Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1676502-Unknown
by Melody
Rated: · Chapter · Other · #1676502
Adam and Molly have been friends forever but something is threatening to break them apart.
"Adam, please!" Pushing through the green, ever expanding brush I ran for my life. "Come back! Come back!" I screamed at the top of my lungs but for no use. I knew he wasn't coming back. I sat down now covered with scratches and bruises started to cry. I thought back to how this all happened and began to softly weep. Lying down now on the cool moist ground, I looked up at the endless sky and forced myself to think about all that had happened.

_________ earlier...

I sat down at the table in the kitchen and began to scarf down the toast that was passed to me. "Molly! Calm down honey, you're going to choke!" Apparently my mother had forgotten what day it was. Was she serious? I don't know but I knew for sure that nothing was going to slow me down today. "Alright, Mom." I picked up my bag that was hanging on my chair and burst out of the room. "Good luck honey!" She had called after me but I couldn't even hear. I was sprinting towards the bus stop with the bus rounding the corner about to get there. If I wasn't standing there within 30 seconds Lucinda would pass right on by me without even thinking twice about it. I luckily made it and stumbled nervously onto the bus. Looking for an open seat I found one right next to one of my good friends Amy. "Molly! How are you?" She asked politely while giving me a hug. "Hi Ams! I'm okay. How about you?" We talked until we reached the school and found our other friends. We all walked into the school but soon split up to our lockers. I opened my locker and reached in for my books. Wow I haven't been here in a while I though brushing the dust off some of my books. It was the first day of 10th grade after summer vacation. I closed my locker without looking and immediately bumped into something hard. My face began to burn as I realized who it was that I bumped into. It was Adam Buckley. He laughed. "Hey there clumsy!" he said smiling and pulling me in for a goofy hug. "Hey A." I replied trying to be as cool as I could. Adam and I had been friends forever. He always made joking fun of me for trying too hard to be cool but I couldn't care less. Handing my books to me he said "You okay?". I snatched them back saying "No, I think you possibly cracked my head open. Of course I'm okay you idiot!". I was joking and he obviously took it that way saying "Aww man I needed u to get hurt so I could take you to the nurse! I didn't do my reading assignment for first period!". "Sooo sorry!" I slugged him in the arm. We laughed and walked to first.

BRRRIING! "Don't forget to do your worksheets for class tomorrow if you didn't finish!" I grabbed Adam and pulled him into the hallway. "Did you see her mole pulsing?" I asked him laughing. "Really! Oh god how did I miss that?" he smiled and then made one of the weirdest faces ever. I started laughing until I realized what he was looking at. No, WHO he was looking at. It was Joey. Of course, now here we go. "Oh god I hate that guy." Adam said to me with a grimace on his face. "Just forget about it." That was the wrong thing to say. "How am I supposed to forget about him Molly? He took almost killed you! But you won't let me tell anybody about it! It's not fair! I don't want him hurting you again! How do you know I'll just be around to save you next time?" Why? Why did stupid Joey have to come in here? "Come on lets just get to class okay?" "Fine." Adam replied with a disgusted expression.

TO BE CONTINUED.............
© Copyright 2010 Melody (secretauthor2 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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