Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1365641-Freshman-Unsure
Rated: E · Poetry · Death · #1365641
This poem was loved by everyone I had read it... and I hope you like it too.
I am a freshman unsure
Of what high school will bring
Happy moments
Or terrible things.

Friends gather
And get into trouble
But when something goes wrong
The consequence is double.

Seems to me
That things could be worse
People fighting
And children curse.

Why is it
That everyone acts cruel?
How would they answer?
Would they blame school?

You turn on the TV
And see a school shooting
Most people are sad
But some start rooting.

The next day comes
No one in the hall
Not jocks, friends, nerds
No one at all.

Walking fast
You hear footsteps
Faster still
As the person crepts.

Making believe
No one's there
You keep running
But still feel the scare.

You step into a room
Thought to be empty with no one
You turn around
Greeted by a gun.

It's your best friend
Threatening to fire
She's screaming at you
Calling you a liar.

You're screaming back
WIth tears in your eyes
Your heart's beating fast
It can't handle the surprise.

You're trying to explain
Why it was done
But nothing is working
She won't move the gun.

"I thought you were my friend,"
She's screaming in your face
"Why would you do that?
Why that exact place?"

"I didn't want to do it.
He made me go with him.
You have to believe me.
I didn't want to go with them."

"You're lying to me!"
She has you against the door
And you' re crying so hard you can't see
"And I won't take it anymore!"

You're heart is racing
You know this is the end
Why would it come to this?
Being killed by you're best friend.

Her hand is steady
The gun against your head
The trigger is pulled
You fall to the floor dead.

Your friend holds the gun
"What did I do?"
She bends down and sobs
"I can't believe I killed you."

Now she's crying more
And holds the gun to her head
"I'm so sorry."
And shot herself dead.

The police came
And saw the girls there
The sight of how sad they looked
Was to much for people to bare.
© Copyright 2007 wondering_teen11 (wonder_teen at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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