Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2049292-yayayayaaaa-beenis-n-quakquak
Rated: GC · Draft · Erotica · #2049292
????????//////////HIGHSCHOOL LOCKER ROOM BLOWJOBS :)):):):)

One shot thingyyyyyyyyyyy ok here we go sorry ?

The whistle goes off, about 5 swimmers dive into the pool. Quake is on the far right side of the pool, next to another good swimmer. Beenis creeps into the pools locker room, making sure not to be caught by a teacher or another student. He plonks down on one of the benches and pulls out his Nintendo DS, starting up AC:WW.

As Quake swims, he feels like he couldn't be more free, even though he's in a pool. There was just something about the water that he loved. He took up surfing as a hobby a short while ago, he would spend any time he could out in the ocean.

For a moment he completely forgets he's swimming, quickly coming up for air and accidentally swallowing a bit of water, coughing as he reaches the surface.

"Aye Quake! You 'right there buddy?" Quake looks around trying to see who said that, a boy ducking under the lane separator and a hand grabbing Quakes shoulder, holding him straight. "Dude, it's okay, it's just me. Clouden." The boy helps quake get his footing. "Forgot you were swimming again, didn't you?" he asks. "Yeah, I know it's stupid. I just get lost in thought, it's weird." Quake replies. The whistle goes off again and the coach calls out that it's the end of the session. "Pfft, you've gotta start concentrating better. You can't just nearly drown yourself every time you swim." Clouden laughs. "Anyways, I gotta go. I'll see you around, later at break maybe. Seeya!" The boy ducks back under the lane separator and waves to Quake as he gets out the pool.

Beenis looks up as swimmers come into the locker room to change. He saves his game and turns off his DS, sitting up straight and waiting for Quake to come in. After a few minutes of getting called a pervert, Beenis sees Quake finally come into the locker room. He gets up and almost jumps on Quake. "Quaaake, what took you so long? You didn't give the coach another blowy did ya?" Beenis earns a few looks from some of the other boys in the room, he smirks and winks at them.

"Are you kidding me? Why the fuck would you say something like that? In front of like, what? 10 people?" Quake mumbles to Beenis. "Chillax, it's no big deal. Everyone already knows I'm a huge slut and that I do what I want." Beenis ruffles Quakes hair as he replies, Quake slaps his hand away. "I never gave the coach a blowjob and, honestly, if I did I'd take a lot longer than that. Anyways, can you not just blurt shit out about me?"

"Y'know, maybe you could give a coach a blowy..." Beenis smirks and raises an eyebrow at Quake. "Fuck off, I'm not sucking your dick-" He's cut off by Beenis placing a finger over his lips. "Uh-uh. Yes you are, get on your knees, sweet cheeks." Quake looks away from Beenis, considering whether to just get it done and over with or to do it somewhere more private. "Are you really going to make me suck your dick here? In front of everyone?" he tries to make Beenis feel uncomfortable, but fails. "Do ya really think I care about them, Quake? Hurry up, you don't wanna make coach wait too long do ya?"

"Fuck okay, fine. Fuck you." Quake rolls his eyes as he lowers himself to his knees. By now there's only 3 or 4 other people in the room, though, Quake is still a little self-conscious. Beenis unzips his jeans and slides his briefs down a bit to expose his cock. He looks down at Quake with a smirk and winks.

Quake take Beenis's dick into his mouth, lubing it up with his spit. He licks over the tip of Quakes length and massages it with his lips, staring up at Beenis as he does. He jerks Beenis off with one hand and rests his other on the shorter boys hip. Beenis bites his lip, breathing heavily and whimpering slightly.

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