Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1904428-Syzygy-of-Eros-and-Suffering
Rated: 13+ · Poetry · Emotional · #1904428
A poem about unrequited infatuation
If ever I should have only
Your hair, eyes and blood
I wouldn't have all of you
But enough to satisfy my basic desires

I see myself in a delirious reverie
planting these mementos of you
To grow trees in you honor
I will name the trees after stars and gemstone
Then harvest the fruit of apples
        Slightly resembling the ones
I wish to see mirrored in your looking glass irises
I take the branches and twigs of these trees
And burn them in a funeral pyre of my sanity
All the while the harsh smoke fills my sight
    I have blurred vision
        and from this distance
          I see a silhouette
That is either Venus in a straight jacket
and razorwire noose
Or it is mania in a wedding dress
With her bouquet of tulips and lithium... Either way
She is immaculate beauty who's only parallel
are the dancing flames
Growing hotter every minute
      Red hot!
        White hot!
      Helium flash heat!
Set off by sparks of kindness
Falling on a turpentine trail of infatuated passion
And leading straight to my ignited and engulfed disposition
I feel my heart beat faster yet
As though some Nova D'Amore
Might burst within my chest and paint the walls
In fantastic vermilion portraits
Expressing my feelings more truely
Than any words I have struggled
To organize into coherent sentences thus far 

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