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Rated: ASR · Other · Sci-fi · #1385504
A poetic short story. Influenced by Edgar Allen Poe

Making my way home on a cold November evening, I shrug my shoulders to my ears to stop them from stinging. Daydreaming about finally arriving at my destination, so I can replenish my buzz this cold was replacing. Reach the stoop, try at get the keys in the lock, hands shaken like a feen  who’s on his last rock. Shoulder the door open and a fridged rush hits my face, thinking Im going to choke the slum lord, that’s why theres no heat in this place. When I stepped through my entry amazed at the sight, a man standing in my living room over seven feet in height. Lights behind the window, illuminating his features. On either side of him attentively sat two ominous creatures. The size of tigers, but mussels like pits, with six-inch fangs protrudes from their lips. . Resembling dogs, but I don’t know I’m not sure, both were identical and branded on there torsos  the word war. When the gentleman spoke words never crossed air, his mouth never moved but in my thoughts they appear. Hearing his voice but originating in my head, in an extremely stern tone, heres what he said. ”Do you know who I am, here let me show you” he took two steps forward to bring his face into view. What happened next, scared me too death, his face turned into thousands, stealing the air from my chest. Black White Asian men of all kinds, all of there faces evil, or that’s how it felt in my mind. ”I am nothing and everything, I am real I am not, I am how you dream evil, and that is precisely what I brought”. ”I am the reason for famine and death on this earth .I am the father of men like Adolph who I raise from there birth”. Pinch my self under my coat in hopes at awake, and pondering the Louiville by the door, but afraid it would break. Cause I told you already stood over seven feet,  and weighing in about 350 and those animals weren’t sheep. And I was pretty well sure this mans not the savor, I guess I got that from his tone and cruel type behavior.” Here is your mission “reached his hand with a list and disappeared with a laugh as he turned into mist.
      Woke up in my bed, this was just a bad dream, peep over at my nightstand and turned me three shades of green. Sitting up on my bed staring in absolute fear, began sweating bullets as I reached my hand near. The list not on loose leaf, but in form of a scroll, frantically crumpled it into a ball, and then watched it reroll. There writing in text only few have ever seen, resembling hieroglyphics forged through blood  pain and screams. Struggle to remember what happened last night, I close my eyes to envision, rely on third eye for sight
  Struggle to remember  the events of the evening, and squint at the text unable ta read but intriguing. Give my self a break I sit down on my chair, and play with the thought  ta turn a blunt into air. So reach for my remote turn on the news, and recollect were my blunts are , as I sit there confused. On my way ta my coat ta search through my pockets. See the newsman on air, at the church were my block sits. Reporting a murder of well-known priest, was the cornerstone of my neighborhood, would help the gangs come to peace. Reach in my pockets with eyes glued ta the TV; pull my hand out of my coat with  a bloody rosary.
      Were did this come from, how did I acquire? Get a flash of the man with the list, didn’t disappear into mist disappeared into fire. He left this! Should I call the police? There’s no way they’d believe me, think I’m lieing through my teeth. Sit back in my chair and consider my fate, I know I couldn’t have done this; I don’t posses that much hate. The news still running and reports another murder, with the grimmest of details that are sure to disturb ya. The story about a women who was robbed of a child, not just by a kidnapping, but  much, much more vile. See the baby wasn’t only taken by the hands of a killer, but taken from the woman while the baby still in her. They couldn’t show the pictures but they described the whole setting. The police believe the murders linked, or at least that’s what there betting. 
      Not understanding or knowing what to do, I reach again for the list, and bring it close into view. And there on the list, with the text earlier I couldn’t conceive, I try once again to give it a read. Unroll the scroll and there on the list, the hieroglyphics turn to sentences, and here was the gist.” Terminate father Danniels and bring me his beads, and murder the single mother, eight months after she conceives. And bring me the baby that was birth from there sin, deliver me the child so I may raise as my kin”. Memories flashing back of the man and his beasts, his words come flooding back, we spoke of the deseist. Heres what I remember the way it was explained,”The child I seek must be birthed into pain. And must be conceived by sacrilege created by shame”. Now I’m understanding the parents of this child, were father Danniels and the woman in the eyes of the church would be vile. For whatever reason it began to make sense, this child would be the son of Satan, because of these events. Just as I’m realizing and these events became clear, my living room turned to fire and again he appeared.
      The heat warms my face, and sent a chill down my spine. I had the feeling of relief and fear, all at the same time. Like a true proud father he stood and cradled this boy. A once expressionless face now seemed to read joy. I know who you are, now what have you done. “I have done nothing, you see, you are the one. You have brought me my asking, you have done my will. You see you too were raised by me, and prepared for this kill. For I once  believed it were you, ta be the air to my throne. That you would rule my kingdom and hell be your home. But you prayed to a god of kindness and compassion, the stronger you grew my plans start collapsing. So to earth I retuned you, for heaven you can’t go.  Made you promise me this favor, in exchange for your soul. For you completed your mission, your task now is done. This child will replace you, he will be the one.” No fuck that I’ll trade ya back, you can keep my soul, we can rebuild the plans I collapsed. Spare the child and his innocents within, the devil shook his head and said with a grin.” You see you completed this task, and through that your god was forsaken, and now the child, and your soul are mine for the taken. So now you will remain on earth long after your old, when my son returns for the apocalypse, and my dreams will unfold. So thank you Sean mainly for your idiocy .I leave you stuck to this earth like a disease malignancy. And now I must return to properly prepare my sons throne. Enjoy everyday with the fear of the unknown.” Again the man beast and child disappeared into fire, left me sitting in my living room ta kill him my desire. Under the understanding you can’t kill what is dead, so I turned the gun on myself one round at the head. BANG
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