Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1508182-A-Christmas-Visit
Rated: E · Poetry · Holiday · #1508182
A very unusual Christmas visitor graces my house.
One dark and snowy Christmas
While everyone was still in pajama
A dissonance was heard over head
It sounded as if a landing of a sled

Not a one of us moved, could it be
Had Santa Claus come to see
Would he take away the presents
No, he would never cause such torment

Closer he comes, and then appears
I've lost my way home he tears
The storm is too much for my sled and reindeer
May we stay out the storm with thee dears

The storm caught me by surprise
I've already called the misses and apologized
I'm sorry for the imposition and thank you
I cannot believe we're stuck in Kalamazoo

Never before have I not made it home
But I lost my way somewhere over the superdome
What a strange Christmas this is for us all
You must remember not to tell or call
Anyone about my visit please
Would not be fair to tease

For I am not to be seen
To tell anyone would be quite mean
Believing is seeing and seeing is believing
That and most people would be quite unbelieving

He stayed the night through
Off he went the morning next and he flew
He missed his misses dearly he told me
For upon his return he planned a jubilee

That Christmas was most exciting and unusual
Much more fun by far then, the usual
Believe me or not I don't care which
I know what happened and that's no glitch

© Copyright 2008 Amhra Achsal (jesigracemarie at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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