · Poetry · Emotional · #1320648
2 free form poetry written many years ago

I am alone.
Surrounded by all and yet so alone.
As the lone wolf, abandoned from the pack
Stalks through the forest of life,
It's lean grey form searching.
And I see myself as that magestic beast
Abandoned by the world, stalking the earth
In search of something.
Or someone.
Something or someone who loves me
Accepts me and is there
To comfort me.
However, I like that lone hunter,
Work best alone. Live best alone. Wish to be ALONE.
To have no-one that can hurt by me
No-one who would hate or judge me
Fore my actions, beliefs or thoughts.
But both I and that lone predator
Have something, totaly unknown and unidentifiable
That compels us to try and find
To search
For the pack that we can call our own.
It is the basic desire of everything,
That can not be quelled, no matter how much we love
Or crave lonelyness.
Lonelyness is that ultimate paradox.

Wolf Pack

Death to the lone wolf
The wolf pack lives
I have found what I truly crave
What I truly need, the need of my heart.
A pack, who do not hate, judge or condem me
A pack that loves me
A pack that will never leave me.
This is what I've been searching for
No longer do I hunt the forest alone
For my brothers and sisters of the pack hunt too.
That pack the comforts me and accepts me
The wolf pack that lets me hunt alone
When the lone wolf must run and hunt
Yet are there to welcome me back to the pack.
So i cry death to the lone wolf
Die and wait to be awaken when the pack must be left behind.
For your death is not final, as the wolf
Must at times run free to find that sense of
Run free to start your own pack
But until thaqt day, die peacefully lone wolf.
So lookout world.  Lookout forest of life.
For the wolf pack hunts tonight.
I hunt tonight.
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