Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1325364-A-Simple-Seed
Rated: · Prose · Other · #1325364
A poem written when a trhead ofhope appeared in my life during a rough time
Deep inside
a simple seed
lurks, struggling,
wanting to grow,
to burst and bloom.

But fear...
an ugly wall,
twisted and warped,
tarnished and solid,
blocks its path.

stubborness by far,
this simple seed,
yearns to grow,
to become so much more.

Inch by inch,
this simple seed,
gladly seeks,
the cracks in the wall,
breaking past the misery.

But deep inside,
this simple seed,
calls out to me,
how I long to embrace it,
to believe it can be true.

But the fear ...
a heavy weight to lift,
settles and descends,
threatening to squash,
all that could be.

Should I grasb,
this simple seed,
allowing it to be,
to grow
and course through my viens?

But I don't know,
Don't know how
to trust it,
to believe it,
to accept it.

Could this be
the break in the clouds,
the chance I dreamed of,
the possiblities of more,
this simple seed?
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