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Rated: · Novel · Other · #1403519
a story of a woman coming to america
milagros paniagua was content with her bustling life in mexico city. she and her family lived in an appartment that was just large enough for two people. it was a little crowded, but it was well kept and welcoming. there were two bed rooms adjacent from each other, one slightly larger than the other. she shared the larger bed room with her younger brother. their room was set up such that one side was dedicated to her and the other dedicated to her brother. milagros had chosen the side nearest the window. on her dresser sat hair brushes with strands of golden brown hair still in the bristles and the few perfumes she had gotten as presents. her brother's side was completely destroyed. there were school books everywhere and clothes littlered the floor. his bed was never made and on the nightstand there were cups and bowls that have been there for weeks. model planes hung from the ceiling by fishing line which added to the already chaotic appearance of his side. her step mothers room was very bare. there was a bed, a dresser and one picture of her father and step mother on their wedding day. across the bedrooms laid a kitchen and the one bathroom that her family shared. straight down the hall from the front door was another set of doors that led to a terrace. on the terrace of the 5th floor apartment where her step mother lived was a white round table with 3 chairs set up around it. her job every morning was to prepare breakfast for her younger brother enrico before he goes to school. this morning, like every morning, she walked to the terrace window and stared out at her city and marveled at how quickly people seemed to move. her eyes drifted to the mansion across the street and imagined what it would be like to live in such a place. once she was finished with her day dream, she pushed herself off the raling and continued to the kitchen where she woul labor over a stove for her brother.
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