Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1608278-Scarred-Hearts-Bleed-Hesitance
Rated: E · Poetry · Other · #1608278
But not this time. (Triolet Formations)
A simple babe of a mere nineteen;
She knows her heart and knows her mind.
Her eyes are bright, her smile keen;
A simple babe of a mere nineteen.
She avoids the ‘relationship’ scene,
Yet she finds that boy, their hearts entwined.
A simple babe of a mere nineteen;
She knows her heart and knows her mind.

A man who’s never had lasting joy;
Everything he’s had has been torn away.
The loneliness never ceases to annoy
A man who’s never had lasting joy.
He’s a tender man who looks the boy,
And she’s the girl who stole his heart away.
A man who’s never had lasting joy;
Everything he’s had has been torn away.

Bound by deeply rooted ties,
Their love finds a way.
Devoid of secrets, hurt, and lies;
Bound by deeply rooted ties.
Of two scarred hearts, neither shies;
Hands laced, uncertainty they’ll slay.
Bound by deeply rooted ties,
Their love finds a way.
© Copyright 2009 Renee True: Shadow Queen (true-romantic at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1608278-Scarred-Hearts-Bleed-Hesitance