Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1695569-Royal-Love-Chapter-One
Rated: 18+ · Novel · Adult · #1695569
Urban Romance on unexpected love; how we give in to it and how we fight to keep it.
Chapter 1

         “Did you see who’s in the waiting area? Three words…OH MY GOD!”
         Sasha Dixon jumped as if she’d been hit with a thousand volts. Scattering her notes and dropping her pen onto the desk and scurrying after it as it rolled toward the edge. Letting out a huge sigh and then looking slanted eyed at her assistant, giving a fake smile to hide her annoyance. “Good morning, Crystal and no I didn’t see. Who is it?”
         “Well you ought to. Trust when I say your teeth will hurt from the eye candy.” Picking up the papers she shuffled them and handed them to Sasha. “Lark Royal... I hear he’s single too.” she whispered.
         Sasha frowned as she stacked the papers in her arms on the desk top. “Don’t go getting any ideas. I’m not on the market and the last time you tried to set me up I had to get a restraining order.”                                                  Crystal laughed and then muffled her sounds by putting her hand over her mouth. She tapped Sasha on the shoulder as she pointed to two gentlemen approaching. “Ooh there he is.”
         Sasha slowly turned to look to her right and saw Grant Thomas, her partner whom she co-owned the Parker House refuge for teens, walking down the hall accompanied by a tall, bronze colored God. He was extremely handsome and walked with confidence. He had a wide smile on his face as he spoke to everyone he passed by and was introduced to. Sasha licked her lips and imagined what his body looked like under the grey silk suit jacket and matching pants he wore.
         “Damn he’s fine.” Crystal said, breaking Sasha’s daydream and jolting her back to reality.
         Sasha shook her head and chided herself for thinking the things she was thinking about him. “You should get back to work. We have plenty of kids needing attention you know.” Sasha told Crystal as she tried to divert her attention from foaming over the man.
         Crystal stared her in the eyes. “Don’t tell me you don’t find him the least bit attractive. I know it’s been a while. You better stop holding out. Stop punishing yourself for those losers you dated in the past.”
         “Give it a rest.” Sasha hadn’t had a serious relationship in five years since she broke off her engagement to Robert after finding out that she wasn’t the only one he was engaged to. She had dated casually a few times but nothing serious came of them. She had decided she was better off not getting too close again. Her heart couldn’t take it. “I told you I’m not on the market…”
         “Hush, here he comes.” Crystal interrupted in a whisper as she straightened her back pushing her breast out as much as she could possibly push the B cups. She plastered a smile across her face as the men approached.
         “Good morning ladies. I’d like for you to meet our newest donor Mr. Lark Royal of Royal Enterprises.” Grant introduced. “This is Ms. Patterson,” he said as he introduced Crystal. Grant stepped aside and allowed Lark to shake Crystal’s hand. Up close he was even more handsome. His skin was dark, rich with reddish undertones. His skin appeared smooth and underneath the clean shave, you could see wear a full beard and mustache once was. Crystal smiled and shook his hand and welcomed him to Parker House. He returned the smile in appreciation.
“And this is my partner Ms. Dixon. You will be meeting with her about your donation to our programs.” referring to Sasha.
         Sasha smiled slightly daring to make eye contact knowing that once she did she would immediately be drawn in by his overwhelming sexiness. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
         “The pleasure is mine Ms. Dixon.” His voice was like butter, smooth and creamy.
         Sasha made the mistake of looking into his eyes and immediately felt the fire. She looked down and noticed that he was still holding her hand. She pulled back, feeling her cheeks turn hot from embarrassment.
         “Well I better get going, there is plenty I need to do. I will leave you in the hands of Ms. Dixon and thank you so much for choosing our programs to give to.” Grant said and shook Lark’s hand as he nodded in gratitude.
         “Oh, sure, if you would kindly have a seat in my office I will be just a minute.” Sasha directed as Lark did as instructed.
Crystal turned to Sasha and gave her a smirk grin and folded her arms. “I thought you were off the market.”
         “Um, I am.”
         “Well, you better tell that to Mr. Royal because he’s assessing your fair market value.”
         “What? You’re crazy.”
         “Crazy I may be but blind I am not. You two have a thing going on. Mark my words.”
         Sasha just shook her head as Crystal gathered her files from the cabinet and hollered after a girl who ran by scantily dressed.
         Sasha let her friends words resonate in her mind. A thing going on? Yeah right. Sasha was sure the young eligible bachelor was no different from the others. Sure that someone like that would have half a dozen women whom he alternated each week for dates. Sasha was not interested in being in the rotation.
         Sasha entered the office with a big smile, noticing Lark looking at her plaques and awards on the walls. “Mr. Royal. I’m glad to hear about your donation but I’d like to also talk to you more about our programs here…”
         “Please call me Lark.” he interrupted as he turned and waited for her to sit before taking a seat.
         Sasha glanced up at him, his brilliant smile lighting his face. “Well, Lark it is.”
         “On behalf of Royal Enterprises, this donation is being presented personally due to the great impact the Parker House has on the community. A community in which Royal Enterprises also believes in giving back to.” He handed Sasha a check and smiled. Her eyes grew wide as saucers and she immediately had a loss for words.
         “Mr. Royal, um, Lark. This is a very generous donation, but is this all that you and your company are willing to give?”
         Lark didn’t understand her question. He saw the concern in her eyes. “Is this amount not enough?” Lark asked as he crossed the room and sat on the plush sofa and crossed one leg over the other.
         “It’s not the money. Sure our programs could use funding. Sure our kids will benefit from the things that the money will bring to them and to Parker House, but what happens after the check clears? Are these kids just a total of the dollars and cents your company can give?”  Sasha knew from the way Lark shifted in his seat that she had struck a nerve. She didn’t want to come off ungrateful, but the kids at Parker House were dear to her and they deserved more than a check.
         Lark uncrossed his legs and leaned forward to look at Sasha directly with concern in his eyes. “I’m not sure what you’re getting at here. What exactly are you asking of me?”          
         “We have many teens here, some who have no real adult guidance, some with no mother or father; no one to show a real interest. For many of these kids, Parker House is all they have. No amount of money can give a child the love and attention that’s needed. We have plenty of mentoring programs. Besides your monetary donation, are you willing to give of your time?” Sasha felt herself getting upset. She was very passionate about the Parker House and the children it helps.
         “With all due respect, you say that as if I don’t already give my time.” said Lark suddenly feeling defensive. “You make that statement as if you know all about me. I may not donate my time to your programs here at Parker house and maybe I can change that, but rest assured, my time is divided among many charities in the community, not just my money.”
         Lark was sure that his reputation as the spoiled youngest heir to one of the most lucrative diamond empires in the country had preceded him. Yes, he was a jet setter, a playboy in his own right. He did throw money around frivolously at times but that is what media saw. The real Lark Royal was a serious business man, in the boardroom and out. He gave to many charities, not only as the representative of his family’s company but on his own accord. He was on the board of the Boys and Girls Club, mentoring to young boys, volunteering at holidays and summer camps, coaching little league and being a spokesperson for illiteracy. Lark wanted to say all of those things but felt he didn’t need to prove himself, not yet.
         “I admit I don’t know all about you, and I apologize for coming off pre-judgmental.” Sasha began. She adjusted seating, crossing her legs and placing her hands across her knees, feeling a bit uncomfortable as she could feel Lark’s dark eyes boring right through her soul. “It’s just that I am very passionate about our programs and the kids we serve. I’ve seen many men like you come in and drop off a check thinking that they have fulfilled their duty to the community and we never see them again.”
         Lark Royal knew instantly that Sasha Dixon was different. Many of the women he’d dated all were shallow and came across too strong. Told him exactly where they stood…on his bank account. Lark didn’t know what it was, but he knew it was different. She was not only beautiful but the way she blushed from him holding her hand made his heart race. He chided himself afterwards for holding on to her hand so long. But when she looked up at him and he saw the warmth in her eyes, she was mesmerizing.
         “I understand your passion. And you are correct. Along with that check should come some dedication of my time. I plan to do that.” Lark said, the corners of his mouth slowly lifting into a smile.
         Sasha was caught off guard. She hadn’t expected Lark to concede so easily. “Well that’s good to hear. If you have time I’d like to give you a tour of the facility.” Lark followed Sasha, watching her full and curvaceous hips swaying with every step.
After about and hour of the tour, Lark and Sasha ended at the waiting area near the front entrance. “I appreciate you taking the time here today.” Sasha thanked.
         “I enjoyed the tour and the information on your programs. I am truly impressed.” Lark responded as he looked Sasha directly in her eyes.
         Sasha’s gaze met his and she could feel the heat rising within her. “Good.”
         “I was wondering if you’d be kind enough to join me for dinner maybe. It would give us more time to talk about the programs and how you think I would better serve as a volunteer.” Lark studied her expression. She fidgeted slightly. Her facial features were soft, skin clear and smooth, inviting his hand to touch it.  Her skin tone was coffee with cream. She wore very little make up. Her natural beauty was impeccable. Her eyes were light brown which played off the honey colored streaks in her hair that she wore pinned back with wisps of hair lining her face.
         “Look, if you’re asking me for a date. I don’t date. But I do thank you for the offer, maybe another time.” With that Sasha gave a half smile. “As for volunteering if you could speak to my assistant Crystal before you leave, she’d be glad to give you information on the areas where we need volunteers.”
         She doesn’t date. Ok I see this is going to be difficult. He thought. But he was up for the challenge.
         Lark didn’t know what he was doing and why he’d come on to this woman this way. All he knew was that he felt her right away. Something about her…something that when you know you found that someone, you just know. Lark was certain that he’d truly done that. He’d found his future wife.

© Copyright 2010 Misha McK (tmck01 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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